#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use HTTP::Status;
use LWP::Simple;
use Unicode::Map;
my $emptyMap = 0;
my $numWarnings = 0;
my $numErrors = 0;
my %opt = ( );
main: {
_getOptions ( );
_mirror ( );
_summarizeResult ( );
exit $numErrors;
sub _getOptions {
GetOptions ( \%opt, "update" );
if ( !$opt{"update"} ) {
usage ( );
sub usage {
print <<EOF;
Usage: mirrorMappings --update [\@ids]
An utility for hardcore Unicode::Map perl developers.
It mirrors a collection of textual Unicode mapping files in order to create
binary mapping files. Mirrors the charsets for the ids specified. If none
specified the whole set mentioned in control file REGISTRY will be updated.
Can cause quite some net traffic!
exit 1;
sub _mirror ( ) {
$emptyMap = new Unicode::Map ( );
if ( @ARGV ) {
for ( @ARGV ) {
_mirrorOne ( $_ );
} else {
for ( sort $emptyMap->ids() ) {
_mirrorOne ( $_ );
sub _mirrorOne {
my ($id) = @_;
print "Processing \"$id\": ";
$id = $emptyMap -> id ( $_ );
my $srcURL = $emptyMap -> srcURL ( $id );
my $srcCopy = $emptyMap -> src ( $id );
if ( !$srcCopy ) {
print "Error!\n";
print "! No 'src:' entry for this charset in file 'REGISTRY'!\n";
if ( !_mkFilePath($srcCopy) ) {
print "Error!\n";
print "Couldn't create directory! ($!)\n";
if ( !$srcURL ) {
print "Warning!\n";
print <<EOF;
? No source URL for charset "$id"!
This indicates an error unless you added an charset source manually to
the control file "REGISTRY" and don't want to update it automatically!
my $existed = -e $srcCopy;
$^W = 0; # no warnings here
my $rc;
for ( 1..2 ) {
$rc = mirror ( $srcURL, $srcCopy );
# If a BAD_REQUEST occurs for stupid reasons try another time.
last unless $rc == RC_BAD_REQUEST;
$^W = 1;
if ( is_error($rc) ) {
my $msg = status_message ( $rc );
print "Error!\n";
print "! Couldn't mirror \"$srcURL\"! ($rc: $msg)\n";
if ( !$existed ) {
print "created \"$srcCopy\"\n";
} else {
if ( $rc==RC_NOT_MODIFIED ) {
print "is uptodate.\n";
} else {
print "updated.\n";
sub _summarizeResult {
if ( $numWarnings==0 && $numErrors==0 ) {
print "Ok. Everything went fine!\n";
} elsif ( $numErrors>0 ) {
my $msg;
$msg = "$numErrors error";
$msg .= "s" if $numErrors>1;
$msg .= ", $numWarnings warning" if $numWarnings>0;
$msg .= "s" if $numWarnings>1;
$msg .= ".";
print "Error! Encountered $msg\n";
} else {
my $msg;
$msg = "$numWarnings warning";
$msg .= "s" if $numWarnings>1;
$msg .= ".";
print "Warning! Possible trouble! $msg\n";
## Utilities
sub _mkFilePath {
my ( $filePath ) = @_;
my $file = substr ( $filePath, rindex($filePath,"/")+1 );
my $path = $filePath; $path =~ s/$file$//;
_mkPath ( $path );
sub _mkPath {
my ( $path ) = @_;
my $current = "";
for (grep {$_} split /\//, $path) {
$current .= "/$_";
if ( !-d $current ) {
if ( !_mkdir($current) ) {
return 0;
sub _mkdir {
my ( $path ) = @_;
if ( !-d $path ) {
if ( !mkdir ($path, 0777 ) ) {
return 0;