shell bypass 403
f# � � � d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ dd�Zdd�Z G d� dej � Z G d� d ej � Z G d
� dej � Z G d� d
eej � Z
G d� deej � Zd� Zy)a Python 'uu_codec' Codec - UU content transfer encoding.
This codec de/encodes from bytes to bytes.
Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg ( Some details were
adapted from which was written by Lance Ellinghouse and
modified by Jack Jansen and Fredrik Lundh.
� N)�BytesIOc � � |dk( sJ �t | � }t � }|j }|j }|j dd� }|j dd� } |d|dz |fz j d� � |d � }|r& |t j |� � |d � }|r�& |d
� |j � t | � fS )N�strict�
z\rzbegin %o %s
i� �ascii�- s
) r �read�write�replace�encode�binascii�b2a_uu�getvalue�len) �input�errors�filename�mode�infile�outfiler
r �chunks �;/usr/local/python-3.12/lib/python3.12/encodings/� uu_encoder s� � ��X����
�U�^�F��i�G��;�;�D��M�M�E� ����U�+�H�����U�+�H�
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|� } ||� �.|st d� �|j � t | � fS # t j $ r6}|d dz
dz d z dz d
z } t j
|d | � }Y d }~�ud }~ww xY w)Nr z"Missing "begin" line in input data� s begins end
r � �? � � zTruncated input data) r �readliner �
ValueErrorr �a2b_uu�Errorr r )
r r r r r"