shell bypass 403
f� � �N � d Z ddlmZ ddlmZmZ G d� dej � Zy)ztFixer that adds parentheses where they are required
This converts ``[x for x in 1, 2]`` to ``[x for x in (1, 2)]``.� )�
fixer_base)�LParen�RParenc � � e Zd ZdZdZd� Zy)�FixParenTa
atom< ('[' | '(')
(listmaker< any
'for' NAME 'in'
target=testlist_safe< any (',' any)+ [',']
testlist_gexp< any
'for' NAME 'in'
target=testlist_safe< any (',' any)+ [',']
(']' | ')') >
c � � |d }t � }|j |_ d|_ |j d|� |j t � � y )N�target� � )r �prefix�insert_child�append_childr )�self�node�resultsr �lparens �@/usr/local/python-3.12/lib/python3.12/lib2to3/fixes/� transformzFixParen.transform% sE � ���"������
����A�v�&����F�H�%� N)�__name__�
BM_compatible�PATTERNr � r r r r s � ��M��G�,&r r N)�__doc__r
r �
fixer_utilr r �BaseFixr r r r �<module>r s% ��C� � '� &�z�!�!� &r