shell bypass 403
%fx � �: � d Z ddlZddlZddlmZ G d� de� Zy)zImplementation of the DbDoc.� N� )�STRING_TYPESc �. � e Zd ZdZd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zy)�DbDocz�Represents a generic document in JSON format.
value (object): The value can be a JSON string or a dict.
ValueError: If ``value`` type is not a basestring or dict.
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|� | _ y t
dj t |� � � �)NzUnable to handle type: {0}) �
isinstance�dict�__dict__r �json�loads�
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�keys�r s r r z
DbDoc.keys5 s � ��}�}�!�!�#�#r c � � d| j vr+t j � j | j d<