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Exceptions and Warnings (:mod:`numpy.exceptions`)
General exceptions used by NumPy. Note that some exceptions may be module
specific, such as linear algebra errors.
.. versionadded:: NumPy 1.25
The exceptions module is new in NumPy 1.25. Older exceptions remain
available through the main NumPy namespace for compatibility.
.. currentmodule:: numpy.exceptions
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
ComplexWarning Given when converting complex to real.
VisibleDeprecationWarning Same as a DeprecationWarning, but more visible.
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
AxisError Given when an axis was invalid.
DTypePromotionError Given when no common dtype could be found.
TooHardError Error specific to `numpy.shares_memory`.
)�ComplexWarning�VisibleDeprecationWarning�ModuleDeprecationWarning�TooHardError� AxisError�DTypePromotionError�
_is_loadedz'Reloading numpy._globals is not allowedTc � � e Zd ZdZy)r z�
The warning raised when casting a complex dtype to a real dtype.
As implemented, casting a complex number to a real discards its imaginary
part, but this behavior may not be what the user actually wants.
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__� � �G/usr/local/python-3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/numpy/exceptions.pyr r / s � �� r r c � � e Zd ZdZy)r a� Module deprecation warning.
.. warning::
This warning should not be used, since nose testing is not relevant
The nose tester turns ordinary Deprecation warnings into test failures.
That makes it hard to deprecate whole modules, because they get
imported by default. So this is a special Deprecation warning that the
nose tester will let pass without making tests fail.
r r r r r : s � �r r c � � e Zd ZdZy)r z�Visible deprecation warning.
By default, python will not show deprecation warnings, so this class
can be used when a very visible warning is helpful, for example because
the usage is most likely a user bug.
r r r r r J s � �r r c � � e Zd ZdZy)r z�max_work was exceeded.
This is raised whenever the maximum number of candidate solutions
to consider specified by the ``max_work`` parameter is exceeded.
Assigning a finite number to max_work may have caused the operation
to fail.
r r r r r U s � �� r r c �"