shell bypass 403
/* These pointers will be stored in the C-object for use in other
extension modules
void *PyArray_API[] = {
(void *) PyArray_GetNDArrayCVersion,
(void *) &PyBigArray_Type,
(void *) &PyArray_Type,
(void *) &PyArrayDescr_Type,
(void *) &PyArrayFlags_Type,
(void *) &PyArrayIter_Type,
(void *) &PyArrayMultiIter_Type,
(void *) &PyBoolArrType_Type,
(void *) &_PyArrayScalar_BoolValues,
(void *) &PyGenericArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyNumberArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyIntegerArrType_Type,
(void *) &PySignedIntegerArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyUnsignedIntegerArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyInexactArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyFloatingArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyComplexFloatingArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyFlexibleArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyCharacterArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyByteArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyShortArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyIntArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyLongArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyLongLongArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyUByteArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyUShortArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyUIntArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyULongArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyULongLongArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyFloatArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyDoubleArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyLongDoubleArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyCFloatArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyCDoubleArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyCLongDoubleArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyObjectArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyStringArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyUnicodeArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyVoidArrType_Type,
(void *) PyArray_SetNumericOps,
(void *) PyArray_GetNumericOps,
(void *) PyArray_INCREF,
(void *) PyArray_XDECREF,
(void *) PyArray_SetStringFunction,
(void *) PyArray_DescrFromType,
(void *) PyArray_TypeObjectFromType,
(void *) PyArray_Zero,
(void *) PyArray_One,
(void *) PyArray_CastToType,
(void *) PyArray_CastTo,
(void *) PyArray_CastAnyTo,
(void *) PyArray_CanCastSafely,
(void *) PyArray_CanCastTo,
(void *) PyArray_ObjectType,
(void *) PyArray_DescrFromObject,
(void *) PyArray_ConvertToCommonType,
(void *) PyArray_DescrFromScalar,
(void *) PyArray_DescrFromTypeObject,
(void *) PyArray_Size,
(void *) PyArray_Scalar,
(void *) PyArray_FromScalar,
(void *) PyArray_ScalarAsCtype,
(void *) PyArray_CastScalarToCtype,
(void *) PyArray_CastScalarDirect,
(void *) PyArray_ScalarFromObject,
(void *) PyArray_GetCastFunc,
(void *) PyArray_FromDims,
(void *) PyArray_FromDimsAndDataAndDescr,
(void *) PyArray_FromAny,
(void *) PyArray_EnsureArray,
(void *) PyArray_EnsureAnyArray,
(void *) PyArray_FromFile,
(void *) PyArray_FromString,
(void *) PyArray_FromBuffer,
(void *) PyArray_FromIter,
(void *) PyArray_Return,
(void *) PyArray_GetField,
(void *) PyArray_SetField,
(void *) PyArray_Byteswap,
(void *) PyArray_Resize,
(void *) PyArray_MoveInto,
(void *) PyArray_CopyInto,
(void *) PyArray_CopyAnyInto,
(void *) PyArray_CopyObject,
(void *) PyArray_NewCopy,
(void *) PyArray_ToList,
(void *) PyArray_ToString,
(void *) PyArray_ToFile,
(void *) PyArray_Dump,
(void *) PyArray_Dumps,
(void *) PyArray_ValidType,
(void *) PyArray_UpdateFlags,
(void *) PyArray_New,
(void *) PyArray_NewFromDescr,
(void *) PyArray_DescrNew,
(void *) PyArray_DescrNewFromType,
(void *) PyArray_GetPriority,
(void *) PyArray_IterNew,
(void *) PyArray_MultiIterNew,
(void *) PyArray_PyIntAsInt,
(void *) PyArray_PyIntAsIntp,
(void *) PyArray_Broadcast,
(void *) PyArray_FillObjectArray,
(void *) PyArray_FillWithScalar,
(void *) PyArray_CheckStrides,
(void *) PyArray_DescrNewByteorder,
(void *) PyArray_IterAllButAxis,
(void *) PyArray_CheckFromAny,
(void *) PyArray_FromArray,
(void *) PyArray_FromInterface,
(void *) PyArray_FromStructInterface,
(void *) PyArray_FromArrayAttr,
(void *) PyArray_ScalarKind,
(void *) PyArray_CanCoerceScalar,
(void *) PyArray_NewFlagsObject,
(void *) PyArray_CanCastScalar,
(void *) PyArray_CompareUCS4,
(void *) PyArray_RemoveSmallest,
(void *) PyArray_ElementStrides,
(void *) PyArray_Item_INCREF,
(void *) PyArray_Item_XDECREF,
(void *) PyArray_FieldNames,
(void *) PyArray_Transpose,
(void *) PyArray_TakeFrom,
(void *) PyArray_PutTo,
(void *) PyArray_PutMask,
(void *) PyArray_Repeat,
(void *) PyArray_Choose,
(void *) PyArray_Sort,
(void *) PyArray_ArgSort,
(void *) PyArray_SearchSorted,
(void *) PyArray_ArgMax,
(void *) PyArray_ArgMin,
(void *) PyArray_Reshape,
(void *) PyArray_Newshape,
(void *) PyArray_Squeeze,
(void *) PyArray_View,
(void *) PyArray_SwapAxes,
(void *) PyArray_Max,
(void *) PyArray_Min,
(void *) PyArray_Ptp,
(void *) PyArray_Mean,
(void *) PyArray_Trace,
(void *) PyArray_Diagonal,
(void *) PyArray_Clip,
(void *) PyArray_Conjugate,
(void *) PyArray_Nonzero,
(void *) PyArray_Std,
(void *) PyArray_Sum,
(void *) PyArray_CumSum,
(void *) PyArray_Prod,
(void *) PyArray_CumProd,
(void *) PyArray_All,
(void *) PyArray_Any,
(void *) PyArray_Compress,
(void *) PyArray_Flatten,
(void *) PyArray_Ravel,
(void *) PyArray_MultiplyList,
(void *) PyArray_MultiplyIntList,
(void *) PyArray_GetPtr,
(void *) PyArray_CompareLists,
(void *) PyArray_AsCArray,
(void *) PyArray_As1D,
(void *) PyArray_As2D,
(void *) PyArray_Free,
(void *) PyArray_Converter,
(void *) PyArray_IntpFromSequence,
(void *) PyArray_Concatenate,
(void *) PyArray_InnerProduct,
(void *) PyArray_MatrixProduct,
(void *) PyArray_CopyAndTranspose,
(void *) PyArray_Correlate,
(void *) PyArray_TypestrConvert,
(void *) PyArray_DescrConverter,
(void *) PyArray_DescrConverter2,
(void *) PyArray_IntpConverter,
(void *) PyArray_BufferConverter,
(void *) PyArray_AxisConverter,
(void *) PyArray_BoolConverter,
(void *) PyArray_ByteorderConverter,
(void *) PyArray_OrderConverter,
(void *) PyArray_EquivTypes,
(void *) PyArray_Zeros,
(void *) PyArray_Empty,
(void *) PyArray_Where,
(void *) PyArray_Arange,
(void *) PyArray_ArangeObj,
(void *) PyArray_SortkindConverter,
(void *) PyArray_LexSort,
(void *) PyArray_Round,
(void *) PyArray_EquivTypenums,
(void *) PyArray_RegisterDataType,
(void *) PyArray_RegisterCastFunc,
(void *) PyArray_RegisterCanCast,
(void *) PyArray_InitArrFuncs,
(void *) PyArray_IntTupleFromIntp,
(void *) PyArray_TypeNumFromName,
(void *) PyArray_ClipmodeConverter,
(void *) PyArray_OutputConverter,
(void *) PyArray_BroadcastToShape,
(void *) _PyArray_SigintHandler,
(void *) _PyArray_GetSigintBuf,
(void *) PyArray_DescrAlignConverter,
(void *) PyArray_DescrAlignConverter2,
(void *) PyArray_SearchsideConverter,
(void *) PyArray_CheckAxis,
(void *) PyArray_OverflowMultiplyList,
(void *) PyArray_CompareString,
(void *) PyArray_MultiIterFromObjects,
(void *) PyArray_GetEndianness,
(void *) PyArray_GetNDArrayCFeatureVersion,
(void *) PyArray_Correlate2,
(void *) PyArray_NeighborhoodIterNew,
(void *) &PyTimeIntegerArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyDatetimeArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyTimedeltaArrType_Type,
(void *) &PyHalfArrType_Type,
(void *) &NpyIter_Type,
(void *) PyArray_SetDatetimeParseFunction,
(void *) PyArray_DatetimeToDatetimeStruct,
(void *) PyArray_TimedeltaToTimedeltaStruct,
(void *) PyArray_DatetimeStructToDatetime,
(void *) PyArray_TimedeltaStructToTimedelta,
(void *) NpyIter_New,
(void *) NpyIter_MultiNew,
(void *) NpyIter_AdvancedNew,
(void *) NpyIter_Copy,
(void *) NpyIter_Deallocate,
(void *) NpyIter_HasDelayedBufAlloc,
(void *) NpyIter_HasExternalLoop,
(void *) NpyIter_EnableExternalLoop,
(void *) NpyIter_GetInnerStrideArray,
(void *) NpyIter_GetInnerLoopSizePtr,
(void *) NpyIter_Reset,
(void *) NpyIter_ResetBasePointers,
(void *) NpyIter_ResetToIterIndexRange,
(void *) NpyIter_GetNDim,
(void *) NpyIter_GetNOp,
(void *) NpyIter_GetIterNext,
(void *) NpyIter_GetIterSize,
(void *) NpyIter_GetIterIndexRange,
(void *) NpyIter_GetIterIndex,
(void *) NpyIter_GotoIterIndex,
(void *) NpyIter_HasMultiIndex,
(void *) NpyIter_GetShape,
(void *) NpyIter_GetGetMultiIndex,
(void *) NpyIter_GotoMultiIndex,
(void *) NpyIter_RemoveMultiIndex,
(void *) NpyIter_HasIndex,
(void *) NpyIter_IsBuffered,
(void *) NpyIter_IsGrowInner,
(void *) NpyIter_GetBufferSize,
(void *) NpyIter_GetIndexPtr,
(void *) NpyIter_GotoIndex,
(void *) NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray,
(void *) NpyIter_GetDescrArray,
(void *) NpyIter_GetOperandArray,
(void *) NpyIter_GetIterView,
(void *) NpyIter_GetReadFlags,
(void *) NpyIter_GetWriteFlags,
(void *) NpyIter_DebugPrint,
(void *) NpyIter_IterationNeedsAPI,
(void *) NpyIter_GetInnerFixedStrideArray,
(void *) NpyIter_RemoveAxis,
(void *) NpyIter_GetAxisStrideArray,
(void *) NpyIter_RequiresBuffering,
(void *) NpyIter_GetInitialDataPtrArray,
(void *) NpyIter_CreateCompatibleStrides,
(void *) PyArray_CastingConverter,
(void *) PyArray_CountNonzero,
(void *) PyArray_PromoteTypes,
(void *) PyArray_MinScalarType,
(void *) PyArray_ResultType,
(void *) PyArray_CanCastArrayTo,
(void *) PyArray_CanCastTypeTo,
(void *) PyArray_EinsteinSum,
(void *) PyArray_NewLikeArray,
(void *) PyArray_GetArrayParamsFromObject,
(void *) PyArray_ConvertClipmodeSequence,
(void *) PyArray_MatrixProduct2,
(void *) NpyIter_IsFirstVisit,
(void *) PyArray_SetBaseObject,
(void *) PyArray_CreateSortedStridePerm,
(void *) PyArray_RemoveAxesInPlace,
(void *) PyArray_DebugPrint,
(void *) PyArray_FailUnlessWriteable,
(void *) PyArray_SetUpdateIfCopyBase,
(void *) PyDataMem_NEW,
(void *) PyDataMem_FREE,
(void *) PyDataMem_RENEW,
(void *) PyDataMem_SetEventHook,
(void *) PyArray_MapIterSwapAxes,
(void *) PyArray_MapIterArray,
(void *) PyArray_MapIterNext,
(void *) PyArray_Partition,
(void *) PyArray_ArgPartition,
(void *) PyArray_SelectkindConverter,
(void *) PyDataMem_NEW_ZEROED,
(void *) PyArray_CheckAnyScalarExact,
(void *) PyArray_MapIterArrayCopyIfOverlap,
(void *) PyArray_ResolveWritebackIfCopy,
(void *) PyArray_SetWritebackIfCopyBase,
(void *) PyDataMem_SetHandler,
(void *) PyDataMem_GetHandler,
(PyObject* *) &PyDataMem_DefaultHandler