shell bypass 403
wf�� � � � d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZddlm Z d dl
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r r r � deprecate�deprecate_with_doc�get_include�info�source�who�lookfor�byte_bounds� safe_eval�show_runtimec � � ddl m} m}m} ddlm} t
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Print information about various resources in the system
including available intrinsic support and BLAS/LAPACK library
in use
.. versionadded:: 1.24.0
See Also
show_config : Show libraries in the system on which NumPy was built.
1. Information is derived with the help of `threadpoolctl <>`_
library if available.
2. SIMD related information is derived from ``__cpu_features__``,
``__cpu_baseline__`` and ``__cpu_dispatch__``
r ��__cpu_features__�__cpu_baseline__�__cpu_dispatch__)�pprint)�
numpy_version�python�uname�simd_extensions)�baseline�found� not_found)�threadpool_infoz�WARNING: `threadpoolctl` not found in system! Install it by `pip install threadpoolctl`. Once installed, try `np.show_runtime` again for more detailed build informationN)�numpy.core._multiarray_umathr r r r �np�__version__�sys�version�platformr �append�