=head1 NAME
Changes - Apache::Reload change logfile
=head1 CHANGES
=over 1
=item 0.13 May 09, 2015
Fix reload.t. Reported in CPAN RT#96656.
[Steve Hay]
=item 0.12 March 31, 2012
Set the -apxs argument correctly when building from mod_perl.
[Steve Hay]
Doc spelling fix
[Nicholas Bamber]
Add Apache-Test 1.34 dependency.
=item 0.11 August 21, 2010
Ignore require-hooks which exist in %INC
[Ryan Gies <ryan@livesite.net>]
Reloads by file, not module name
[Ryan Gies <ryan@livesite.net>]
Add a no Apache::Reload directive which skips reloading for modules
that have it included (useful for Moose compatibility).
[Graham Barr, <gbarr@pobox.com>]
Add Empty NOTICE file
[Niko Tyni (Debian Perl Group) <ntyni@debian.org>]
=item 0.10 February 25, 2008
Add make disttest procedure to RELEASE document - fred
Check for Apache::Test version 1.30, needed to run tests - fred
Apache::Reload and Apache2::Reload bundled for CPAN release
This release incorporates unreleased changes in 0.08 and 0.09
[Fred Moyer <fred@redhotpenguin.com>]
=item 0.09
Apache2::Reload was part of mod_perl2 core in this version
=item 0.08
Remove modified modules before reloading them
[Javier Ureuen Val]
Imported from v0.07 into ASF SVN
[Philip M. Gollucci <pgollucci@p6m7g8.com>]
Matt Sergeant <matt@sergeant.org> has donated Apache-Reload
to the ASF.