use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More 0.88;
use if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}, 'Test::Warnings';
my $orig;
my $code = sub { die };
do {
package Class;
use Class::Method::Modifiers;
sub method {}
$orig = Class->can('method');
before method => $code;
is_deeply(\%Class::Method::Modifiers::MODIFIER_CACHE, {
Class => {
method => {
before => [$code],
after => [],
around => [],
orig => $orig,
wrapped => $orig,
my $code2 = sub { 1 + 1 };
do {
package Child;
BEGIN { our @ISA = 'Class' }
use Class::Method::Modifiers;
after method => $code2;
my $fake = $Class::Method::Modifiers::MODIFIER_CACHE{Child}{method}{wrapped};
is_deeply(\%Class::Method::Modifiers::MODIFIER_CACHE, {
Class => {
method => {
before => [$code],
after => [],
around => [],
orig => $orig,
wrapped => $orig,
Child => {
method => {
before => [],
after => [$code2],
around => [],
orig => undef,
wrapped => $fake,
my $around1 = sub { "around1" };
my $around2 = sub { "around2" };
do {
package Class;
use Class::Method::Modifiers;
around method => $around1;
around method => $around2;
# XXX: hard to test, we have no other way of getting at this coderef
my $wrapped = $Class::Method::Modifiers::MODIFIER_CACHE{Class}{method}{wrapped};
is_deeply(\%Class::Method::Modifiers::MODIFIER_CACHE, {
Class => {
method => {
around => [$around2, $around1],
before => [$code],
after => [],
orig => $orig,
wrapped => $wrapped,
Child => {
method => {
before => [],
after => [$code2],
around => [],
orig => undef,
wrapped => $fake,