# #
# ColorDiff - a wrapper/replacement for 'diff' producing #
# colourful output #
# #
# Copyright (C)2002-2020 Dave Ewart (davee@sungate.co.uk) #
# #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through no_auto_abbrev);
my $app_name = 'colordiff';
my $version = '1.0.21';
my $author = 'Dave Ewart';
my $author_email = 'davee@sungate.co.uk';
my $app_www = 'http://www.colordiff.org/';
my $copyright = '(C)2002-2022';
my $show_banner = 1;
my $diff_cmd = "diff";
# ANSI sequences for colours
my %colour;
$colour{white} = "\033[1;37m";
$colour{yellow} = "\033[1;33m";
$colour{green} = "\033[1;32m";
$colour{blue} = "\033[1;34m";
$colour{cyan} = "\033[1;36m";
$colour{red} = "\033[1;31m";
$colour{magenta} = "\033[1;35m";
$colour{black} = "\033[1;30m";
$colour{darkwhite} = "\033[0;37m";
$colour{darkyellow} = "\033[0;33m";
$colour{darkgreen} = "\033[0;32m";
$colour{darkblue} = "\033[0;34m";
$colour{darkcyan} = "\033[0;36m";
$colour{darkred} = "\033[0;31m";
$colour{darkmagenta} = "\033[0;35m";
$colour{darkblack} = "\033[0;30m";
$colour{off} = "\033[0;0m";
# Default colours if /etc/colordiffrc or ~/.colordiffrc do not exist
my $plain_text = $colour{white};
my $file_old = $colour{red};
my $file_new = $colour{blue};
my $diff_stuff = $colour{magenta};
my $diff_file = $diff_stuff;
my $cvs_stuff = $colour{green};
# Config options controlling presence or absence of colour in output
# cfg_* options come from config files
# cmd_* options come from the command line
my $cfg_color_mode = 1;
my $cfg_color_patch = 0;
my $cmd_color_mode = undef;
my $cmd_color_patch = undef;
my $color_mode = undef;
my $color_patch = undef;
# Locations for personal and system-wide colour configurations
my $HOME = (grep { defined && length }
@ENV{qw/HOME USERPROFILE/})[0] || '';
my $etcdir = (grep { defined && length && -d }
'/etc', $ENV{ALLUSERSPROFILE})[0] || '/etc';
my ($setting, $value);
my @config_files = ("$etcdir/colordiffrc");
my $USER_CONFIG_DIR = (grep { defined && length }
if (length $USER_CONFIG_DIR) {
push (@config_files, "${USER_CONFIG_DIR}/colordiff/colordiffrc")
elsif (length $HOME) {
push (@config_files, "${HOME}/.config/colordiff/colordiffrc")
push (@config_files, "${HOME}/.colordiffrc") if length $HOME;
my $config_file;
my $diff_type = 'unknown';
# Convert tabs to spaces
sub expand_tabs_to_spaces ($) {
my ($s) = @_;
while ((my $i = index ($s, "\t")) > -1) {
substr (
$s, $i, 1, # range to replace
(' ' x (8 - ($i % 8))), # string to replace with
sub check_for_file_arguments {
my $nonopts = 0;
my $ddash = 0;
while (defined(my $arg = shift)) {
if ($arg eq "--") {
$ddash = 1;
if ($ddash || $arg eq "-") {
if ($arg !~ /^-/) {
if ($arg eq "--help" || $arg eq "--version" || $arg eq "-v") {
return $nonopts;
sub detect_diff_type {
# Two parameters:
# $record is line in which a diff format has to be detected
# $allow_diffy is flag indicating whether diffy is a
# permitted diff type
my $record = shift;
my $allow_diffy = shift;
# This may not be perfect - should identify most reasonably
# formatted diffs and patches
# Unified diffs are the only flavour having '+++ ' or '--- '
# at the start of a line
if ($record =~ /^(\+\+\+ |--- |@@ )/) {
return 'diffu';
# Context diffs are the only flavour having '***'
# at the start of a line
elsif ($record =~ /^\*\*\*/) {
return 'diffc';
# Plain diffs have NcN, NdN and NaN etc.
elsif ($record =~ /^[0-9,]+[acd][0-9,]+$/) {
return 'diff';
# FIXME - This is not very specific, since the regex matches could
# easily match non-diff output.
# However, given that we have not yet matched any of the *other* diff
# types, this might be good enough
# Only pick diffy if our flag parameter indicates so
elsif ( ($allow_diffy == 1) && ($record =~ /(\s\|\s|\s<$|\s>\s)/) ) {
return 'diffy';
# wdiff deleted/added patterns
# should almost always be pairwise?
elsif ($record =~ /\[-.*?-\]/s
|| $record =~ /\{\+.*?\+\}/s) {
return 'wdiff';
# FIXME - This is a bit risky, but if we haven't matched any other
# diff type by this stage, this line usually indicates we have
# debdiff output
elsif ($record =~ /^Control files: lines which differ/) {
return 'debdiff';
return 'unknown';
my $enable_verifymode;
my $specified_difftype;
my $enable_fakeexitcode;
my $color_term_output_only = "no";
my $cmd_banner;
my $cmd_help;
# Command-line options may over-ride config files
# --enable-verifymode option is for testing behaviour of colordiff
# against standard test diffs
"verifymode" => \$enable_verifymode,
"fakeexitcode" => \$enable_fakeexitcode,
"difftype=s" => \$specified_difftype,
"color=s" => \$cmd_color_mode,
"color-patches=s" => \$cmd_color_patch,
"color-term-output-only=s" => \$color_term_output_only,
"help" => \$cmd_help,
"banner!" => \$cmd_banner
if (defined $cmd_help) {
print "colordiff:\n";
print " --help : Displays this help\n";
print " --color=(yes|no) : Force (or suppress) display of colours in output\n";
print " --color=patches=(yes|no) : Force (or suppress) inclusion of colour codes in patch output\n";
print " --color-term-output-only : Force (or suppress) colour to only appear in terminal output\n";
print " --difftype=DIFFTYPE : Force difftype detection to specified format\n";
print " --(no)banner : Show (or suppress) the colordiff banner\n";
print "\n";
print " DIFFTYPE is usually auto-detected, but can be set to:\n";
print " diff, diffc, diffu, diffy, debdiff or wdiff\n";
$_ = $specified_difftype;
if (defined $_ and not /^diff[cuy]?|(deb|w)diff$/) {
print STDERR "Invalid --difftype value\n";
if (defined $enable_verifymode) {
# When in verify mode, to ensure consistent output we don't source
# any external config files
@config_files = ();
# Read config file options
foreach $config_file (@config_files) {
if (open (COLORDIFFRC, "<$config_file")) {
while (<COLORDIFFRC>) {
my $colourval;
next if (/^#/ || /^$/);
($setting, $value) = split ('=');
if (!defined $value) {
print STDERR "Ignored invalid configuration line ($_) in $config_file\n";
if ($setting eq 'banner') {
if ($value eq 'yes') {
$show_banner = 1;
} elsif ($value eq 'no') {
$show_banner = 0;
if ($setting eq 'color_mode') {
if ($value eq 'yes') {
$cfg_color_mode = 1;
} elsif ($value eq 'no') {
$cfg_color_mode = 0;
if ($setting eq 'color_patches') {
if ($value eq 'yes') {
$cfg_color_patch = 1;
} elsif ($value eq 'no') {
$cfg_color_patch = 0;
if ($setting eq 'diff_cmd') {
$diff_cmd = $value;
$setting =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$value =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if (($value eq 'normal') || ($value eq 'none')) {
$value = 'off';
# Find full 24-bit colour spec string
if (( $value =~ m/^([0-9];)*([34]8);2;([0-9]+);([0-9]+);([0-9]+)$/) &&
($3 >= 0) && ($3 <= 255) &&
($4 >= 0) && ($4 <= 255) &&
($5 >= 0) && ($5 <= 255)
) {
$colourval = "\033[$1$2;2;$3;$4;$5m";
# 256 colour single value
elsif ($value =~ m/^[0-9]+$/ && $value >= 0 && $value <= 255) {
# Numeric color
if( $value < 8 ) {
$colourval = "\033[0;3${value}m";
elsif( $value < 15 ) {
$colourval = "\033[0;9" . (${value} - 8) . "m";
else {
$colourval = "\033[0;38;5;${value}m";
elsif (defined($colour{$value})) {
$colourval = $colour{$value};
else {
print STDERR "Invalid colour specification for setting $setting ($value) in $config_file\n";
if ($setting eq 'plain') {
$plain_text = $colourval;
elsif ($setting eq 'oldtext') {
$file_old = $colourval;
elsif ($setting eq 'newtext') {
$file_new = $colourval;
elsif ($setting eq 'diffstuff') {
$diff_stuff = $colourval;
elsif ($setting eq 'difffile') {
$diff_file = $colourval;
elsif ($setting eq 'cvsstuff') {
$cvs_stuff = $colourval;
else {
print STDERR "Unknown option in $config_file: $setting\n";
# Default color_mode is 1, over-ridden by config files
# All over-ridden by command line options
$color_mode = 1;
if ($cfg_color_mode == 0) {
$color_mode = 0;
if (defined $cmd_color_mode) {
if ($cmd_color_mode eq 'yes'
|| $cmd_color_mode eq 'always'
|| $cmd_color_mode eq 'auto') {
$color_mode = 1;
elsif ($cmd_color_mode eq 'no'
|| $cmd_color_mode eq 'never') {
$color_mode = 0;
# Default color_patch is 0, over-ridden by config files
# All over-ridden by command line options
$color_patch = 0;
if (defined $cfg_color_patch) {
if ($cfg_color_patch == 1) {
$color_patch = 1;
if (defined $cmd_color_patch) {
if ($cmd_color_patch eq 'yes'
|| $cmd_color_patch eq 'always'
|| $cmd_color_patch eq 'auto') {
$color_patch = 1;
elsif ($cmd_color_patch eq 'no'
|| $cmd_color_patch eq 'never') {
$color_patch = 0;
if (defined $enable_verifymode) {
# When in verify mode, to ensure consistent output we use built-in defaults
# and we add colour to our patches
$color_patch = 1;
$show_banner = 0;
# Switch off colours if any of these are true:
# - color_mode is no
# - output to a file unless overriden by $color_patch.
# - color_term_output_only is set and output not to a terminal
if ( (!$color_mode) ||
(-f STDOUT && ($color_patch != 1)) ||
($color_term_output_only eq 'yes' && !-t STDOUT) )
$plain_text = '';
$file_old = '';
$file_new = '';
$diff_file = '';
$diff_stuff = '';
$cvs_stuff = '';
$plain_text = '';
$colour{off} = '';
# If command-line option refers to banner, honour this ahead of config files
if (defined $cmd_banner) {
if ($cmd_banner) {
$show_banner = 1;
if (!$cmd_banner) {
$show_banner = 0;
# Disable output buffering. This allows "producer | colordiff | less" to output
# earlier without having to wait for 'producer' to finish.
select STDOUT;
$| = 1;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($show_banner == 1) {
print STDERR "$app_name $version ($app_www)\n";
print STDERR "$copyright $author, $author_email\n\n";
my $operating_methodology;
if (check_for_file_arguments (@ARGV)) {
$operating_methodology = 1; # we have files as arg, so we act as diff
} else {
$operating_methodology = 2; # no files as args, so operate as filter
my @inputstream;
my $inputhandle;
my $pid;
if ($operating_methodology == 1) {
# Feed stdin of colordiff with output from the diff program
$pid = open($inputhandle, "-|", "$diff_cmd", @ARGV);
} else {
$inputhandle = \*STDIN;
# Input stream has been read - need to examine it
# to determine type of diff we have.
# $lastline is false if the input is EOF. If true, then either more data is
# available, or the last read succeeded (and the next read may return EOF).
# Initially assume that the input is not EOF (for obvious reasons).
my $lastline = 1;
my $record;
if (defined $specified_difftype) {
$diff_type = $specified_difftype;
# diffy needs at least one line to look at
if ($diff_type eq 'diffy') {
if (defined($_ = <$inputhandle>)) {
push @inputstream, $_;
$lastline = $_;
else {
# Detect diff type, diffy is permitted
while (<$inputhandle>) {
push @inputstream, $_;
$diff_type = detect_diff_type($_, 1);
last if $diff_type ne 'unknown';
$lastline = $_;
my $inside_file_old = 1;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special pre-processing for side-by-side diffs
# Figure out location of central markers: these will be a consecutive set of
# three columns where the first and third always consist of spaces and the
# second consists only of spaces, '<', '>' and '|'
# This is not a 100% certain match, but should be good enough
my $diffy_sep_col = 0;
my $mostlikely_sum = 0;
if ($diff_type eq 'diffy') {
# Not very elegant, but does the job
my $longest_record = -1;
my %separator_col = ();
my %candidate_col = ();
my $possible_cols = 0;
my @checkbuffer;
(@checkbuffer, @inputstream) = (@inputstream, @checkbuffer);
while (@checkbuffer) {
$_ = shift @checkbuffer;
push @inputstream, $_;
$_ = expand_tabs_to_spaces $_;
if (length ($_) > $longest_record) {
my $i = $longest_record + 1;
$longest_record = length ($_);
while ($i <= $longest_record) {
$separator_col{$i} = 1;
$candidate_col{$i} = 0;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < (length ($_) - 2) ; $i++) {
next if ($separator_col{$i} == 0);
next if ($_ =~ /^(Index: |={4,}|RCS file: |retrieving |diff )/);
my $subsub = substr ($_, $i, 2);
if ($subsub !~ / [ (|<>]/) {
$separator_col{$i} = 0;
if ($candidate_col{$i} > 0) {
if ($subsub =~ / [|<>]/) {
if ($candidate_col{$i} == 1) {
if ( !@checkbuffer ) {
if (! (defined $specified_difftype) and
$possible_cols == 0 && detect_diff_type($_, 0) ne 'unknown') {
$diff_type = detect_diff_type($_, 0);
if (defined ($_ = <$inputhandle>)) {
push @checkbuffer, $_;
$lastline = $_;
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $longest_record - 2 ; $i++) {
if ($separator_col{$i} == 1) {
if ($candidate_col{$i} > $mostlikely_sum) {
$diffy_sep_col = $i;
$mostlikely_sum = $i;
# If we don't find a suitable separator column then
# we've probably misidentified the input as diffy
# Search stream again, this time excluding diffy
# as a possible outcome
if ($diffy_sep_col == 0) {
# Detect diff type, diffy is NOT permitted
foreach (@inputstream) {
$diff_type = detect_diff_type($_, 0);
last if $diff_type ne 'unknown';
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $count_marks = 1;
while (defined( $_ = @inputstream ? shift @inputstream : ($lastline and <$inputhandle>) )) {
if (/^Binary files (.*) and (.*) differ$/) {
print "Binary files $file_old$1$plain_text and $file_new$2$plain_text differ\n";
if ($diff_type eq 'diff') {
if (/^</) {
print "$file_old";
elsif (/^>/) {
print "$file_new";
elsif (/^[0-9]/) {
print "$diff_stuff";
elsif (/^(Index: |={4,}|RCS file: |retrieving |diff )/) {
print "$cvs_stuff";
elsif (/^Only in/) {
print "$diff_file";
else {
print "$plain_text";
elsif ($diff_type eq 'diffc') {
if (/^- /) {
print "$file_old";
elsif (/^\+ /) {
print "$file_new";
elsif (/^\*{4,}/) {
print "$diff_file";
elsif (/^Only in/) {
print "$diff_file";
elsif (/^\*\*\* [0-9]+,[0-9]+/) {
print "$diff_file";
$inside_file_old = 1;
elsif (/^\*\*\* /) {
print "$diff_file";
elsif (/^--- [0-9]+,[0-9]+/) {
print "$diff_file";
$inside_file_old = 0;
elsif (/^--- /) {
print "$diff_file";
elsif (/^!/) {
if ($inside_file_old == 1) {
print "$file_old";
else {
print "$file_new";
elsif (/^(Index: |={4,}|RCS file: |retrieving |diff )/) {
print "$cvs_stuff";
else {
print "$plain_text";
elsif ($diff_type eq 'diffu') {
if (/^(---|\+\+\+) /) {
print "$diff_file";
elsif (/^([-\+ ]{$count_marks})/) {
my $diff_marks = $1;
if ($diff_marks =~ /-/) {
print $file_old;
elsif ($diff_marks =~ /\+/) {
print $file_new;
elsif (/^(\@+)/) {
$count_marks = length($1) - 1;
print "$diff_stuff";
elsif (/^Only in/) {
print "$diff_file";
elsif (/^(Index: |={4,}|RCS file: |retrieving |diff |old |new |deleted |copy |rename |similarity |dissimilarity |index |reverted:$|unchanged:$|only in patch2:$)/) {
print "$cvs_stuff";
else {
print "$plain_text";
# Works with previously-identified column containing the diff-y
# separator characters
elsif ($diff_type eq 'diffy') {
$_ = expand_tabs_to_spaces $_;
if (length ($_) > ($diffy_sep_col + 2)) {
my $sepchars = substr ($_, $diffy_sep_col, 2);
if ($sepchars eq ' <') {
print "$file_old";
elsif ($sepchars eq ' |') {
print "$diff_stuff";
elsif ($sepchars eq ' >') {
print "$file_new";
else {
print "$plain_text";
elsif (/^Only in/) {
print "$diff_file";
else {
print "$plain_text";
elsif ($diff_type eq 'wdiff') {
$_ =~ s/(\[-.+?-\])/$file_old$1$colour{off}/g;
$_ =~ s/(\{\+.+?\+\})/$file_new$1$colour{off}/g;
elsif ($diff_type eq 'debdiff') {
$_ =~ s/(\[-.+?-\])/$file_old$1$colour{off}/g;
$_ =~ s/(\{\+.+?\+\})/$file_new$1$colour{off}/g;
print "$_";
my $exitcode = 0;
if ($operating_methodology == 1) {
waitpid $pid, 0;
$exitcode=$? >> 8;
if (defined $enable_fakeexitcode) {
exit 0;
else {
exit $exitcode;