use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.02';
# Removing this dependency
# use Text::Trim qw( trim );
use List::Util qw( max );
use Module::Util qw( :all );
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long qw( :config posix_default bundling );
=head1 NAME
pm_which - find installed modules
pm_which [ options ] module(s)
Returns the path to the given module(s)
=head2 OPTIONS
-q, --quiet Just print paths
-p, --paths Just convert the module name into a relative path
-a, --all Print all paths, not just the first one found
-n, --namespace Print all modules in the given namespace
-m Only print module names, not paths
-V Show module version
-I libpath Add a path to search (like perl -I)
-d, --dump Dump paths that would be searched (@INC by default)
-h, --help Print this message
-v, --version Print version information
- Read modules from stdin, one per line
our($quiet, $all, $namespace, $name_only, $paths, $dump, $stdin, $version);
our @search = @INC;
'q|quiet' => \$quiet,
'a|all' => \$all,
'p|paths' => \$paths,
'd|dump' => \$dump,
'n|namespace' => \$namespace,
'm' => \$name_only,
'V' => \$version,
'' => \$stdin,
'h|help' => sub { pod2usage(-exitval => 0) },
'I=s' => sub { unshift @search, $_[1] },
'v|version' => \&version,
) or pod2usage( -exitval => 1 );
if ($dump) {
print join("\n", @search), "\n";
exit 0;
require ExtUtils::MakeMaker if $version;
our @modules = @ARGV;
# Also read module names from STDIN if we have '-' switch
# Removing Text::Trim dependency
# push @modules, trim <STDIN> if $stdin;
if ($stdin) {
my @from_stdin = <STDIN>;
for (@from_stdin) {
push @modules, @from_stdin;
pod2usage( -exitval => 1, -message => 'No modules selected')
unless @modules;
if ($namespace) {
my @found;
for my $ns (@modules) {
push @found, $ns if find_installed($ns, @search);
push @found, find_in_namespace($ns, @search);
@modules = @found;
# We can just print and exit if we're just interested in module names.
# However, if we also want versions, we have to get the path(s) anyway.
if ($name_only and not $version) {
print map { "$_\n" } @modules;
exit 0;
# Find the maximum length of module names
my $width = max map { length } @modules;
my $exit = 0;
for my $module (@modules) {
unless (is_valid_module_name($module)) {
# Maybe the module is actually a path:
my $new = path_to_module($module)
|| fs_path_to_module($module);
if ($new) {
$module = $new;
else {
$exit = 2;
warn "'$module' is not a valid module name\n";
next MODULE;
if ($paths) {
print module_path $module, "\n";
next MODULE;
my @paths = $all ? all_installed($module, @search)
: find_installed($module, @search)
my $prefix = '';
unless ($quiet or @modules == 1 or $name_only) {
# print the module name as well as the path
$prefix = sprintf("%-${width}s - ", $module);
if (@paths) {
for my $path (@paths) {
if ($version) {
my $version = eval { MM->parse_version($path) };
if ($@) {
warn "$0: Error finding version for '$module': $@\n";
$exit = 2;
# We might not want to display the path
$path = $module if $name_only;
$path .= defined $version ? " [ $version ]" : '';
print $prefix, $path, "\n";
else {
$exit = 2;
print $prefix, "not found\n" unless $quiet;
exit $exit;
sub version {
my $path = module_is_loaded('Module::Util');
print "pm_which $VERSION\n",
"Using Module::Util $Module::Util::VERSION at $path\n";
exit 0;
This tool reports the locations of installed perl modules.
By default it lists the location of each specified module that would be loaded
by require.
=head2 quiet
Under quiet mode, module names are suppressed and missing modules are not
Normal output:
$ pm_which Module::One Module::Two Missing::Module
Module::One - /path/to/Module/One.pm
Module::Two - /path/to/Module/Two.pm
Missing::Module - not found
Under --quiet:
$ pm_which -q Module::One Module::Two Missing::Module
=head2 paths
In "paths" mode, each module is simply converted into a relative file path. This
is possible even when the module is not installed.
$ pm_which -p Missing::Module
=head2 all
When the "all" switch is specified, all installed modules will be reported, not
just the first one. This is useful for determining when there is a module
installed in multiple locations.
$ pm_which -a MyModule
=head2 namespace
Arguments are taken as namespaces to search under.
$ pm_which -n MyModule
MyModule - /path/to/MyModule.pm
MyModule::Foo - /path/to/MyModule/Foo.pm
MyModule::Foo::Bar - /path/to/MyModule/Foo/Bar.pm
=head2 -m
Disables printing of module paths. This is only really useful in conjunction with --namespace.
$ pm_which -nm MyModule
=head2 -V
Prints the version of each module, according to L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>.
$ pm_which -V MyModule
MyModule - /path/to/MyModule.pm [ 1.00 ]
$ pm_which -Vnm MyModule
MyModule [ 1.00 ]
MyModule::Foo [ 0.01 ]
MyModule::Foo::Bar [ undef ]
=head2 dump
Dumps the paths that would be searched and exits. This is @INC modified by any
-I switches.
$ pm_which --dump
$ pm_which -I lib --dump -I blib/lib
=head2 version
Prints the version number of the script, plus the version and path of
Module::Util that was loaded.
=item * 0 - Everything was OK
=item * 1 - Initialisation failed (bad switches?)
=item * 2 - Some modules were not installed
=head1 SEE ALSO
This utility comes with L<Module::Util>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Matt Lawrence E<lt>mattlaw@cpan.orgE<gt>
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