#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 ...
# Alex Linke <alinke@lingua-systems.com>
# Rona Linke <rlinke@lingua-systems.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lingua-Systems Software GmbH
# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Netzum Sorglos, Lingua-Systems Software GmbH
# Copyright (C) 2017 Netzum Sorglos Software GmbH
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
require 5.008;
use Lingua::Translit;
use Lingua::Translit::Tables qw/:all/;
my $VERSION = '0.5';
=head1 NAME
translit - transliterate text between various writing systems
translit B<-t> I<name> B<-r> B<-i> I<file> B<-o> I<file> -l -v -h
B<translit> transliterates B<UTF-8> encoded natural language text from one
writing system to another.
It utilizes the Perl module L<Lingua::Translit> to accomplish this task and
follows the provided transliteration standards as strict as possible.
B<translit> regards the following commandline switches:
=over 4
=item B<--trans>, B<-t> I<name>
Use the transliteration standard named I<name>.
=item B<--reverse>, B<-r>
Transliterate in reverse direction.
B<NOTE>: Not every transliteration is capable of being reversed.
If unsure, have a look at the list of supported transliterations using the
B<--list> switch.
=item B<--infile>, B<-i> I<FILE>
Read text from I<FILE>. Defaults to STDIN.
=item B<--outfile>, B<-o> I<FILE>
Write the transliterated text to I<FILE>. Defaults to STDOUT.
=item B<--list>, B<-l>
Print a list of supported transliterations showing their
=over 4
=item *
=item *
=item *
=item B<--verbose>, B<-v>
Print verbose status messages to STDERR.
=item B<--help>, B<-h>
Show a short help text introducing command line switches only.
# Set defaults where possible
my %opt = (
trans => "",
infile => "",
outfile => "",
reverse => 0,
list => 0,
verbose => 0, # off
help => 0
unless GetOptions(
"trans|t=s" => \$opt{trans},
"infile|i=s" => \$opt{infile},
"outfile|o=s" => \$opt{outfile},
"reverse|r" => \$opt{reverse},
"list|l" => \$opt{list},
"verbose|v" => \$opt{verbose},
"help|h" => \$opt{help}
show_help(0) if $opt{help};
show_list() if $opt{list};
show_help(1) unless $opt{trans};
# Assure the requested transliteration is supported...
die "$opt{trans} is not supported.\n" unless translit_supported( $opt{trans} );
# ...and reverse transliteration is supported, too - if requested
die "$opt{trans} cannot be reversed.\n"
if ( $opt{reverse} && !translit_reverse_supported( $opt{trans} ) );
# If no input file was specified, use STDIN as a fallback. This way, translit
# may also be used in pipes!
my $in;
if ( $opt{infile} ) {
print STDERR "Reading input from $opt{infile}...\n" if $opt{verbose};
open IN, "$opt{infile}" or die "$opt{infile}: $!\n";
$in = *IN;
else {
print STDERR "Reading input from STDIN...\n" if $opt{verbose};
$in = *STDIN;
# If no output file was specified, use STDOUT as a fallback.
my $out;
if ( $opt{outfile} ) {
print STDERR "Writing output to $opt{outfile}...\n" if $opt{verbose};
open OUT, "> $opt{outfile}" or die "$opt{outfile}: $!\n";
$out = *OUT;
else {
print STDERR "Writing output to STDOUT...\n" if $opt{verbose};
$out = *STDOUT;
# Slurp in all the input and close filehandle
local $/;
my $text = <$in>;
# Transliterate
my $tr = new Lingua::Translit( $opt{trans} );
my $text_tr;
unless ( $opt{reverse} ) {
print STDERR "Transliterating according to ", $tr->name(), "...\n"
if $opt{verbose};
$text_tr = $tr->translit($text);
else {
print STDERR "Transliterating according to ", $tr->name(), " (reverse)...\n"
if $opt{verbose};
$text_tr = $tr->translit_reverse($text);
# Write the transliterated text to the filehandle and close it
print $out $text_tr;
sub show_help {
my $retval = shift();
print "translit v$VERSION -- ",
"(c) 2009-2016 Lingua-Systems Software GmbH\n\n",
"usage: $0 -i FILE -o FILE -t NAME -r -l -v -h\n\n",
" --infile -i FILE read input from FILE\n",
" --outfile -o FILE write output to FILE\n",
" --trans -t NAME use transliteration NAME\n",
" --reverse -r transliterate in reverse direction\n",
" --list -l list all supported transliterations\n\n",
" --verbose -v print verbose status messages\n",
" --help -h show this help\n\n",
"Read translit(1) for details.\n";
sub show_list {
print "Transliterations supported by Lingua::Translit v"
. $Lingua::Translit::VERSION . ":\n\n";
The input has to be UTF-8 encoded.
=head1 BUGS
None known.
Please report bugs using CPAN's request tracker at
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Lingua::Translit>, L<Lingua::Translit::Tables>
=head1 AUTHORS
Alex Linke <alinke@netzum-sorglos.de>
Rona Linke <rlinke@netzum-sorglos.de>
Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Alex Linke and Rona Linke
Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Lingua-Systems Software GmbH
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Netzum Sorglos, Lingua-Systems Software GmbH
Copyright (C) 2017 Netzum Sorglos Software GmbH
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
# vim: set ft=perl sts=4 sw=4 ts=4 ai et: