=head1 NAME
examples/calendar.pl - Standard calendar widget
Demonstrates usage of L<Prima::Calendar>.
Note the special check of C<useLocale> success.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Application name => 'Calendar';
use Prima::Calendar;
my $cal;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow->new(
text => "Calendar example",
size => [ 200, 200],
designScale => [6,16],
menuItems => [[ "~Options" => [
[ '@locale', 'Use ~locale', 'Ctrl+L', '^L', sub {
my ( $self, $mid, $val) = @_;
my $newstate;
$cal-> useLocale( $newstate = $val );
$cal-> notify(q(Change));
return unless $newstate && !$cal-> useLocale;
$self-> menu-> uncheck( $mid);
Prima::message("Selecting 'locale' failed");
[ 'Re~set to current date', 'Ctrl+R', '^R', sub {
$cal-> date_from_time( localtime( time));
[ '@monday', '~Monday is the first day of week', sub {
my ( $self, $mid, $val) = @_;
$cal-> firstDayOfWeek( $val );
$cal = $w-> insert( Calendar =>
useLocale => 1,
onChange => sub {
$w-> text( "Calendar - ".$cal-> date_as_string);
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both'},
$w-> menu-> locale-> check if $cal-> useLocale;
run Prima;