=head1 NAME
examples/dock.pl - Docking widgets
This is the demonstration of Prima::Dock and Prima::DockManager
modules. The window created is docking client, and it's able
to accept toolbars and panels, and toolbars in turn accept buttons.
buttons are very samplish; there are two panels, Edit and Banner,
that are docked in different ways.
Note the following unevident features:
=over 4
=item popup on the border of the window ( and the Customize command there)
=item dragging of buttons on the window and the extreior
=item dragging panels and toolbar to the exterior
=item storing of the geometry in the ~/.demo_dock file
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Application;
use Prima::Edit;
use Prima::Buttons;
use Prima::DockManager;
use Prima::Utils;
package dmfp;
use constant Edit => 0x100000;
use constant Vertical => 0x200000;
use constant Horizontal => 0x400000;
# This is the main window. it's responsible for
# command handling and bar visiblity;
# NB - bars are not owned by this window when undocked.
package Prima::Dock::BasicWindow;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Window);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
instance => undef,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init( @_);
$self-> $_($profile{$_}) for qw(instance);
$self-> {toolBarPopup} = $self-> insert( Popup =>
autoPopup => 0,
items => $self-> make_popupitems(),
$self-> {mainDock} = $self-> insert( FourPartDocker =>
rect => [ 0, 0, $self-> size],
fingerprint => dmfp::Tools|dmfp::Toolbar|dmfp::Edit|dmfp::Horizontal|dmfp::Vertical,
dockup => $self-> instance,
dockerCommonProfile => {
hasPocket => 0,
onPopup => sub { # all dockers would render this popup
my ( $me, $btn, $x, $y) = @_;
( $x, $y) = $self-> screen_to_client( $me-> client_to_screen($x, $y));
$self-> {toolBarPopup}-> popup( $x, $y);
$me-> clear_event;
dockerProfileClient => { # allow docking only to Edit
fingerprint => dmfp::Edit,
dockerProfileLeft => { fingerprint => dmfp::Vertical|dmfp::Tools|dmfp::Toolbar },
dockerProfileRight => { fingerprint => dmfp::Vertical|dmfp::Tools|dmfp::Toolbar },
dockerProfileTop => { fingerprint => dmfp::Horizontal|dmfp::Tools|dmfp::Toolbar },
dockerProfileBottom => { fingerprint => dmfp::Horizontal|dmfp::Tools|dmfp::Toolbar },
$self-> instance-> add_notification( 'ToolbarChange', \&on_toolbarchange, $self);
$self-> instance-> add_notification( 'PanelChange', \&on_toolbarchange, $self);
$self-> instance-> add_notification( 'Command', \&on_command, $self);
return %profile;
sub make_popupitems
my $items = $_[0]-> instance-> toolbar_menuitems( \&Menu_Check_Toolbars);
# actually DockManager doesn't care if panel CLSID and toolbar name intermix.
# this is the demonstration of resolving that clash
$$_[0] .= ',toolbar' for @$items;
push ( @$items, []);
push ( @$items, @{$_[0]-> instance-> panel_menuitems( \&Menu_Check_Panels)});
push ( @$items, []);
push ( @$items, ['customize' => "~Customize..." => q(open_dockmanaging)]);
return $items;
sub Menu_Check_Toolbars
my ( $self, $var) = @_;
my $toolname = $var;
$toolname =~ s/\,toolbar$//;
$self-> instance-> toolbar_visible(
$self-> instance-> toolbar_by_name($toolname),
$self-> {toolBarPopup}-> toggle( $var)
sub Menu_Check_Panels
my ( $self, $var) = @_;
$self-> instance-> panel_visible(
$var, $self-> {toolBarPopup}-> toggle( $var));
sub instance
return $_[0]-> {instance} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {instance} = $_[1];
sub on_toolbarchange
$_[0]-> {toolBarPopup}-> items( $_[0]-> make_popupitems());
sub on_command
my ( $self, $instance, $command) = @_;
$command =~ s/\://g;
my $x = $self-> can( $command);
return unless $x;
$x-> ( $self);
# we'll take our actions we need to reflect the state.
sub open_dockmanaging
my $self = $_[0];
my $i = $self-> instance;
return if $i-> interactiveDrag;
my $wpanel = Prima::Window-> create(
name => 'Customize tools',
size => [ 400, 100],
designScale => [ 7, 16 ],
onClose => sub {
$self-> {toolBarPopup}-> customize-> enabled(1);
$i-> interactiveDrag(0);
$i-> create_manager( $wpanel, dockerProfile => {
hint => 'Drag here unneeded buttons',
$i-> interactiveDrag(1);
$self-> {toolBarPopup}-> customize-> enabled(0);
sub get_docks
my $self = $_[0];
my @docks = ( $self-> {mainDock});
my $sid = $self-> {mainDock}-> open_session({
self => $self-> {mainDock},
sizes => [[0,0]],
sizeable => [1,1],
if ( $sid) {
while ( 1) {
my $x = $self-> {mainDock}-> next_docker( $sid);
last unless $x;
next if $x-> isa(q(Prima::DockManager::LaunchPad));
push ( @docks, $x);
$self-> {mainDock}-> close_session( $sid);
return @docks;
sub init_read
my ( $self, $fd) = @_;
my $last = undef;
my @docks = $self-> get_docks;
my $state;
my %docks = map { my $x = $_-> name; $x =~ s/(\W)/\%sprintf("%02x",$1)/; $x => $_} @docks;
while ( <$fd>) {
$state = 1, last if m/^DOCK_STMT_START/;
return unless $state;
my $i = $self-> instance;
my %audocks;
tie %audocks, 'Tie::RefHash';
while ( <$fd>) {
last if m/^DOCK_STMT_END/;
if ( m/^MYSELF\[(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\]/) {
$self-> rect( $1,$2,$3,$4);
if ( m/^TOOLBAR\:(\w*)\:(\d)\:(\d)\:\[(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\]\:(.*)$/) {
my ( $dockID, $vertical, $visible, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $name) =
my $auto = $name =~ /^ToolBar/;
my ( $x, $xcl) = $i-> create_toolbar(
visible => $visible,
vertical => $vertical,
dock => $docks{$dockID},
rect => [ $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2],
name => $name,
autoClose => $auto,
$last = $xcl;
$name =~ s/(\W)/\%sprintf("%02x",$1)/;
$docks{$name} = $xcl;
} elsif ( m/^TOOL\:([^\s]+)\s\[(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\]/) {
my ( $CLSID, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
next unless $last;
my $ctrl = $i-> create_tool( $last, $CLSID, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
next unless $ctrl;
push @{$audocks{$last}}, $ctrl;
} elsif ( m/^PANEL\:(\w*)\:([^\s]+)\s\[(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\]/) {
my ( $dockID, $CLSID, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
my ( $x, $xcl) = $i-> create_panel( $CLSID, dockerProfile => {
dock => $docks{$dockID},
origin => [$x1, $y1], # because original profile uses size
size => [$x2 - $x1, $y2 - $y1], # this is hack to override it
rect => [ $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2],
$_-> dock_bunch( @{$audocks{$_}}) for keys %audocks;
$i-> notify(q(ToolbarChange));
sub init_write
my ( $self, $fd) = @_;
print $fd "DOCK_STMT_START\n";
my @rc = $self-> rect;
print $fd "MYSELF[@rc]\n";
for ( $self-> instance-> toolbars) {
my $p = $_;
my $x = $_-> childDocker;
my ( $e, $n);
my @rect = $x-> rect;
if ( $p-> dock) {
$e = $p;
$n = $p-> dock-> name;
$n =~ s/(\W)/\%sprintf("%02x",$1)/g;
@rect = $p-> dock-> screen_to_client( $p-> client_to_screen( @rect));
} else {
$n = '';
$e = $p-> externalDocker;
@rect = $x-> client_to_screen( @rect);
my $vis = $e-> visible ? 1 : 0;
my $ver = $x-> vertical ? 1 : 0;
print $fd "TOOLBAR:$n:$ver:$vis:[@rect]:".$p-> text."\n";
for ( $x-> docklings) {
@rect = $_-> rect;
my $ena = $_-> enabled;
my $CLSID = $_-> {CLSID};
next unless defined $CLSID;
print $fd "TOOL:$CLSID [@rect]:$ena\n";
for ( $self-> instance-> panels) {
my @r = $_-> dock() ? $_-> rect : $_-> externalDocker-> rect;
my $n = '';
if ( $_-> dock) {
$n = $_-> dock-> name;
$n =~ s/(\W)/\%sprintf("%02x",$1)/g;
my $CLSID = $_-> {CLSID};
print $fd "PANEL:$n:$CLSID [@r]\n";
print $fd "DOCK_STMT_END\n";
sub FileOpen
$_[0]-> open_dockmanaging;
sub FileClose
$_[0]-> close;
package Banner;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
sub on_create
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> {offset} = 0;
$self-> text( "Visit www.prima.eu.org");
$self-> font-> size( 18);
$self-> {maxOffset} = $self-> width;
$self-> {textLen} = $self-> get_text_width( $self-> text);
$self-> insert( Timer => timeout => 100 => onTick => sub {
$self-> {offset} = $self-> {maxOffset}
if ( $self-> {offset} -= 5) < -$self-> {textLen};
$self-> repaint;
})-> start;
sub on_size
my ( $self, $ox, $oy, $x, $y) = @_;
$self-> {maxOffset} = $x;
sub on_paint
my ( $self, $canvas) = @_;
$canvas-> clear;
my @sz = $self-> size;
$canvas-> text_out( $self-> text,
$self-> {offset}, ( $sz[1] - $canvas-> font-> height) / 2);
package X;
# createing the docking instance with predefined command state
my $i = Prima::DockManager-> create(
commands => {
'Edit::OK' => 0,
'Edit::Cancel' => 0,
# registering buttons
sub reg
my ( $id, $name, $hint, %profile) = @_;
$i-> register_tool( Prima::DockManager::S::SpeedButton::class( "sysimage.gif:$id",
$name, hint => $hint, %profile));
reg( sbmp::SFolderOpened, 'File::Open', 'Rearrange buttons');
reg( sbmp::SFolderClosed, 'File::Close', 'Close document');
reg( sbmp::GlyphOK, 'Edit::OK', 'OK', glyphs => 2);
reg( sbmp::GlyphCancel, 'Edit::Cancel','Cancel', glyphs => 2);
reg( sbmp::DriveFloppy, 'Drive::Floppy', 'Floppy disk');
reg( sbmp::DriveHDD, 'Drive::HDD' , 'Hard disk');
reg( sbmp::DriveNetwork, 'Drive::Network','Network connection');
reg( sbmp::DriveCDROM, 'Drive::CDROM', 'CD-ROM device');
reg( sbmp::DriveMemory, 'Drive::Memory', 'Memory-mapped drive');
reg( sbmp::DriveUnknown, 'Drive::Unknown','FAT-64');
# registering panels
$i-> register_panel( 'Edit' => {
class => 'Prima::Edit',
text => 'Edit window',
dockerProfile => {
fingerprint => dmfp::Edit,
growMode => gm::Client,
profile => {
vScroll => 1,
text => '',
$i-> register_panel( 'Banner' => {
class => 'Banner',
text => 'Banner window',
dockerProfile => {
fingerprint => dmfp::Horizontal,
size => [ 200, 30]
my $resFile = Prima::Utils::path('demo_dock');
# after all that, creating window ( the window itself is of small importance...)
my $ww = Prima::Dock::BasicWindow -> create(
instance => $i,
onClose => sub {
if ( open F, "> $resFile") {
$_[0]-> init_write( *F);
close F;
} else {
warn "Cannot open $resFile:$!\n";
onDestroy => sub {
$::application-> destroy;
size => [ 400, 400],
text => 'Docking example',
onActivate => sub { $i-> activate; },
onWindowState => sub { $i-> windowState( $_[1]); },
# opening predefined bars
if ( open F, $resFile) {
$ww-> init_read(*F);
close F;
} else {
$i-> predefined_panels( "Edit" => $ww-> {mainDock}-> ClientDocker);
$i-> predefined_toolbars( {
name => "File",
list => ["File::Open", "File::Close"],
dock => $ww-> {mainDock}-> TopDocker,
origin => [ 0, 0],
}, {
name => "Edit",
list => [ "Edit::OK", "Edit::Cancel", ],
dock => $ww-> {mainDock}-> TopDocker,
origin => [ 0, 0],
#$ww-> open_dockmanaging; # uncomment this for Customize window popup immediately
run Prima;