=head1 NAME
examples/drivecombo.pl - File tree widgets
Use of standard file-listbox and drive-combo box ( the latter
is idle under *nix )
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima::ComboBox;
use Prima::Dialog::FileDialog;
package UserInit;
$::application = Prima::Application-> create( name => "DriveCombo");
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
text => "Combo box",
left => 100,
bottom => 300,
width => 250,
height => 250,
$w-> insert( DriveComboBox =>
pack => { side => 'bottom', padx => 20, pady => 20, fill => 'x' },
onChange => sub { $w-> DirectoryListBox1-> path( $_[0]-> text); },
$w-> insert( DirectoryListBox =>
pack => { side => 'bottom', padx => 20, pady => 20, fill => 'both', expand => 1, },
onChange => sub { print $_[0]-> path."\n"},
run Prima;