=head1 NAME
examples/editor.pl - A basic text editor
Demonstrates usage of L<Prima::Edit> class,
and, in lesser extent, of standard find/replace dialogs.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Edit Application MsgBox Dialog::FileDialog Dialog::FindDialog Dialog::FontDialog);
package Indicator;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
sub profile_default
my %def = %{$_[ 0]->SUPER::profile_default};
return {
editor => undef,
text => '',
growMode => gm::Floor,
left => 0,
bottom => 0,
height => $::application->font->height + 2,
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self->SUPER::init(@_);
$self-> {editor} = $profile{editor};
$self-> reset;
return %profile;
sub on_paint
my ($self,$canvas) = @_;
$canvas-> rect3d( 0, 0, $self-> width - 1, $self-> height - 1,
1, $self-> dark3DColor, $self-> light3DColor, $self-> backColor);
$canvas-> text_out( $self-> text,
4, ( $self-> height - $canvas-> font-> height) / 2);
sub reset
my $self = $_[0];
my $editor = $self-> {editor};
my @c = $editor-> cursorLog;
$self-> text( sprintf("%s %d:%d", ($editor-> modified ? '*' : ' '),
$self-> repaint;
package Editor;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Edit);
sub profile_default
my %def = %{$_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default};
my @accelItems = @{$def{accelItems}};
my @acc = (
[ PushMark => 0, 0, km::Ctrl|kb::Down, q(push_mark)],
[ PopMark => 0, 0, km::Ctrl|kb::Up, q(pop_mark)],
splice( @accelItems, -1, 0, @acc);
return {
accelItems => \@accelItems,
sub set_cursor
my $self = shift;
my @c = $self-> cursor;
$self-> SUPER::set_cursor(@_);
return if $c[0] == $_[0] && $c[1] == $_[1];
$self-> owner-> {status}-> reset
if $self-> owner-> {status} && !$self-> change_locked;
sub push_mark
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> add_marker( $self-> cursor);
sub pop_mark
my $self = $_[0];
my $m = $self-> markers;
return if scalar @{$m} == 0;
$self-> cursor( @{$$m[-1]});
$self-> delete_marker( -1);
package EditorWindow;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Window);
sub profile_default
my %def = %{$_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default};
return {
fileName => undef,
utf8 => 1,
menuItems => [
[ '~File' => [
[ '~New' => q(new_window)],
[ '~Open...' => 'F3' => kb::F3, q(open_file)],
[ '~Save' => 'F2' => kb::F2, q(save_file)],
[ 'Save ~as...' => q(save_as)],
['E~xit' => 'Alt+X' => '@X' => sub {$::application-> close}]
[ '~Edit' => [
['~Cut' => 'Ctrl+Del' => kb::NoKey, sub{$_[0]-> {editor}-> cut}],
['C~opy' => 'Ctrl+Ins' => kb::NoKey, sub{$_[0]-> {editor}-> copy}],
['~Paste' => 'Shift+Ins' => kb::NoKey, sub{$_[0]-> {editor}-> paste}],
['~Delete' => 'Shift+Del' => kb::NoKey, sub{$_[0]-> {editor}-> delete_block}],
['~Find...' => 'Esc' => kb::Esc , q(find)],
['~Replace...'=> 'Ctrl+S' => '^S' , q(replace)],
['Find ~next' => 'Ctrl+L' => '^L' , q(find_next)],
['~Undo' => 'Alt+Backspace' => kb::NoKey , sub {$_[0]-> {editor}-> undo}],
['~Redo' => 'Ctrl+R' => kb::NoKey , sub {$_[0]-> {editor}-> redo}],
['~Options' => [
[ '@syx' => '~Syntax hilite' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> syntaxHilite( $_[2] )}],
[ '@*aid' => '~Auto indent' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> autoIndent( $_[2] )}],
[ '@wwp' => '~Word wrap' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> wordWrap( $_[2] )}],
[ '@cwp' => '~Cursor wrap' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> cursorWrap( $_[2] )}],
[ '@tab' => 'Enter ~tabs in text' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> wantTabs( $_[2] )}],
[ '@psb' => '~Presistent blocks' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> persistentBlock( $_[2] )}],
[ '@*hsc' => '~Horizontal scrollbar' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> hScroll( $_[2])}],
[ '@*vsc' => '~Vertical scrollbar' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> vScroll( $_[2])}],
['utf' => 'UTF-8 mode' => sub {
my $utf8_mode = $_[0]-> menu-> utf-> toggle;
$_[0]-> {utf8} = $utf8_mode;
$::application-> wantUnicodeInput($utf8_mode);
[ '@'.($::application->textDirection ? '*' : '').'rtl' =>
'~Right-to-left' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> textDirection( $_[2] )}],
[ '@*ligation' => '~Ligatures' => sub{ $_[0]-> {editor}-> textLigation( $_[2] )}],
[ 'Set ~font' => q(setfont)],
my $windows = 0;
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
my $fn = $profile{fileName};
my $cap = '';
$self-> menu-> utf-> check if $self-> {utf8} = $profile{utf8};
if ( defined $fn) {
if ( open FILE, '<'.($profile{utf8} ? ':encoding(utf-8)' : ''), $fn) {
if ( ! defined read( FILE, $cap, -s $fn)) {
Prima::MsgBox::message("Cannot read file $fn:$!");
$fn = undef;
close FILE;
} else {
Prima::MsgBox::message("Cannot open file $fn:$!");
$fn = undef;
$fn = '.Untitled' unless defined $fn;
my $fh = $::application->font->height + 1;
$self-> {editor} = $self-> insert( Editor =>
name => 'Edit',
textRef => \$cap,
origin => [ 0, $fh],
size => [ $self-> width, $self-> height - $fh],
hScroll => 1,
vScroll => 1,
growMode => gm::Client,
undef $cap;
$self-> text( $fn);
$self-> {status} = $self-> insert( Indicator =>
name => 'StatusBar',
width => $self-> width,
editor => $self-> {editor},
$self-> {editor}-> focus;
$self-> {findData} = undef;
return %profile;
sub on_close
my $self = $_[0];
if ( $self-> {editor}-> modified) {
my $r = Prima::MsgBox::message_box(
$self-> text,
'File '.$self-> text. ' has been modified. Save?',
return if mb::No == $r;
$self-> clear_event, return if mb::Cancel == $r;
$self-> clear_event, return unless $self-> save_file;
sub on_destroy
$::application-> close unless --$windows;
sub new_window
my $self = $_[0];
my $ww = EditorWindow-> create(
size => [$self-> size],
left => $self-> left + 10,
bottom => $self-> bottom - 10,
font => $self-> font,
utf8 => $self-> {utf8},
$ww-> {editor}-> focus;
return $ww;
sub open_file
my $self = $_[0];
my $f = Prima::open_file;
if ( defined $f) {
my $ww = EditorWindow-> create(
size => [$self-> size],
left => $self-> left + 10,
bottom => $self-> bottom - 10,
fileName => $f,
font => $self-> font,
utf8 => $self-> {utf8},
$ww-> {editor}-> focus;
sub save_file
my $self = $_[0];
return $self-> save_as if $self-> text eq '.Untitled';
my $fn = $self-> text;
if ( open FILE, '>'.($self-> {utf8} ? 'utf8' : ''), $fn) {
my $cap = $self-> {editor}-> text;
Encode::_utf8_off($cap) if !$self-> {utf8};
my $swr = syswrite(FILE,$cap,length($cap));
close FILE;
unless (defined $swr && $swr==length($cap)) {
undef $cap;
unlink $fn;
$self-> text,
"Cannot save to $fn", mb::Error|mb::OK);
return 0;
undef $cap;
$self-> {editor}-> modified(0);
$self-> {status}-> reset;
return 1;
} else {
$self-> text, "Cannot save to $fn", mb::Error|mb::OK);
return 0;
sub save_as
my $self = $_[0];
my $fn = Prima::save_file;
my $ret = 0;
if ( defined $fn) {
SAVE:while(1) {
next SAVE unless open FILE, '>'.($self-> {utf8} ? 'utf8' : ''), $fn;
my $cap = $self-> {editor}-> text;
Encode::_utf8_off($cap) if !$self-> {utf8};
my $swr = print FILE $cap;
close FILE;
unless ($swr) {
undef $cap;
unlink $fn;
next SAVE;
undef $cap;
$self-> {editor}-> modified(0);
$self-> {status}-> reset;
$self-> text( $fn);
$ret = 1;
} continue {
last SAVE unless
mb::Retry == Prima::MsgBox::message_box(
$self-> text, "Cannot save to $fn",
return $ret;
my $findDialog;
sub find_dialog
my ( $self, $findStyle) = @_;
my %prf;
%{$self-> {findData}} = (
replaceText => '',
findText => '',
replaceItems => [],
findItems => [],
options => 0,
scope => fds::Cursor,
) unless defined $self-> {findData};
my $fd = $self-> {findData};
my @props = qw(findText options scope);
push( @props, q(replaceText)) unless $findStyle;
if ( $fd) { for( @props) { $prf{$_} = $fd-> {$_}}}
$findDialog = Prima::Dialog::FindDialog-> create unless $findDialog;
$findDialog-> set( %prf, findStyle => $findStyle);
$findDialog-> Find-> items($fd-> {findItems});
$findDialog-> Replace-> items($fd-> {replaceItems}) unless $findStyle;
my $ret = 0;
my $rf = $findDialog-> execute;
if ( $rf != mb::Cancel) {
{ for( @props) { $self-> {findData}-> {$_} = $findDialog-> $_()}}
$self-> {findData}-> {result} = $rf;
$self-> {findData}-> {asFind} = $findStyle;
@{$self-> {findData}-> {findItems}} = @{$findDialog-> Find-> items};
@{$self-> {findData}-> {replaceItems}} = @{$findDialog-> Replace-> items}
unless $findStyle;
$ret = 1;
return $ret;
sub do_find
my $self = $_[0];
my $e = $self-> {editor};
my $p = $self-> {findData};
my @scope;
if ( $$p{scope} != fds::Cursor) {
if ( $e-> has_selection) {
my @sel = $e-> selection;
@scope = ($$p{scope} == fds::Top) ? ($sel[0],$sel[1]) : ($sel[2], $sel[3]);
} else {
@scope = ($$p{scope} == fds::Top) ? (0,0) : (-1,-1);
} else {
@scope = $e-> cursor;
my @n = $e-> find( $$p{findText}, @scope, $$p{replaceText}, $$p{options});
if ( !defined $n[0]) {
Prima::MsgBox::message("No matches found");
$e-> cursor(($$p{options} & fdo::BackwardSearch) ? $n[0] : $n[2], $n[1]);
$e-> selection( $n[0], $n[1], $n[2], $n[1]);
unless ( $$p{asFind}) {
if ( $$p{options} & fdo::ReplacePrompt) {
my $r = Prima::MsgBox::message_box( $self-> text,
"Replace this text?",
redo FIND if ($r == mb::No) && ($$p{result} == mb::ChangeAll);
last FIND if $r == mb::Cancel;
$e-> set_line( $n[1], $n[3]);
redo FIND if $$p{result} == mb::ChangeAll;
sub find
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> find_dialog(1);
$self-> do_find;
sub replace
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> find_dialog(0);
$self-> do_find;
sub find_next
my $self = $_[0];
return unless $self-> {findData};
$self-> do_find;
my $fontDialog;
sub setfont
my $self = $_[0];
$fontDialog = Prima::Dialog::FontDialog-> create() unless $fontDialog;
$fontDialog-> logFont( $self-> font);
return unless $fontDialog-> execute;
$self-> font( $fontDialog-> logFont);
package Generic;
my @fn = @ARGV;
@fn = (undef) unless scalar @fn;
for ( @fn) {
my $w = EditorWindow-> create(
origin => [ 10, 100],
size => [ $::application-> width - 820, $::application-> height - 150],
fileName => $_,
font => {
size => 16,
name => 'Courier New',
run Prima;