=head1 NAME
examples/keys.pl - A key dump example
Tests the correct implementation of keyboard event subsystem.
The following features are tested:
- Direct flow of keyboard event
- Correspondence of a syntetic key name to the real name
- key_event() functionality
- Key event propagation. Not that if it is disabled ( a clear_event() is called )
no system-bound event ( like menus etc. ) are expected to be initiated.
- Diaglyphs type ( f.ex. dieresis + 'e' )
- Alternative keyboard layout ( a Euro sign )
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Buttons;
use Prima::Label;
use Prima::Dialog::FontDialog;
use Prima::Application;
my $propagate = 1;
my $repeat = 0;
my $fontDialog;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
size => [500,250],
text => 'Keyboard events checker',
menuItems => [['~Options' => [
[ '@*' => '~Propagate key event' => sub { $propagate = $_[2] } ],
[ '@' => '~Repeat key event' => sub { $repeat = $_[2] } ],
[ '@'.( $::application-> wantUnicodeInput() ? '*' : '') . # is is on?
( $::application-> get_system_value( sv::CanUTF8_Input) ? '' : '-'), # is it writable ?
'~Unicode input' => sub { $::application-> wantUnicodeInput($_[2]) },
["Set ~font..." => "Ctrl+F" => '^F' => sub {
my $d = $fontDialog ? $fontDialog : Prima::Dialog::FontDialog-> create(
logFont => $_[0]-> Label1-> font,
$fontDialog = $d;
return unless $d-> execute == mb::OK;
$_[0]-> Label1-> font( $d-> logFont);
sub keydump
my ( $prefx, $self, $code, $key, $mod) = @_;
my $t = '';
$mod =
(( $mod & km::Alt) ? 'Alt+' : '') .
(( $mod & km::Ctrl) ? 'Ctrl+' : '') .
(( $mod & km::Shift) ? 'Shift+' : '') .
(( $mod & km::KeyPad) ? 'KeyPad+' : '').
(( $mod & km::DeadKey) ? 'DeadKey+' : '');
chop($mod) if $mod;
my $lcode = $code ? (( $code < 27) ? chr( $code + ord('@')) : chr( $code)) : 'n/a';
$lcode = 'n/a' if $lcode =~ /\0/;
for ( keys %kb::) {
next if $_ eq 'AUTOLOAD';
next if $_ eq 'BEGIN';
next if $_ eq 'constant';
$key = "kb::$_", last if $key == &{$kb::{$_}}();
my $tran = '';
if ( $key eq 'kb::NoKey') {
$tran = $code ? $lcode : '';
$tran = 'Space' if $tran eq ' ';
} else {
$tran = $key;
$tran =~ s/kb:://;
if ( $mod) {
if ( $tran ne '') {
$tran = "$mod+$tran";
} else {
$tran = $mod;
$mod = '0' if $mod eq '';
$t = "$prefx code: $code|$lcode|, key: $key, mod: $mod => $tran";
$self-> text( $t);
print "$t\n";
my $l = $w-> insert( Label =>
origin => [10,10],
text => 'Press a key',
size => [$w-> width - 20, $w-> height - 220],
growMode => gm::Floor,
font => {name => 'Arial'},
selectable=> 1,
name => 'Label1',
autoHeight => 1,
autoWidth => 1,
onKeyDown => sub {
my ( $self, $code, $key, $mod) = @_;
keydump( '', $self, $code, $key, $mod);
$self-> clear_event unless $propagate;
$self-> key_event( cm::KeyUp, $code, $key, $mod, 1, 1) if $repeat;
onKeyUp => sub {
my ( $self, $code, $key, $mod) = @_;
keydump( 'up', $self, $code, $key, $mod);
onMouseClick => sub {
print sprintf "%d %04x [%d %d] %d\n", @_;
$l-> select;
$w-> insert( Button =>
origin => [10,160],
text => 'kb::F10 test',
selectable => 0,
onClick => sub {
$l-> key_event( cm::KeyDown, 0, kb::F10, 0, 1, 0);
run Prima;