=head1 NAME
examples/launch.pl - A Prima example launcher
Uses to execute several Prima examples in one task space.
Many examples inflict the view af a user-selected widget, but
lack existence of the appropriate one. The launcher helps
such experiments. See cv.pl or fontdlg.pl in particular.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Classes;
use Prima::Dialog::FileDialog;
my $dlg;
my $closeAction = 0;
my $myApp;
package MyOpenDialog;
use vars qw( @ISA);
@ISA = qw( Prima::Dialog::OpenDialog);
sub ok
Launcher::launch( $_[0]-> Name-> text);
package MyApp;
use vars qw( @ISA);
@ISA = qw( Prima::Application);
sub close
$_[0]-> SUPER::close if $closeAction;
sub destroy
$_[0]-> SUPER::destroy if $closeAction;
package Generic;
sub start {
$myApp = $::application = MyApp-> create( name => "Launcher");
$dlg = MyOpenDialog-> create(
name => 'Launcher',
filter => [
['Scripts' => '*.pl'],
['All files' => '*'],
onEndModal => sub {
$::application-> close;
my $cl = $dlg-> Cancel;
$cl-> text('Close');
$cl-> set(
onClick => sub {
$dlg-> cancel;
$dlg-> execute_shared;
package Prima::Application;
sub create
my $x = shift;
return $myApp ? $myApp : $x-> SUPER::create( @_);
package Launcher;
sub launch
my $pgm = $_[0];
my $ok;
my $app = $::application;
my $package = $pgm;
$package =~ s{^.*[\\/]([^\\/]+)\..*$}{$1};
print "require '$pgm' != 1 || run $package;";
$ok = eval( "require '$pgm' != 1 || run $package; 1;");
$::application = $app;
print $@ unless $ok;
run Prima;