use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Application MsgBox);
my %opt = (
le => le::Round,
lep => 'le::Round',
lj => lj::Round,
ljp => 'lj::Round',
lp => lp::DotDot,
lpp => 'lp::DotDot',
ml => 10,
lw => 28,
$opt{ml} = 10;
my $aperture = 12;
my $capture;
my $prelight;
my @points;
@points = (100,200,200,200,200,100,50,10);
sub group
my $class = shift;
my @items = map {[
"$class\:\:$_" => "~$_" => sub {
$opt{$class . 'p'} = $_[1];
$opt{$class} = eval $_[1];
]} @_;
$items[0][0] = "(" . $items[0][0];
$items[-1][0] = ")" . $items[-1][0];
return @items;
my $mw;
sub lw
$opt{lw} = shift;
$mw = Prima::MainWindow->new(
size => [ 400, 431 ],
text => 'Line plotter',
designScale => [ 7, 16 ],
menuItems => [
['~Options' => [
[ '@closed' => '~Closed' => sub{shift->repaint} ],
[ '@compare' => '~Compare' => sub{shift->repaint} ],
[ '@*hairline' => '~Hairline' => sub{shift->repaint} ],
[ 'E~xit' => sub { $_[0]->destroy } ],
[ '~End' => [ group le => qw(Flat Square Round) ]],
[ '~Join' => [
group(lj => qw(Round Bevel Miter)),
['~Set limit..' => sub {
while ( 1 ) {
my $ml = Prima::MsgBox::input_box(
'Set miter limit',
last unless defined $ml;
unless ( $ml =~ /^[\.\d]+$/ && ($ml+0) > 0 && ($ml+0) <= 20) {
Prima::MsgBox::message('Wrong value, must be between 0 and 20');
$opt{ml} = $ml;
[ '~Pattern' => [ group lp => qw(
Null Solid Dash LongDash ShortDash
Dot DotDot DashDot DashDotDot
) ]],
[ '~Width' => [
(map { my $k = $_; [ $k , sub { lw($k) } ] } (0,1,2,3,5,10,20,30)),
buffered => 1,
onPaint => sub {
my ( $self, $canvas ) = @_;
my ( $w, $h ) = $self-> size;
my $c = $prelight // $capture // -1;
my @xpoints =
$self->menu->checked('closed') ?
((@points < 6) ? ( 100, 100, @points, 100, 100 ) : @points[0..$#points,0,1]):
( 30, 30, @points, $w - 30, $h - 30);
my $cmp;
if ( $cmp = $self-> menu->checked('compare')) {
$canvas->polyline( \@xpoints);
my $p = $canvas->new_path;
$p = $p->widen(
lineWidth => $opt{lw},
lineEnd => $opt{le},
lineJoin => $opt{lj},
linePattern => $opt{lp},
miterLimit => $opt{ml},
$canvas->rop(rop::OrPut) if $cmp;
if ( $cmp = $self-> menu->checked('hairline')) {
$canvas-> polyline( \@xpoints);
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @points; $i+=2) {
$canvas-> color(($i == $c) ? cl::White : cl::Black);
$canvas-> fill_ellipse(
$points[$i], $points[$i+1],
$aperture, $aperture
$canvas-> color(($i == $c) ? cl::Black : cl::White);
$canvas-> fill_ellipse(
$points[$i], $points[$i+1],
$aperture/2, $aperture/2
onSize => sub {
my ( $self, $ox, $oy, $x, $y) = @_;
my $i;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @points; $i+=2) {
$points[$i] = $x if $points[$i] > $x;
$points[$i+1] = $y if $points[$i+1] > $y;
onMouseDown => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
my $i;
$capture = undef;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @points; $i+=2) {
if ( $points[$i] > $x - $aperture && $points[$i] < $x + $aperture &&
$points[$i+1] > $y - $aperture && $points[$i+1] < $y + $aperture) {
if ( $btn == mb::Left ) {
$capture = $i;
} elsif ( $btn == mb::Right ) {
splice(@points, $i, 2);
onMouseClick => sub {
my ( $self, $mod, $btn, $x, $y, $dbl) = @_;
return unless $dbl;
push @points, $x, $y;
onMouseUp => sub {
undef $capture;
onMouseMove => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, $x, $y) = @_;
if (defined $capture && $capture >= 0 ) {
my @bounds = $self->size;
$points[$capture] = $x if $x >= 0 && $x < $bounds[0];
$points[$capture+1] = $y if $y >= 0 && $y < $bounds[1];
} else {
my $i;
my $p;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @points; $i+=2) {
if ( $points[$i] > $x - $aperture && $points[$i] < $x + $aperture &&
$points[$i+1] > $y - $aperture && $points[$i+1] < $y + $aperture) {
$p = $i;
goto FOUND;
if (( $p // -20 ) != ($prelight // -20)) {
$prelight = $p;
onMouseLeave => sub {
if ( $prelight ) {
undef $prelight;
$mw->menu->check($opt{$_}) for qw(lep ljp lpp);
run Prima;