# Example of listbox extended usage
=head1 NAME
examples/listbox.pl - Prima listbox, combobox and widget example
Demonstrates the usage of Prima::Edit, Prima::ComboBox
and Prima::ListBox widgets.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw( ComboBox Edit Application );
package TestWindow;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::MainWindow);
sub create_menu
return [
[ "~ListBox" => [
["~Add text" => "AddItem"],
["~Delete current" => sub{$_[0]-> ListBox1-> delete_items( $_[0]-> ListBox1-> focusedItem);}],
["Delete a~ll" => sub{$_[0]-> ListBox1-> delete_items(0..$_[0]-> ListBox1-> count )}],
["~Print all" => "PrintAll"],
["Print ~selected" => sub{foreach (@{$_[0]-> ListBox1-> selectedItems}){print "$_\n"};}],
["Print ~focused" => sub{ print $_[0]-> ListBox1-> focusedItem."\n";}],
["Toggle ~extended selection"=> sub{$_[0]-> ListBox1-> extendedSelect(!$_[0]-> ListBox1-> extendedSelect)}],
["Toggle ~multiple selection"=> sub{$_[0]-> ListBox1-> multiSelect(!$_[0]-> ListBox1-> multiSelect)}],
["~Increase item height"=>sub{$_[0]-> ListBox1-> itemHeight($_[0]-> ListBox1-> itemHeight+2)}],
["~Decrease item height"=>sub{$_[0]-> ListBox1-> itemHeight($_[0]-> ListBox1-> itemHeight-2)}],
['Ali~gn' => [
['~Left' => sub { shift->ListBox1->align(ta::Left) }],
['~Right' => sub { shift->ListBox1->align(ta::Right) }],
['~Center' => sub { shift->ListBox1->align(ta::Center) }],
["Add~itional"=> sub {
my $box = $_[0]-> ListBox1;
$box-> add_items( 'Hello', 'user', 'from', 'Perl');
"~Edit" => [
["~VScroll" => sub{$_[0]-> Edit1-> vScroll(!$_[0]-> Edit1-> vScroll)}],
["~HScroll" => sub{$_[0]-> Edit1-> hScroll(!$_[0]-> Edit1-> hScroll)}],
["B~oth" => sub{
$_[0]-> Edit1-> set( hScroll => !$_[0]-> Edit1-> hScroll,
vScroll => !$_[0]-> Edit1-> vScroll)
["~Border" => sub{$_[0]-> Edit1-> borderWidth(!$_[0]-> Edit1-> borderWidth)}],
[ "~ComboBox" => [
["~Add text" => "AddItemC"],
["Delete a~ll" => sub{$_[0]-> ComboBox1-> List-> delete_items( 0..$_[0]-> ComboBox1-> List-> count) }],
["Print ~text" => sub{ print $_[0]-> ComboBox1-> text."\n";}],
["~Set style" => [
[ "~Simple" => sub {$_[0]-> ComboBox1-> style(cs::Simple)}],
[ "~Drop down" => sub {$_[0]-> ComboBox1-> style(cs::DropDown)}],
[ "Drop down ~list" => sub {$_[0]-> ComboBox1-> style(cs::DropDownList)}],
["Add~itional"=> sub{
my $box = $_[0]-> ComboBox1-> List;
$box-> add_items( 'Hello', 'user', 'from', 'Perl');
sub AddItem
my $self = shift;
$self-> ListBox1-> add_items( $self-> InputLine1-> text);
sub AddItemC
my $self = shift;
$self-> ComboBox1-> List-> add_items( $self-> InputLine1-> text);
sub PrintAll
my $self = shift;
print( "$_\n") for @{$self-> ListBox1-> items};
my $w = TestWindow-> create(
name => "Window1",
origin => [ 100, 100],
size => [ 600, 230],
designScale => [ 7, 16 ],
text => "List & edit boxes example",
menuItems => TestWindow::create_menu,
$w-> insert("InputLine", pack => {side => 'bottom', fill => 'x', padx => 20, pady => 20 });
$w-> insert( "ListBox",
hScroll => 1,
multiSelect => 0,
extendedSelect => 1,
dragable => 1,
name => 'ListBox1',
font => { size => 24},
items => ['Items', 'created', 'indirect'],
pack => { side => 'left', expand => 1, fill => 'both', padx => 20, pady => 20},
align => ta::Right,
$w-> insert( "Edit",
maxLen => 200,
name => 'Edit1',
hScroll => 1,
vScroll => 1,
wantReturns => 0,
pack => { side => 'left', expand => 1, fill => 'both', padx => 20, pady => 20},
$w-> insert( "ComboBox",
name => 'ComboBox1',
items => ['Combo', 'box', 'salutes', 'you!'],
pack => { side => 'left', expand => 1, fill => 'both', padx => 20, pady => 20},
run Prima;