=head1 NAME
examples/notebk.pl - Prima notebook widget
Demonstrates the basic Prima toolkit usage and
L<Prima::TabbedNotebook> standard class.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Buttons Notebooks ScrollWidget Application MsgBox);
package Bla;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::MainWindow);
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init( @_);
my $n = $self-> insert( TabbedScrollNotebook =>
pack => { fill => 'both', expand => 1, padx => 20, pady => 20 },
# pageCount => 11,
tabs => [0..5,5,5..10],
name => 'book',
$n-> insert_to_page( 0 => 'Button');
my $j = $n-> insert_to_page( 1 => 'CheckBox' => left => 200);
$n-> insert_to_page( 2,
[ Button => origin => [ 0, 0], ],
[ Button => origin => [ 10, 40], ],
[ Button => origin => [ 10, 70], ],
[ Button => origin => [ 10,100], ],
[ Button => origin => [ 110, 10], ],
[ Button => origin => [ 110, 40], ],
[ Button => origin => [ 110, 70], ],
[ Button => origin => [ 110,100], ],
$n-> insert_transparent('Button',
name => 'TopMostButton',
text => 'Toggle Orientation',
origin => [0,30],
size => [200,20],
growMode => gm::XCenter,
onClick => sub { $n-> orientation($n-> orientation ? 0 : 1) },
$n-> insert_transparent('Button',
name => 'StyleButton',
text => 'Toggle Style',
origin => [0,5],
size => [200,20],
growMode => gm::XCenter,
onClick => sub { $n-> style($n-> style ? 0 : 1) },
$n-> use_current_size;
return %profile;
package Generic;
my $w = Bla-> create(
size => [ 600, 300],
y_centered => 1,
designScale => [7, 16],
menuItems => [[ '~Action' => [
[ '~New tab', 'Ctrl+N', '^N', sub {
my $book = shift->book;
my $tabid = scalar(@{$book->TabSet->tabs}) + 1;
my $pageno = $book->insert_page("tab$tabid");
$book->insert_to_page($pageno, Button =>
origin => [ 20, 20 ],
text => "$tabid",
[ 'New ~page', 'Ctrl+M', '^M', sub {
my $book = shift->book;
my $tabid = $book->page2tab($book->pageIndex) + 1;
my $pageid = $book->pageIndex + 1;
my $pageno = $book->insert_page("tab$tabid", $pageid - 1);
$book->insert_to_page($pageno, Button =>
origin => [ 20, 20 ],
text => "$tabid/$pageid",
[ '~Delete tab', 'Ctrl+W', '^W', sub {
my $book = shift->book;
$book->delete_page($book->pageIndex, 1);
run Prima;