=head1 NAME
examples/ownerchange.pl - A recreate functionality example.
Widgets that change owner dynamically often gets
recreated internally - one system window gets
destroyed and another created then. Test the correct
implementation of Prima owner change functionality.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Buttons Application);
my $w = Prima::Window-> create(
name => "D1",
text => "Window Number One",
origin => [ 100, 300],
designScale => [7, 16],
borderStyle=> bs::Sizeable,
size => [ 350, 100],
backColor => cl::Green,
popupItems => [["Change owner"=> sub { $_[0]-> popup-> owner (( $_[0]-> name eq "D1") ? $::application-> D2 : $::application-> D1); }]],
menuItems => [["Change owner"=> sub { $_[0]-> menu-> owner (( $_[0]-> name eq "D1") ? $::application-> D2 : $::application-> D1); }]],
onTimer => sub { $_[0]-> backColor(($_[0]-> backColor == cl::Green) ? cl::LightGreen : cl::Green)},
onMouseDown => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, @k) = @_;
$_[0]-> borderStyle( ($btn == mb::Left) ? bs::Dialog : bs::Sizeable);
my $w2 = Prima::Window-> create(
name => "D2",
text => "Window Number Two",
designScale => [7, 16],
origin => [ 500, 300],
size => [ 450, 200],
font => { name=>"System VIO",size=>18},
backColor => cl::Yellow,
onTimer => sub {
$_[0]-> backColor(($_[0]-> backColor == cl::Yellow) ?
cl::White : cl::Yellow)
$w-> insert( Button =>
rect => [ 10 ,10, 50, 30],
text => "<",
onClick => sub { $_[0]-> owner-> borderIcons(bi::Minimize|bi::TitleBar)},
$w-> insert( Button =>
rect => [ 60 , 10, 100, 30],
text => ">",
onClick => sub { $_[0]-> owner-> borderIcons(
$w-> insert( Button =>
growMode => gm::Center,
text => "Change owner",
onClick => sub {
my $oldOwner = $_[0]-> owner;
$_[0]-> owner (( $_[0]-> owner-> name eq "D1") ?
$::application-> D2 : $::application-> D1);
my $timer = $::application-> Timer1;
if ( $timer-> {win} == $w)
$timer-> {win} = $w2;
} else {
$timer-> {win} = $w;
$::application-> insert( Timer =>
timeout => 1000,
name => Timer1 =>
onCreate => sub { $_[0]-> start; $_[0]-> {win} = $w; },
onTick => sub {
return unless $_[0]-> {win}-> alive;
$_[0]-> {win}-> backColor( $_[0]-> {win}-> backColor ^ 0x00FFFFFF);
run Prima;