=head1 NAME
examples/pointers.pl - Prima mouse pointer example
Demonstrates the usage of Prima mouse pointer functionality.
Note the custom pointer creation and its dynamic change ( the "User" button ).
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw( StdBitmap Buttons Application);
package UserInit;
my $ph = Prima::Application-> get_system_value(sv::YPointer);
my $sc = $::application-> uiScaling;
$ph = $::application->font->height * 2 if $ph < $::application->font->height * 2;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
size => [ 350 * $sc, 20 + ($ph+8)*15],
left => 200,
text => 'Pointers',
my %grep_out = (
'BEGIN' => 1,
'END' => 1,
'AUTOLOAD' => 1,
'constant' => 1
my @a = sort { &{$cr::{$a}}() <=> &{$cr::{$b}}()} grep { !exists $grep_out{$_}} keys %cr::;
shift @a;
$::application-> pointerVisible(0);
my $i = 1;
for my $c ( @a[0..$#a-1])
my $p = eval("cr::$c");
$w-> pointer( $p);
my $b = $w-> insert( Button =>
flat => 1,
left => (10 + (($i-1) % 2)*170) * $sc,
width => 160 * $sc,
height => $ph + 4,
bottom => $w-> height - int(($i+1)/2) * ($ph+8) - 10,
pointer => $p,
name => $c,
image => $w-> pointerIcon,
onClick => sub { $::application-> pointer( $_[0]-> pointer); },
my $ptr = Prima::StdBitmap::icon( sbmp::DriveCDROM, argb => 0, copy => 1);
my $color_pointer = $::application->get_system_value(sv::ColorPointer);
my @mapset = map {
my ($x,$r) = $ptr-> split;
my $j = Prima::Icon-> create;
$x-> begin_paint;
$x-> text_out( $_, 3, 3);
$x-> end_paint;
$r-> begin_paint;
$r-> text_out( $_, 3, 3);
$r-> end_paint;
if ( $color_pointer ) { # add alpha
$r-> type(im::Byte);
$r-> rop2(rop::CopyPut);
$j-> combine( $x, $r);
} 1..4;
my $mapsetID = 0;
my $b = $w-> insert( SpeedButton =>
left => $sc * ( 10 + (($i-1) % 2)*170 ),
width => 160 * $sc,
height => $ph+4,
bottom => $w-> height - int(($i+1)/2) * ($ph+8) - 10,
pointer => $mapset[-1],
image => $mapset[-1],
text => $a[-1],
flat => 1,
onClick => sub {
$::application-> pointer( $_[0]-> pointer);
$b-> insert( Timer =>
timeout => 1250,
onTick => sub {
$b-> pointerIcon( $mapset[$mapsetID]);
$b-> image( $mapset[$mapsetID]);
$mapsetID = 0 if $mapsetID >= @mapset;
)-> start;
$w-> pointer( cr::Default);
$::application-> pointerVisible(1);
run Prima;