=head1 NAME
examples/transparent.pl - Prima toolkit example
Demonstrates the usage of Prima::Widget::transparent property.
Test the certain events: for example, when two transparent
widgets are located one upon another, when a graphic content changed
under a transparent widget, etc.
Note that the $tt widget is not transparent but uses shape extension.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Const;
use Prima::Application name => 'Generic.pm';
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
size => [ 300, 300],
borderStyle => bs::Dialog,
backColor => cl::Green,
onCreate => sub {
$_[0]-> {delta} = 0;
onPaint => sub {
my ($self,$canvas) = @_;
my $c = $self-> color;
$canvas-> color( $self-> backColor);
$canvas-> bar(0,0,$self-> size);
$canvas-> color( $c);
my $d = $self-> {delta};
my $i;
for ( $i = -1; $i < 7; $i++)
$canvas-> text_out("Hello!", $d + $i * 40, $d + $i * 40);
$w-> insert( Timer =>
timeout => 100,
onTick => sub {
$w-> {delta} += 2;
$w-> { delta} = 0 if $w-> { delta} >= 40;
$w-> repaint;
)-> start;
$w-> insert(
Widget =>
origin => [ 90, 90],
transparent => 1,
onPaint => sub {
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> color( cl::LightGreen);
$self-> lineWidth( 4);
$self-> line( 3, 3, $self-> size);
$self-> ellipse( 50, 50, 80, 80);
onMouseDown => sub {
$_[0]-> bring_to_front;
goto NOSHAPE unless $::application-> get_system_value( sv::ShapeExtension);
my $string = "Hello from Prima::OnScreenDisplay!";
my $tt = Prima::Widget-> create(
name => 'W1',
backColor => cl::LightRed,
onMouseDown => sub {
$_[0]-> {drag} = [ $_[3], $_[4]];
$_[0]-> {lastPos} = [ $_[0]-> left, $_[0]-> bottom];
$_[0]-> capture(1);
$_[0]-> repaint;
onMouseMove => sub{
return unless exists $_[0]-> { drag};
my @org = $_[0]-> origin;
my @st = @{$_[0]-> {drag}};
my @new = ( $org[0] + $_[2] - $st[0], $org[1] + $_[3] - $st[1]);
$_[0]-> origin( $new[0], $new[1]) if $org[1] != $new[1] || $org[0] != $new[0];
onMouseUp => sub {
$_[0]-> capture(0);
delete $_[0]-> {drag};
$tt-> begin_paint_info;
$tt-> font-> height( $tt-> height * 0.7 );
my $font = $tt-> font;
$tt-> width( $tt-> get_text_width( $string));
$tt-> end_paint_info;
my $i = Prima::Image-> create( width => $tt-> width, height => $tt-> height,
type => im::RGB, conversion => ict::None);
$i-> begin_paint;
$i-> color( cl::Black);
$i-> bar(0,0,$i-> size);
$i-> color( cl::White);
$i-> font($font);
$i-> text_out( $string, 0, 0);
$i-> end_paint;
$tt-> shape($i);
$tt-> bring_to_front;
run Prima;