shell bypass 403
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Classes representing basic access.
SELinux - at the most basic level - represents access as
the 4-tuple subject (type or context), target (type or context),
object class, permission. The policy language elaborates this basic
access to faciliate more concise rules (e.g., allow rules can have multiple
source or target types - see refpolicy for more information).
This module has objects for representing the most basic access (AccessVector)
and sets of that access (AccessVectorSet). These objects are used in Madison
in a variety of ways, but they are the fundamental representation of access.
� )� refpolicy)�util� )� audit2whyc C sN t | �dkrF| d dkrFyt| dd� � W n tk
r@ dS X dS dS dS )z�Determine if an id is a paramater in the form $N, where N is
an integer.
True if the id is a paramater
False if the id is not a paramater
r r �$NFT)�len�int�
ValueError)�id� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/�