shell bypass 403
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Generic framework path manipulation
i����Nt framework_infos� (?x)
c C s# t j | � } | s d S| j � S( s}
A framework name can take one of the following four forms:
returns None if not found, or a mapping equivalent to:
Note that SomeVersion and Suffix are optional and may be None
if not present
N( t STRICT_FRAMEWORK_REt matcht Nonet groupdict( t filenamet is_framework( ( s@ /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/ctypes/macholib/framework.pyR s c C sK d d d d d d � } t d � d k s0 t � t d � d k sH t � t d � d k s` t � t d � d k sx t � t d � | d d d � k s� t � t d
� | d d d d d
�k s� t � t d � d k s� t � t d � d k s� t � t d � | d d d d � k st � t d � | d d d d d
� k sGt � d S( Nc S s% t d | d | d | d | d | � S( Nt locationt namet shortnamet versiont suffix( t dict( R R R R
R ( ( s@ /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/ctypes/macholib/framework.pyt d- s s completely/invalids completely/invalid/_debugs
P/F.frameworks P/F.framework/_debugs P/F.framework/Ft Ps
F.framework/Ft Fs P/F.framework/F_debugs F.framework/F_debugR t debugs P/F.framework/Versionss P/F.framework/Versions/As P/F.framework/Versions/A/Fs F.framework/Versions/A/Ft As P/F.framework/Versions/A/F_debugs F.framework/Versions/A/F_debug( R R t AssertionError( R
( ( s@ /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/ctypes/macholib/framework.pyt test_framework_info, s $*'t __main__( t __doc__t ret __all__t compileR R R t __name__( ( ( s@ /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/ctypes/macholib/framework.pyt <module> s