# -*-n3-*-
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix asc: <http://aaronland.info/ns/changefile/> .
@prefix my: <http://purl.org/NET/cpan-uri/dist/IRI/> .
dc:title "Changes" ;
dc:description "Changes for IRI" ;
dc:subject my:project ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
dcterms:replaces <http://kasei.us/code/files/IRI-0.008.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.009" ;
doap:created "2018-10-30" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Reduce Minimum Perl Version to 5.10 (#12 from @tehmoth)." ;
] ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
dcterms:replaces <http://kasei.us/code/files/IRI-0.007.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.008" ;
doap:created "2017-08-06" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Fix typo in regex rule causing problems parsing codepoints beyond BMP (#11)." ;
] ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
dcterms:replaces <http://kasei.us/code/files/IRI-0.006.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.007" ;
doap:created "2017-04-03" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Add query_form accessor and set_query_param constructor (#4)." ;
asc:update "Updated Makefile.PL for perl 5.26." ;
] ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
dcterms:replaces <http://kasei.us/code/files/IRI-0.005.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.006" ;
doap:created "2016-07-19" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Fix regular expression use of quantifiers (#8 from Karl Williamson)." ;
] ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
dcterms:replaces <http://kasei.us/code/files/IRI-0.004.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.005" ;
doap:created "2016-04-04" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Add ability to lazily parse IRI components." ;
asc:addition "Add cpanfile, with Module::Install deps (#5 from Alberto Simões)." ;
asc:addition "Added Try::Tiny to list of build requirements (github issue #3)." ;
asc:update "Improve performance of IRI component parsing." ;
asc:update "Updated required version of Type::Tiny to 0.008 to support use of InstanceOf (#7 from Alexandr Ciornii)." ;
asc:update "Update POD coverage test to ignore private attributes (#6 from Alberto Simões)." ;
] ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
dcterms:replaces <http://kasei.us/code/files/IRI-0.003.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.004" ;
doap:created "2014-09-25" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Moved modules from Moose to Moo." ;
asc:update "Changed IRI to use old-style VERSION declaration." ;
] ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
dcterms:replaces <http://kasei.us/code/files/IRI-0.002.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.003" ;
doap:created "2014-08-11" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added coercion from Str to IRI." ;
] ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
dcterms:replaces <http://kasei.us/code/files/IRI-0.001.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.002" ;
doap:created "2014-08-09" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added as_string method." ;
] ;
dcterms:isVersionOf my:project ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.001" ;
doap:created "2014-08-02" ;
] ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "First release." ;
# asc:update "" ;
] ;
a doap:Project ;
doap:name "IRI" ;
doap:shortdesc "A Perl implementation of Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)"@en ;
doap:programming-language "Perl" ;
doap:homepage <http://search.cpan.org/dist/IRI/> ;
doap:download-page <http://search.cpan.org/dist/IRI/> ;
doap:bug-database <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=IRI> ;
doap:maintainer <http://kasei.us/about/foaf.xrdf#greg> ;
doap:developer <http://kasei.us/about/foaf.xrdf#greg> ;
doap:documenter <http://kasei.us/about/foaf.xrdf#greg> ;
doap:tester <http://kasei.us/about/foaf.xrdf#greg> ;
doap:created "2014-07-23"^^xsd:date ;
doap:license <http://dev.perl.org/licenses/> ;
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Gregory Todd Williams" ;
foaf:homepage <http://kasei.us/> ;
foaf:page <http://search.cpan.org/~gwilliams/> ;
foaf:mbox <mailto:gwilliams@cpan.org> ;
<http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#sameAs> <http://purl.org/NET/cpan-uri/person/gwilliams> ;