# recurse2txt routines
# version 1.08, 12-20-12, michael@bizsystems.com
# 10-3-11 updated to bless into calling package
# 10-10-11 add SCALAR ref support
# 1.06 12-16-12 add hexDumper
# 1.07 12-19-12 added wantarray return of data and elements
# 1.08 12-20-12 add wantarray to hexDumper
#use strict;
#use diagnostics;
use overload;
# generate a unique signature for a particular hash
# Data::Dumper actually does much more than this, however, it
# does not stringify hash's in a consistent manner. i.e. no SORT
# The routine below, while not covering recursion loops, non ascii
# characters, etc.... does produce text that can be eval'd and is
# consistent with each rendering.
sub hexDumper {
if (wantarray) {
($data,$count) = Dumper($_[0]);
$data =~ s/(\b\d+)/sprintf("0x%x",$1)/ge;
return ($data,$count);
(my $x = Dumper($_[0])) =~ s/(\b\d+)/sprintf("0x%x",$1)/ge;
sub Dumper {
unless (defined $_[0]) {
return ("undef\n",'undef') if wantarray;
return "undef\n";
my $ref = ref $_[0];
return "not a reference\n" unless $ref;
unless ($ref eq 'HASH' or $ref eq 'ARRAY' or $ref eq 'SCALAR') {
($ref) = (overload::StrVal($_[0]) =~ /^(?:.*\=)?([^=]*)\(/);
my $p = {
depth => 0,
elements => 0,
(my $pkg = (caller(0))[3]) =~ s/(.+)::Dumper/$1/;
bless $p,$pkg;
my $data;
if ($ref eq 'HASH') {
$data = $p->hash_recurse($_[0],"\n");
elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
$data = $p->array_recurse($_[0]);
} else {
# return $ref ." unsupported\n";
$data = $p->scalar_recurse($_[0]);
$data =~ s/,\n$/;\n/;
return ($data,$p->{elements}) if wantarray;
return $p->{elements} ."\t= ". $data;
# input: pointer to scalar, terminator
# returns data
sub scalar_recurse {
my($p,$ptr,$n) = @_;
$n = '' unless $n;
my $data = "\\";
$data .= _dump($p,$$ptr);
$data .= "\n";
# input: pointer to hash, terminator
# returns: data
sub hash_recurse {
my($p,$ptr,$n) = @_;
$n = '' unless $n;
my $data = "{\n";
foreach my $key (sort keys %$ptr) {
$data .= "\t'". $key ."'\t=> ";
$data .= _dump($p,$ptr->{$key},"\n");
$data .= '},'.$n;
# generate a unique signature for a particular array
# input: pointer to array, terminator
# returns: data
sub array_recurse {
my($p,$ptr,$n) = @_;
$n = '' unless $n;
my $data = '[';
foreach my $item (@$ptr) {
$data .= _dump($p,$item);
$data .= "],\n";
# input: self, item, append
# return: data
sub _dump {
my($p,$item,$n) = @_;
$n = '' unless $n;
my $ref = ref $item;
if ($ref eq 'HASH') {
return tabout($p->hash_recurse($item,"\n"));
elsif($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
return $p->array_recurse($item,$n);
elsif($ref eq 'SCALAR') {
# return q|\$SCALAR,|.$n;
elsif ($ref eq 'GLOB') {
my $g = *{$item};
return "\\$g" .','.$n;
elsif(do {my $g = \$item; ref $g eq 'GLOB'}) {
return "$item" .','.$n;
elsif($ref eq 'CODE') {
return q|sub {'DUMMY'},|.$n;
elsif (defined $item) {
return wrap_data($item) .','.$n;
else {
return 'undef,'.$n;
sub tabout {
my @data = split(/\n/,shift);
my $data = shift @data;
$data .= "\n";
foreach(@data) {
$data .= "\t$_\n";
sub wrap_data {
my $data = shift;
return ($data =~ /\D/ || $data =~ /^$/)
? q|'|. $data .q|'|
: $data;