#compdef jls
local curcontext=$curcontext state state_descr line
typeset -A opt_args
_arguments -C -s -w -A '-*' : \
'-d[include diying jails]' \
'-h[print header line]' \
"-N[print jail's name instead of numeric ID]" \
'-n[print parameters in ``name=value'\'\'' format]' \
'-q[quote parameter value when it contains whitespace, quotes or empty string]' \
'-s[print parameters suitable for passing to jail(8)]' \
'-v[print a multiple-line summary per jail]' \
'-j[the jid or name of the jail to list]:jail:_jails' \
'*: :->parameters'
if [[ $state == parameters ]]; then
_values -w -S ' ' 'jail parameter' ${${${(f)"$(sysctl -N security.jail.param)"}%.#}##security.jail.param.#}