#compdef moosic
_moosic_add_cmds() {
# querying for information
typeset -a queries
"help:print brief description of command"
"current:print name of currently playing song"
"current-time:print the amount of time the current song has been playing"
"list:print the list of items in the current song queue"
"plainlist:print the current song queue without numbering each line"
"history:print a list of items that were recently played"
{status,state}":print the current state of the music daemon"
"length:print the number of items in the queue"
"ispaused:show whether the current song is paused or not"
"islooping:show whether the server is in loop mode"
"isadvancing:show whether the server is advancing through the song queue"
"version:print version information for client and server"
# appending to song queue
typeset -a appending
{append,add}":add the files to be played to the end of the song queue"
{pl-append,pl-add}":add the items listed in the given playlist files to end of queue"
"prepend:add the files to be played to the beginning of the song queue"
"pl-prepend:add the items in the given playlist files to beginning of queue"
"mixin:add the files to the song queue and reshuffle the entire queue"
"pl-mixin:add items in given playlist files to song queue and reshuffle the entire queue"
"replace:replace the current contents of the song queue with files listed"
"pl-replace:replace current contents of song queue with songs given in playlists"
"insert:insert the given items at a given point in the song queue"
"pl-insert:insert items from playlist files at specified point in queue"
"putback:reinsert current song at start of song queue"
"stagger-add:adds file list to end of queue after rearranging queue into staggered order"
"stagger-merge:adds given file list to queue in interleaved fashion"
"interval-add:inserts given songs with regular frequency specified by interval argument"
# removing
typeset -a removing
{cut,del}":removes all song queue items in given range"
"crop:removes all song queue items that do not fall within given range"
"remove:remove all song queue items matching any one of given regexps"
"filter:remove all queue items not matching all given regexps"
"clear:clear song queue"
"wipe:clear song queue and stop current song"
# rearranging
typeset -a rearranging
"move:move all items in given range to new position in song queue"
"move-pattern:moves all items matching the given regexp to new position"
"swap:trade places of songs in two specified ranges"
{shuffle,reshuffle}":reshuffle song queue within an optional range"
"sort:sort queue within optional range"
"reverse:reverse order of song queue"
"partial-sort:sort items matching each regexp"
"stagger:stagger items matching each regexp"
"sub:perform regular expression substitution on all items in queue"
"suball:like sub, but replace all occurrences of the pattern"
# general management
typeset -a general
"next:jumps ahead, number of songs optional"
"previous:retreats to previously played song"
"goto:jumps to next song matching regexp"
"gobackto:jumps back to most recent previous song matching regexp"
"noadvance:halt queue advancement"
"advance:resume queue advancement"
"toggle-advance:toggle queue advancement"
"stop:stop playing current song, stop processing queue, put current song back"
"pause:suspend current song to resume it later"
"unpause:unpause current song"
"play:resume playing"
"loop:turn loop mode on"
"noloop:turn loop mode off"
"toggle-loop:toggle loop mode"
"reconfigure:daemon reload configuration file"
"showconfig:show dameon filetype associations"
"start-server:starts new instance of daemon with given options"
{quit,exit,die}":quit daemon"
_describe queries queries -J queries
_describe appending appending -J appending
_describe removing removing -J removing
_describe rearranging rearranging -J rearranging
_describe general general -J general
_moosic() {
typeset context state line
typeset -A opt_args
typeset -a filelist_opts
'(-g --shuffle-global)'{-g,--shuffle-global}'[shuffle filelist after directory expansion]'
'(-d --shuffle-dir)'{-d,--shuffle-dir}'[shuffle results of expanding the directories]'
'(-a --shuffle-args)'{-a,--shuffle-args}'[shuffle actual command line arguments]'
'(-o --inorder)'{-o,--inorder}'[do not shuffle filelist]'
'(-s --sort)'{-s,--sort}'[sort filelist lexicographically after expansion]'
'(-r --no-recurse)'{-r,--no-recurse}'[do not recurse through directories]'
'(-n --no-file-munge)'{-n,--no-file-munge}'[do not modify names in expanded filelist]'
'(-f --auto-find)'{-f,--auto-find}'[perform fuzzy search for music files]'
'(-F --auto-grep)'{-F,--auto-grep}'[like --auto-find but with regexp]'
'(-U --allow-unplayable)'{-U,--allow-unplayable}'[allow addition of unknown song types]'
typeset -a auto_opts
'(-m --music-dir)'{-m,--music-dir}'[directory used for auto-find, auto-grep]:directory:_files'
typeset -a main_opts
'(-i --ignore-case)'{-i,--ignore-case}'[treat regexps as if they are case-insensitive]'
'(-S --showcommands)'{-S,--showcommands}'[show all moosic commands, then exit]'
'(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[print help message then exit]'
'(-v --version)'{-v,--version}'[print version information, then exit]'
'(-c --config-dir)'{-c,--config-dir}'[configuration directory]:directory:_files'
'(-t --tcp)'{-t,--tcp}'[talk to server at specified host and port]:host\:port:'
'(-N --no-startserver)'{-N,--no-startserver}'[do not start moosicd server]'
typeset -a list_opts
'(-C --current-in-list)'{-C,--current-in-list}'[print currently playing song in list]'
# do not use the -A option here. It will break the processing of
# positional arguments.
_arguments $main_opts $list_opts $auto_opts $filelist_opts \
'1: :->cmd' \
'*:: :->posarg'
if [[ $state == cmd ]]; then
elif [[ $state == posarg ]]; then
# Do something, but only if the current word is 2.
_do2() {
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
_message 'no more arguments'
_moosic_cmd_help() {
_do2 '_moosic_add_cmds'
_moosic_cmd_current() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_current-time() {
_do2 '_message' 'strftime string'
_moosic_cmd_list() {
_do2 '_message' 'range'
_moosic_cmd_plainlist() {
_do2 '_message' 'range'
_moosic_cmd_history() {
_do2 '_message' 'maximum number of entries'
_moosic_cmd_status() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_state() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_length() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_ispaused() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_islooping() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_isadvancing() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_version() {
_message 'no arguments'
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts $filelist_opts $auto_opts \
'*:song files:_files'
_moosic_cmd_append() {
_moosic_cmd_add() {
_moosic_cmd_pl-append() {
_moosic_cmd_pl-add() {
_moosic_cmd_prepend() {
_moosic_cmd_pl-prepend() {
_moosic_cmd_mixin() {
_moosic_cmd_pl-mixin() {
_moosic_cmd_replace() {
_moosic_cmd_pl-replace() {
_moosic_cmd_insert() {
_moosic_cmd_pl-insert() {
_moosic_cmd_putback() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_stagger-add() {
_moosic_cmd_stagger-merge() {
_moosic_cmd_interval-add() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts $filelist_opts \
'1:interval:' \
'*:song files:_files'
_moosic_cmd_cut() {
_do2 '_message' 'range'
_moosic_cmd_del() {
_do2 '_message' 'range'
_moosic_cmd_crop() {
_do2 '_message' 'range'
_moosic_cmd_remove() {
_do2 '_message' 'regex'
_moosic_cmd_filter() {
_do2 '_message' 'regex'
_moosic_cmd_clear() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_wipe() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_move() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:range:' \
'2:index:' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_move-pattern() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:regex:' \
'2:index:' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_swap() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:range:' \
'2:range:' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_shuffle() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:range (optional):' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_reshuffle() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:range (optional):' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_sort() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:range (optional):' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_reverse() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:range (optional):' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_partial-sort() {
_do2 '_message' 'regex'
_moosic_cmd_stagger() {
_do2 '_message' 'regex'
_moosic_cmd_sub() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:pattern:' \
'2:replacement:' \
'3:range (optional):' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_suball() {
_arguments -A '-*' $main_opts \
'1:pattern:' \
'2:replacement:' \
'3:range (optional):' \
'*:no more arguments:'
_moosic_cmd_next() {
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
typeset -a display display_cmd
if zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:next" \
'command' display_cmd; then
display=(${(f)"$(moosic list)"})
typeset -a numbers
compadd -V songs -d display -a numbers
_message 'no more arguments'
_moosic_cmd_previous() {
_do2 '_message' 'number to skip'
_moosic_cmd_goto() {
_do2 '_message' 'regex'
_moosic_cmd_gobackto() {
_do2 '_message' 'regex'
_moosic_cmd_noadvance() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_advance() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_toggle-advance() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_stop() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_pause() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_unpause() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_play() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_loop() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_noloop() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_toggle-loop() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_reconfigure() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_showconfig() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_start-server() {
_message 'options'
_moosic_cmd_quit() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_exit() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic_cmd_die() {
_message 'no arguments'
_moosic "$@"