#compdef ulimit
[[ $PREFIX = u* ]] && compadd unlimited && return 0
_arguments -s \
'-H[set hard limits]' \
'-S[set soft and hard limits (with -H)]' \
'(-H -S -c -d -f -l -m -n -s -t *)-a[list all current resource limits]' \
'-c[core dump size limit]:max core dump size (512-byte blocks)' \
'-d[maximum size of data segment]:maximum size of data segment (K-bytes)' \
'-f[size of largest file allowed]:size of largest file allowed (512-byte blocks)' \
'-l[maximum size of locked in memory]:maximum size of locked in memory (K-bytes)' \
'-m[maximum size of physical memory]:maximum size of physical memory (K-bytes)' \
'-n[maximum no. of open file descriptors]:maximum no. of open file descriptors' \
'-s[stack size limit]:stack size limit (K-bytes)' \
'-t[maximum cpu time per process]:maximum cpu time per process (seconds)' \
'-u[processes available to the user]:processes' \
'-v[maximum size of virtual memory]:maximum size of virtual memory (K-bytes)' \
'*:size of largest file allowed'