# Edit the command line using your usual editor.
# Binding this to '!' in the vi command mode map,
# autoload -Uz edit-command-line
# zle -N edit-command-line
# bindkey -M vicmd '!' edit-command-line
# will give ksh-like behaviour for that key,
# except that it will handle multi-line buffers properly.
() {
exec </dev/tty
# Compute the cursor's position in bytes, not characters.
setopt localoptions nomultibyte noksharrays
(( $+zle_bracketed_paste )) && print -r -n - $zle_bracketed_paste[2]
# Open the editor, placing the cursor at the right place if we know how.
local editor=( "${(@Q)${(z)${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}}}}" )
case $editor in
integer byteoffset=$(( $#PREBUFFER + $#LBUFFER + 1 ))
"${(@)editor}" -c "normal! ${byteoffset}go" -- $1;;
local lines=( "${(@f):-"$PREBUFFER$LBUFFER"}" )
"${(@)editor}" +${#lines}:$((${#lines[-1]} + 1)) $1;;
(*) "${(@)editor}" $1;;
(( $+zle_bracketed_paste )) && print -r -n - $zle_bracketed_paste[1]
# Replace the buffer with the editor output.
print -Rz - "$(<$1)"
zle send-break # Force reload from the buffer stack