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str Low repokey:type:flexarray bugzilla patch:FEDORA-EPEL-MODULAR-2020-2c76e38f8c 8031a80ebd 1-1697e299e3 49760f5c7f 5a36b6c5a5 f39634d497 2-1dcdff909b 28945680e4 32d2c9bf0a 6226e2fd05 a1ba07d16 95c59db438 c40e89689a f4868f3e09 Moderate repokey:type:num
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rovides summary vendor testing update:collectionlist reference :href id title ype ights severity tatus
# " ' %$ 1 & / 0 ! �w) + , - . * %ABCDEGHIJKLMOPQABCDEGHIJKLSM�)�3unspecified nginx-mainline-820220818003734.9edba152 � ����:4bugfix cobbler-3-820220825124528.9edba152 � �/ 2117750 Cobbler reposync fails on consecutive runs ���5bugfix 389-directory-server-next-820220325123957.9edba152 �8 ����I6enhancement nextcloud-24-820220801192024.nx4 �U7 ����F7newpackage ghc-8.4-820200708061905.9edba152 � ��Ӂ8enhancement nodejs-16_epel-820220210144017.9edba152
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�L�? ��Ձg;bugfix zabbix-6.0-820220824153152.c1 � ���<unspecified postgresql-11-820220303074653.9edba152 � ����|
=unspecified libuv-epel8_buildroot-820200423123233.9edba152 �" 1759510 Build libuv-devel for EPEL8 ��ޓ]>bugfix dwm-latest-820201101015024.9edba152
�8L ����E?unspecified avocado-vt-latest-820210902083930.632bed8b � ��ڼJ� unspecified swig-4.0-820210826081408.9edba152 �g ���� � I* Build against OpenSSL 3 on EL8
* Enable support for kTLS. See�-per�;mance-with-kernel-tls/
- Add upstream patch�kreposync errors (bz#2117750)
- fix ldap anonymous bind��4di�Po signatures���older�7aconda boot line options
� Update 389-ds-base to 2.0.15 Nextcloud 24�3
Fir��rele�(of n�!:24 ��. initial ghc:8.4 b���epel8�s�g16�f.0 cri-�
.21�. This�&�$s�%the l�t 82.x LTS��, versi�c�2. It ��t���7�@hat e�{s it�Po�B��(and��s�$��elf�ds) un�6Pyth�Y3.11,��ede���Fedoras RPM��s.��6�46 �� F��de�dency issue�,�� dwm:�T��current�0HEAD from Mar 3, 2020, 61bb8b2. new� ��requi�: p�Z�4: [��]
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