=head1 NAME
Coro::Socket - non-blocking socket-I/O
use Coro::Socket;
# listen on an ipv4 socket
my $socket = new Coro::Socket PeerHost => "localhost",
PeerPort => 'finger';
# listen on any other type of socket
my $socket = Coro::Socket->new_from_fh
Local => "/tmp/socket",
This module is an L<AnyEvent> user, you need to make sure that you use and
run a supported event loop.
This module implements socket-handles in a coroutine-compatible way,
that is, other coroutines can run while reads or writes block on the
handle. See L<Coro::Handle>, especially the note about prefering method
This module was written to imitate the L<IO::Socket::INET> API, and derive
from it. Since IO::Socket::INET does not support IPv6, this module does
Therefore it is not recommended to use Coro::Socket in new code. Instead,
use L<AnyEvent::Socket> and L<Coro::Handle>, e.g.:
use Coro;
use Coro::Handle;
use AnyEvent::Socket;
# use tcp_connect from AnyEvent::Socket
# and call Coro::Handle::unblock on it.
tcp_connect "www.google.com", 80, Coro::rouse_cb;
my $fh = unblock +(Coro::rouse_wait)[0];
# now we have a perfectly thread-safe socket handle in $fh
print $fh "GET / HTTP/1.0\015\012\015\012";
local $/;
print <$fh>;
Using C<AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_connect> gives you transparent IPv6,
multi-homing, SRV-record etc. support.
For listening sockets, use C<AnyEvent::Socket::tcp_server>.
=over 4
package Coro::Socket;
use common::sense;
use Errno ();
use Carp qw(croak);
use Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET ();
use Coro::Util ();
use base qw(Coro::Handle IO::Socket::INET);
our $VERSION = 6.57;
our (%_proto, %_port);
sub _proto($) {
$_proto{$_[0]} ||= do {
((getprotobyname $_[0])[2] || (getprotobynumber $_[0])[2])
or croak "unsupported protocol: $_[0]";
sub _port($$) {
$_port{$_[0],$_[1]} ||= do {
return $_[0] if $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/;
$_[0] =~ /([^(]+)\s*(?:\((\d+)\))?/x
or croak "unparsable port number: $_[0]";
((getservbyname $1, $_[1])[2]
|| (getservbyport $1, $_[1])[2]
|| $2)
or croak "unknown port: $_[0]";
sub _sa($$$) {
my ($host, $port, $proto) = @_;
$port or $host =~ s/:([^:]+)$// and $port = $1;
my $_proto = _proto($proto);
my $_port = _port($port, $proto);
my $_host = Coro::Util::inet_aton $host
or croak "$host: unable to resolve";
pack_sockaddr_in $_port, $_host
=item $fh = new Coro::Socket param => value, ...
Create a new non-blocking tcp handle and connect to the given host
and port. The parameter names and values are mostly the same as for
IO::Socket::INET (as ugly as I think they are).
The parameters officially supported currently are: C<ReuseAddr>,
C<LocalPort>, C<LocalHost>, C<PeerPort>, C<PeerHost>, C<Listen>, C<Timeout>,
$fh = new Coro::Socket PeerHost => "localhost", PeerPort => 'finger';
sub _prepare_socket {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
sub new {
my ($class, %arg) = @_;
$arg{Proto} ||= 'tcp';
$arg{LocalHost} ||= delete $arg{LocalAddr};
$arg{PeerHost} ||= delete $arg{PeerAddr};
defined ($arg{Type}) or $arg{Type} = $arg{Proto} eq "tcp" ? SOCK_STREAM : SOCK_DGRAM;
socket my $fh, PF_INET, $arg{Type}, _proto ($arg{Proto})
or return;
my $self = bless Coro::Handle->new_from_fh (
timeout => $arg{Timeout},
forward_class => $arg{forward_class},
partial => $arg{partial},
), $class
or return;
$self->configure (\%arg)
sub configure {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
if ($arg->{ReuseAddr}) {
$self->setsockopt (SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
or croak "setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR): $!";
if ($arg->{ReusePort}) {
$self->setsockopt (SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, 1)
or croak "setsockopt(SO_REUSEPORT): $!";
if ($arg->{Broadcast}) {
$self->setsockopt (SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)
or croak "setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST): $!";
if ($arg->{SO_RCVBUF}) {
$self->setsockopt (SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, $arg->{SO_RCVBUF})
or croak "setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF): $!";
if ($arg->{SO_SNDBUF}) {
$self->setsockopt (SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, $arg->{SO_SNDBUF})
or croak "setsockopt(SO_SNDBUF): $!";
if ($arg->{LocalPort} || $arg->{LocalHost}) {
my @sa = _sa($arg->{LocalHost} || "", $arg->{LocalPort} || 0, $arg->{Proto});
$self->bind ($sa[0])
or croak "bind($arg->{LocalHost}:$arg->{LocalPort}): $!";
if ($arg->{PeerHost}) {
my @sa = _sa ($arg->{PeerHost}, $arg->{PeerPort}, $arg->{Proto});
for (@sa) {
$! = 0;
if ($self->connect ($_)) {
next unless writable $self;
$! = unpack "i", $self->getsockopt (SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR);
$! or last;
or return;
} elsif (exists $arg->{Listen}) {
$self->listen ($arg->{Listen})
or return;
Marc A. Lehmann <schmorp@schmorp.de>