# -*- cperl -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Jens Thoms Toerring <jt@toerring.de>
package File::FcntlLock;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Errno;
use Carp;
use base qw( File::FcntlLock::Core DynaLoader );
our $VERSION = '0.22';
bootstrap File::FcntlLock $VERSION;
our @EXPORT = @File::FcntlLock::Core::EXPORT;
# Make our exports exportable by child classes
sub import
File::FcntlLock->export_to_level( 1, @_ );
# Function for locking or unlocking a file or determining which
# process holds a lock.
sub lock {
my ( $self, $fh, $action ) = @_;
my ( $ret, $err );
# Figure out the file descriptor - we might get a file handle, a
# typeglob or already a file descriptor) and set it to a value which
# will make fcntl(2) fail with EBADF if the argument is undefined or
# is a file handle that's invalid.
my $fd = ( ref( $fh ) or $fh =~ /^\*/ ) ? fileno( $fh ) : $fh;
$fd = -1 unless defined $fd;
# Set the action argument to something invalid if it's not defined
# which then fcntl(2) fails and errno gets set accordingly
$action = -1 unless defined $action;
if ( $ret = C_fcntl_lock( $fd, $action, $self, $err ) ) {
$self->{ errno } = $self->{ error } = undef;
} elsif ( $err ) {
die "Internal error in File::FcntlLock module detected";
} else {
$self->get_error( $self->{ errno } = $! + 0 );
return $ret;
# Local variables:
# tab-width: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: