=head1 NAME
Glib::VariantType - Utilities for dealing with the GVariant type system
=for object Glib::VariantType Utilities for dealing with the GVariant type system
=head1 METHODS
=head2 varianttype = Glib::VariantType-E<gt>B<new> ($type_string)
=item * $type_string (string)
=head2 varianttype = Glib::VariantType-E<gt>B<new_array> ($element)
=item * $element (Glib::VariantType)
=head2 varianttype = Glib::VariantType-E<gt>B<new_dict_entry> ($key, $value)
=item * $key (Glib::VariantType)
=item * $value (Glib::VariantType)
=head2 varianttype = Glib::VariantType-E<gt>B<new_maybe> ($element)
=item * $element (Glib::VariantType)
=head2 varianttype = Glib::VariantType-E<gt>B<new_tuple> ($items)
=item * $items (scalar)
=head2 varianttype = $type-E<gt>B<element>
=head2 boolean = $type1-E<gt>B<equal> ($type2)
=item * $type2 (Glib::VariantType)
=head2 varianttype = $type-E<gt>B<first>
=head2 integer = $type-E<gt>B<hash>
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_array>
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_basic>
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_container>
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_definite>
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_dict_entry>
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_maybe>
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_subtype_of> ($supertype)
=item * $supertype (Glib::VariantType)
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_tuple>
=head2 boolean = $type-E<gt>B<is_variant>
=head2 varianttype = $type-E<gt>B<key>
=head2 unsigned = $type-E<gt>B<n_items>
=head2 varianttype = $type-E<gt>B<next>
=head2 scalar = $type-E<gt>B<get_string>
=head2 boolean = Glib::VariantType::string_is_valid ($type_string)
=item * $type_string (string)
=head2 (type_string, rest) = Glib::VariantType::string_scan ($string)
Scans the start of C<$string> for a complete type string and extracts it. If
no type string can be found, an exception is thrown.
=head2 varianttype = $type-E<gt>B<value>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Glib>, L<Glib::Boxed>, L<Glib::Variant>
Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team.
This software is licensed under the LGPL. See L<Glib> for a full notice.