a PDL::Image2D PDL::Image2D File Image2D.pm Ref Module: Miscellaneous 2D image processing functions�uniqvec PDL::Primitive Bad If a vector contains all bad values, it is ignored as in L</uniq>.
If some of the values are good, it is treated as a normal vector. For
example, [1 2 BAD] and [BAD 2 3] could be returned, but [BAD BAD BAD]
could not. Vectors containing BAD values will be returned after any
non-NaN and non-BAD containing vectors, followed by the NaN vectors. Module PDL::Primitive File Primitive.pm Ref Return all unique vectors out of a collectione PDL::Demos::Prima PDL::Demos::Prima Ref Module: PDL demo for PDL::Graphics::Prima File Demos/Prima.pmr PDL::Graphics::Limits PDL::Graphics::Limits Ref Module: derive limits for display purposes File Graphics/Limits.pm$ran_chisq PDL::GSL::RNG File GSL/RNG.pm Ref Fills output piddle with random variates from the chi-squared distribution with
C<$nu> degrees of freedom. Module PDL::GSL::RNG Usage $piddle = $rng->ran_chisq($nu,[list of integers = output piddle dims]);
$rng->ran_chisq($nu,$output_piddle);�qawc_meat PDL::GSL::INTEG Bad qawc_meat does not process bad values.
It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if the flag is set for any of the input piddles. File GSL/INTEG.pm Ref info not available Sig (double a(); double b(); double c(); double epsabs();double epsrel();int limit();
double [o] result(); double [o] abserr();int n();int [o] ierr();int gslwarn();; SV* function) Module PDL::GSL::INTEG7 Image PDL::Modules Module PDL::Modules File Modules.pod� polycoef PDL::Slatec Module PDL::Slatec File Slatec.pm Ref Convert the C<polyfit>/C<polfit> coefficients to Taylor series form. Usage $tc = polycoef($l, $c, $x);>