=head1 NAME
pptemplate - script to generate Makefile.PL and PP file skeleton
# generate Makefile.PL and mymodule.pd in CWD
pptemplate PDL::MyModule;
The B<pptemplate> script is the easiest way to start a new module
for PDL that contains PP code (see also L<PDL::PP>). The usage is simply
pptemplate modulename;
As a result pptemplate will generate a perl Makefile for the new
module (F<Makefile.PL>) that contains the minimal structure to
generate a module from PP code and also a skeleton file
for your new module.
The file will be called F<mymod.pd> if you called C<pptemplate> as
pptemplate PDL::CleverAlgs::Mymod;
I suppose you can work out the naming rule C<;)>. If not resort to
experimentation or the source code.
C<pptemplate> will refuse to overwrite existing files of the same name
to avoid accidents. Move them out of the way if you really want to scrap
=head2 Options
Currently there is only the C<-i> option which switches C<pptemplate>
into the so called I<internal mode>. It should only be used when you
are starting a new module within the main PDL tree that is supposed to
be part of the PDL distribution and the normal PDL build process, e.g.
cd PDL/IO;
mkdir Mpthree; cd Mpthree;
pptemplate -i PDL::IO::Mpthree;
=head1 BUGS
Maybe C<;)>.
Feedback and bug reports are welcome.
Copyright (c) 2001, Christian Soeller. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
and/or modified under the same terms as PDL itself
(see L<http://pdl.perl.org>).