package Prima::Dialog::PrintDialog;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Prima qw(Buttons Label ComboBox);
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Dialog);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
text => 'Printer setup',
width => 309,
height => 143,
designScale => [7,16],
centered => 1,
visible => 0,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
my $cb = $self-> insert( ComboBox =>
origin => [ 4, 89],
style => cs::DropDownList,
name => 'Printers',
size => [ 299, 20],
delegations => ['Change'],
$self-> insert( Button =>
origin => [ 208, 4],
size => [ 96, 36],
text => 'P~roperties...',
name => 'Properties',
delegations => ['Click'],
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 4, 116],
size => [ 299, 20],
text => '~Printer',
focusLink => $cb,
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 3, 50],
name => 'Device',
size => [ 299, 20],
text => '',
$self-> insert( Button =>
origin => [ 4, 4],
size => [ 96, 36],
name => 'OK',
text => '~OK',
default => 1,
delegations => ['Click'],
$self-> insert( Button =>
origin => [ 107, 4],
size => [ 96, 36],
text => 'Cancel',
name => 'Cancel',
delegations => ['Click'],
return %profile;
sub on_execute
my $self = $_[0];
my $oldp = $self-> Printers-> text;
my @prs = @{$::application-> get_printer-> printers};
my $pdf = ({
name => 'Save as PDF',
device => 'file',
pdf => 1,
object => undef,
push @prs, $pdf;
$self-> {list} = [@prs];
my $p = $self-> Printers;
my @newprs = @prs;
@newprs = map {$_ = $_-> {name}} @newprs;
my $found = 0;
for ( @newprs) {
$found = 1, last if $_ eq $oldp;
unless ( $found) {
for ( @prs) {
$oldp = $_-> {name}, last if $_-> {defaultPrinter}
$p-> items( \@newprs ),
$p-> text( $oldp);
my $i = $p-> List-> focusedItem;
$self-> Device-> text( 'Device: ' . $prs[ $i]-> {device});
$self-> {oldPrinter} = $oldp;
sub Printers_Change
my ( $self, $combic) = @_;
if ( $combic-> focusedItem < $combic-> List->count - 1 ) {
$::application-> get_printer-> printer( $combic-> text);
$self-> Device-> text( 'Device: ' .
$self-> {list}-> [ $combic-> List-> focusedItem]-> {device}
sub Properties_Click
my $self = shift;
my $combic = $self-> Printers;
if ( $combic-> focusedItem < $combic-> List->count - 1 ) {
$::application-> get_printer-> setup_dialog;
} else {
my $p = $self-> create_pdf_printer;
$p-> setup_dialog if $p;
sub OK_Click
$_[0]-> ok;
sub Cancel_Click
$::application-> get_printer-> printer( $_[0]-> {oldPrinter});
$_[0]-> cancel;
sub execute
return $_[0]-> SUPER::execute == mb::OK;
sub create_pdf_printer
my $self = shift;
unless ( $self->{list}->[1]->{object}) {
eval 'use Prima::PS::Printer;';
if ($@) {
return undef;
$self->{list}->[1]->{object} = Prima::PS::PDF::Printer-> new;
return $self->{list}->[1]->{object};
sub printer
my $self = shift;
my $combic = $self-> Printers;
if ( $combic-> focusedItem < $combic-> List->count - 1 ) {
return $::application-> get_printer;
} else {
return $self-> create_pdf_printer;
=head1 NAME
Prima::Dialog::PrintDialog - standard printer setup dialog
Provides a standard dialog that allows the user to select a printer
and its options. The toolkit does not provide the in-depth management
of the printer options; this can only be accessed by executing a printer-specific
setup window, called by C<Prima::Printer::setup_dialog>. The class invokes
this method when the user presses 'Properties' button. Otherwise, the class
provides only selection of a printer from the printer list.
When the dialog finished successfully, the selected printer is set as the current
by writing to C<Prima::Printer::printer> property. This technique allows direct use of
the user-selected printer and its properties without prior knowledge of the
selection process.
use Prima qw(Dialog::PrintDialog Application);
my $dlg = Prima::Dialog::PrintDialog-> new;
if ( $dlg-> execute) {
my $p = $dlg-> printer;
if ( $p-> begin_doc ) {
$p-> text_out( 'Hello world', 10, 10);
$p-> end_doc;
$dlg-> destroy;
=for podview <img src="printdialog.gif" cut=1>
=for html <p><img src="">
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Window>, L<Prima::Printer>.