# Created by:
# Anton Berezin <tobez@tobez.org>
# Dmitry Karasik <dk@plab.ku.dk>
# Vadim Belman <voland@plab.ku.dk>
package Prima::Gencls;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT);
use vars qw(
@ISA = qw( Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw( gencls);
use constant TYPES => 0;
use constant IDS => 1;
use constant PROPS => 2;
use constant DEFS => 3;
my ( $warnings,
sub init_variables
$warnings = 1;
$clsMethod = 'method';
$clsNotify = 'event';
$clsImport = 'import';
$clsPublic = 'public';
$clsStatic = 'static';
$clsWeird = 'weird';
$clsC_only = 'c_only';
$clsProperty = 'property';
$clsLocalType = 'local';
$clsGlobalType = 'global';
$hSelf = "self";
$hSuper = "super";
$hBase = "base";
$hMate = "mate";
$hClassName = "className";
$hSize = "instanceSize";
$incSelf = "_apt_self_";
$incCount = "_apt_count_";
$incRes = "_apt_res_";
$incHV = "_apt_hv_";
$incRet = "_apt_toReturn";
$incClass = "_apt_class_name_";
$incSV = "temporary_prf_Sv";
$incGetMate = "gimme_the_mate";
$incGetVmt = "gimme_the_vmt";
$incBuild = "create_some_";
$incInst = "PAnyObject";
$tmlPrefix = "template_";
$dirOut = ""; # output directory
$suppress = 0; # flag to suppress file output but produce inheritance
$sayparent = 0; # say only parent's name
$optimize = 0; # use optimized inc-file generation model
$genH = 0; # generate h-file
$genInc = 0; # generate inc-file
$genTml = 0; # generate tml-file
$genDyna = 0; # generate exportable files
$genObject = 0; # generate object files
$genPackage = 0; # generate object or package files
@includeDirs = qw(.); # where to search .clses
%definedClasses = (); # hash for class search
@allVars = (); # all variables, in order of definition
%allVars = (); # hash for var search
@allMethods = (); # methods names
@allMethodsBodies = (); # methods bodies, as is
@allMethodsDefaults = (); # methods default parameters
%allMethods = (); # hash, containing indices of methods
%allMethodsHosts = (); # hash, bonded methods => hosts
@portableMethods = (); # c & perl portable methods
@newMethods = (); # portable methods that declared first time
@portableImports = (); # perl imported calls
%publicMethods = (); # public methods hash
%staticMethods = (); # static methods hash
%pipeMethods = (); # pipe methods hash
$level = 0; # file entrance level
@context = (); # local context for storing words etc.
%templates_xs = (); # storage for computed template xs names
%templates_imp = (); # storage for computed template import names
%templates_rdf = (); # storage for computed template redefined names
@ancestors = (); # list of object ancestors
%properties = (); # hash of properties
%mapTypes = (
( long => 'int', U8 => 'int', char => 'int' ),
map {( $_, $_ )} qw(int Bool Handle UV Color double SV HV),
%typedefs = ();
%xsConv = (
# declare access set unused unused extra2sv POPx newXXxx extrasv2
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
'int' => ['int', 'SvIV', 'sv_setiv', '', '(IV)', '', 'POPi', 'SViv', '' ],
'UV' => ['UV', 'SvUV', 'sv_setuv', '', '(UV)', '', 'POPu', 'SVuv', '' ],
'Color' => ['Color', 'SvUV', 'sv_setuv', '', '(Color)', '', 'POPu', 'SVuv', '' ],
'double' => ['double', 'SvNV', 'sv_setnv', '', '(double)', '', 'POPn', 'SVnv', '' ],
'char*' => ['char *', 'SvPV_nolen','sv_setpv', '(SV*)', '', ', 0', 'POPp', 'SVpv', '' ],
'string' => ['char', 'SvPV_nolen','sv_setpv', '(SV*)', '', ', 0', 'POPp', 'SVpv', '' ],
'Handle' => ['Handle', $incGetMate, '', '', '', '', '0/0', '', '' ],
'SV*' => ['SV *', '', '', '', '', '', '0/0', '', '' ],
'Bool' => ['Bool', 'SvBOOL', 'sv_setiv', '0/0', '0/0', '', 'SvBOOL( POPs)', 'SViv', '' ],
%mapPointers = ( "char" => "char*", "SV" => "SV*", "HV"=> "HV*");
$nextStructure = 2;
%structs = ();
%arrays = ();
%defines = ();
%forbiddenParms = (
ax=>1, sp=>1, items=>1, dSP=>1, dMARK=>1, dXSARGS=>1, I32=>1, mark=>1,
stack_base=>1, XSRETURN=>1, croak=>1, $incSelf=>1, $incRes=>1, $incCount=>1,
free=>1, malloc=>1, ST=>1, XSRETURN_EMPTY=>1, sv_newmortal=>1,
sv_setiv=>1, sv_setpv=>1, sv_setnv=>1, ENTER=>1, SAVETMPS=>1, PUSHMARK=>1,
XPUSHs=>1, sv_2mortal=>1, newSvIV=>1, newSvNV=>1, newSVPV=>1, PUTBACK=>1,
POPn=>1, POPi=>1, POPp=>1, SPAGAIN=>1, FREETMPS=>1, LEAVE=>1, PUSH=>1, $incClass=>1,
$incGetVmt=>1, $hBase=>1, $incRet=>1, temporary_prf_Sv=>1,
$incHV=>1, $incSV=> 1, $clsLocalType => 1, $clsGlobalType => 1,
string=>1, object=>1, 'package'=>1, 'use'=>1, 'define'=> 1,
sub parse_file
# loads & parses given file
local $ln; # lines No.
local @lineNums; # line numbers; uses only in error messages
local @words; # file itself, broken by lexems (further lxmz)
local $tok; # local token
local $className; # local class name
local $superClass; # owner name, '' if none
local $fileName; # file name, = $className.cls
sub gettok
#return next lxm
$ln = pop @lineNums;
return pop @words;
sub putback
push @words, $_[0];
push @lineNums, $ln;
sub error
# shrieks & dies
my $err = shift;
die "$err at line $ln, $fileName\n";
sub expect
# expect given string
my $tofind = shift;
error "Found ``$tok'' but expecting ``$tofind''" unless ( $tok = gettok) eq $tofind;
sub check
# check whether $tok is equal to given parm
my $tofind = shift;
error "Found ``$tok'' but expecting ``$tofind''" unless $tok eq $tofind;
sub getid
# waits for indentifier
$tok = gettok;
error "Expecting identifier but found ``$tok''" unless $tok =~ /^\w+$/;
return $tok;
sub getidsym
# waits for identifier on one of given symbols
# my $what = shift;
$tok = gettok;
return $tok if index($_[0],$tok) >= 0; # $what =~ /\Q$tok\E/;
return $tok if $tok =~ /^\w+$/;
error "Expecting identifier or one of ``$_[0]'' but found ``$tok''";
sub getObjName
$tok = gettok;
for ( split( '::', $tok))
error "Expecting object identifier but found ``$_''"
unless $_ =~ /^\w+$/;
return $tok;
sub save_context
push ( @context, [[@words], [@lineNums], $fileName]);
@words = ();
@lineNums = ();
sub restore_context
my @c = @{pop @context};
@words = @{$c[0]};
@lineNums = @{$c[1]};
$fileName = $c[2];
sub load_file
# start of parsing
$fileName = $_[0];
if ( defined $fileCache{$fileName})
@words = @{$fileCache{$fileName}-> {words}};
@lineNums = @{$fileCache{$fileName}-> {lineNums}};
open FILE, $fileName or die "Cannot open $fileName\n";
# loading the file
my @_words;
my @_lineNums;
$ln = 0;
local $_;
LINE: while (<FILE>)
if (/\G#/gc) { # skip comments early
next LINE;
} elsif (/\G([\(\)\[\];,=>\@\%\${}\*])/gc) { # single-char token
push @_words, $1; push @_lineNums, $ln;
} elsif (/\G\s+/gc) {
# do nothing - whitespace
} elsif (/\G([-+\d\w.:]+)/gc) { # numbers and identifiers (id::id is ok)
push @_words, $1; push @_lineNums, $ln;
} elsif (/\G$/gc) { # end of line
next LINE;
} elsif (/\G("[^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*")/gc) { # C style string
push @_words, $1; push @_lineNums, $ln;
} else {
close FILE;
error " Invalid character in input";
close FILE;
@words = reverse @_words;
@lineNums = reverse @_lineNums;
$fileCache{$fileName}-> {words} = [@words];
$fileCache{$fileName}-> {lineNums} = [@lineNums];
sub skipto
my $skip = shift;
until ( undef)
$tok = gettok;
last unless defined $tok;
last if $tok eq $skip;
return $tok;
sub find_file
my $module = shift;
my @fullName = split('::', $module);
my $fileName = $fullName[-1];
$module =~ s/\.cls//;
foreach (@includeDirs)
my $fit = 0;
my $dyna = 0;
my %structSave = %structs;
my %arraySave = %arrays;
my %defineSave = %defines;
my $nextStructureSave = $nextStructure;
eval { load_file( "$_/$fileName") };
if ( !$@ && skipto( 'object'))
$tok = gettok;
if (( $tok eq "static") || ( $tok eq "dynamic"))
$dyna = 1 if $tok eq "dynamic";
$tok = gettok;
$fit = $tok eq $module;
$nextStructure = $nextStructureSave;
%structs = %structSave;
%arrays = %arraySave;
%defines = %defineSave;
next unless $fit;
return "$_/$fileName", $dyna;
return undef;
sub checkid
my $id = $_[0];
error "Indentifier '$id' already defined or cannot be used; error"
if $mapTypes{$id} || $structs{$id} || $arrays{$id} || $defines{$id} || $forbiddenParms{$id};
# structure parser
sub parse_struc
my ( $strucId, $global) = @_;
$id = getid;
my $lineStart = $ln;
my $incl = $fileName;
$incl =~ s/([^.]*)\..*$/$1/;
my $redef = exists $structs{$id} && defined ${$structs{$id}[PROPS]}{hash};
checkid($id) unless
exists $structs{$id} &&
(${$structs{$id}[PROPS]}{incl} eq $incl) # already included in circular
$redef # hash default values redefine
my @types = ();
my @ids = ();
my @defs = ();
my %added = (
genh => $level ? 0 : 1,
incl => $level ? $incl : '',
hash => $strucId eq "%" ? 1 : undef,
glo => $global,
name => $id,
order => $nextStructure++,
$tok = gettok;
if ( $tok eq '=')
# determining typecasting
my $nid = getid;
error "Invalid casting type $id" unless ( $arrays{$nid} || $structs{$nid} || $defines{$nid});
error "Invalid forecasting type $id" if $redef;
if ( $arrays{$nid}) {
$arrays{ $id} = [ $arrays{$nid}[0], $arrays{$nid}[1], {%added}];
} else {
$structs{$id} = [[@{$structs{$nid}[0]}], [@{$structs{$nid}[1]}], {%added}, [@{$structs{$nid}[3]}]];
} else {
if (( $strucId eq '@') && ( $mapTypes{ $tok})) {
# ok, array found.
my $type = $tok;
if ( $type eq "SV") {
expect ('*');
$type .= '*';
my $dim = gettok;
error "Invalid array $id dimension '$dim'" if $dim <= 0;
$arrays{ $id} = [ $dim, $type, {%added}];
} else {
# cycling entries
until ( undef)
# field type;
my $type = gettok;
my $structure = $type;
last if $type eq "}";
if ( exists $structs{ $type}) {
$structure = $structs{ $type};
error "Cannot do nested arrays (yet)"
unless $structure-> [PROPS]-> {hash};
$type = 'SV*';
} else {
error "Invalid field type $type"
if (!defined $mapTypes{$type} || $type eq 'HV') && ( $type ne 'string');
$structure = $type = $mapTypes{$type} if $mapTypes{$type};
$tok = gettok;
# checking pointer
if ( $tok eq '*') {
error "Invalid pointer to $type in structure $id"
if ( $type ne 'char') && ( $type ne 'SV');
$type .='*';
$structure = $type;
$tok = getid;
} else {
error "Invalid filed type $type in structure $id"
if ( $type eq 'HV') or ( $type eq 'SV');
push ( @types, $structure);
# field name;
checkid( $tok);
push ( @ids, $tok);
if ( $strucId eq "%")
my ($def,$name);
( $type eq 'Handle') { $def = '( Handle) C_POINTER_UNDEF'; } elsif
( $type eq 'SV*') { $def = '( SV*) C_POINTER_UNDEF'; } elsif
( $type eq 'int') { $def = 'C_NUMERIC_UNDEF'; } elsif
( $type eq 'Bool') { $def = 'C_NUMERIC_UNDEF'; } elsif # hack
( $type eq 'double') { $def = 'C_NUMERIC_UNDEF'; } elsif
( $type eq 'char*') { $def = 'C_STRING_UNDEF'; } elsif
( $type eq 'string') { $def = 'C_STRING_UNDEF'; };
$tok = gettok;
if ( $tok eq 'with' ) {
while (1) {
my $nt = gettok;
if ( $nt eq 'undef') {
$def = "undef:$def";
} elsif ( $nt eq ';') {
} elsif ( $tok eq '=') {
$def = gettok;
} else {
push ( @defs, $def);
} else {
error "Structure $id defined as empty" unless scalar @ids;
if ( $redef) {
# if it's hash default values redefine check for structure exact match
my $saveLn = $ln;
$ln = $lineStart;
my @cmpType = (@{$structs{$id}[0]});
my @cmpIds = (@{$structs{$id}[1]});
error "Structure $id is already defined. Error" unless @cmpType eq @types;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @types; $i++) {
error "Structure $id is already defined. Error"
unless ( $cmpType[$i] eq $types[$i]) && ( $cmpIds[$i] eq $ids[$i]);
$ln = $lineStart;
$added{genh} = ${$structs{$id}[2]}{genh};
$structs{ $id} = [[@types], [@ids], {%added}, [@defs]];
sub parse_typedef
my ( $global) = @_;
$id = getid;
checkid( $id);
my $t = gettok;
my $typecast = 0;
my $type;
if ( $t eq '>') {
$typecast = 1;
$type = getid;
} else {
checkid( $t);
$type = $t;
error "Invalid casting type $type" unless ( $mapTypes{$type});
my $incl = $fileName;
$incl =~ s/([^.]*)\..*$/$1/;
my %added = (
genh => $level ? 0 : 1,
incl => $level ? $incl : '',
cast => $typecast,
glo => $global,
$mapTypes{ $id} = $type;
$typedefs{ $id} = ({%added});
sub parse_define
my ( $strucId, $global) = @_;
$id = getid;
checkid( $id);
my $type = getid;
my $incl = $fileName;
$incl =~ s/([^.]*)\..*$/$1/;
my %added = (
genh => $level ? 0 : 1,
incl => $level ? $incl : '',
type => $type,
glo => $global,
$defines{ $id} = ({%added});
sub preload_method
# loads & parses common methods descriptions tables
my ( $useHandle, $asProperty) = @_;
# processing result & proc name
$propextras = undef;
if ( $asProperty) {
my $lastTok = '';
while ( 1) {
$tok = getidsym( "*(;");
last if $tok eq ';';
$propextras = '', last if $tok eq '(';
$id = $tok;
$proptype = $lastTok;
$lastTok .= "$tok ";
chop $proptype;
$acc = "$proptype $id";
} else {
$acc = getid;
my $checkEmptyRes = '';
unless ( $asProperty) {
until (($tok = getidsym("*(")) eq "(")
$id = $tok;
$acc .= " " . $tok;
$checkEmptyRes .= $tok;
error "Function result haven't been defined" unless $checkEmptyRes;
error "Unexpected (" unless $id;
} else {
error "Property cannot be 'void'" if $proptype eq 'void';
error "Method $id already defined"
if exists($allMethodsHosts{ $id}) && $allMethodsHosts{ $id} eq $className;
@defParms = ();
$acc .= "( ";
$acc .= "Handle $hSelf" if $useHandle;
if ( $asProperty) {
$acc .= ", " if $useHandle;
$acc .= "Bool set";
unless ( defined $propextras) {
$acc .= ", $proptype value);";
return; # simple property case
#checking 'proc(void) & proc()' cases
$tok = getidsym(")*...");
$acc .= ', ' unless ($tok eq "void") || ($tok eq ")") || (! $useHandle);
my $isVoid;
if ($tok eq "void") {
if ($words[-1] eq "*") {
$acc .= ', ';
} else {
$isVoid = 1;
$tok = ')';
my @types = ();
# pre-parsing function parameters & result - laying own restrictions & other
# , so $acc'll have all parameters divided by space
if ( $tok ne ")")
putback ($tok);
my $parmNo = 1;
# cycling parameters
my $hasEllipsis = 0;
my $ellipsis;
until( undef)
my @parm = ();
$ellipsis = 0;
until ( undef)
$tok = gettok; # getting single parm description
push ( @parm, $tok);
last if ($tok eq ",") || ( $tok eq ")");
# parsing parameter description
my @gp = @parm;
if ( $asProperty && $parm[-1] eq ")") {
my $l = $#parm - 1;
$acc .= join( ' ', @parm[0..$l]) . ", $proptype value)";
} else {
$acc .= join(' ', @parm);
$acc =~ s/^([^=]*)(=.*)$/$1/; # removing default parms form $acc
$acc .= $parm[-1] if $2;
pop @gp;
$tok = shift @gp;
error "Invalid parameter $parmNo description" unless defined $tok;
push ( @types, $tok); # first type description, definitive for
# default parameter validity check
if ( $tok eq '...') {
$ellipsis = 1;
error "Property can not contain ellipsis into parameter list"
if $asProperty;
} else {
error "Invalid parameter $parmNo description"
unless defined $gp[0];
my $hasEqState = 0;
my $defaultParm = undef;
for ( @gp) # cycling additive parameter description
# checking for type-name matching
error "Indirect function and array parameters are unsupported. Error"
if /^[\(\)\[\]\&]$/;
error "Unexpected semicolon" if /^[\;]$/;
error "End of default parameter description expected but found $_"
if $hasEqState > 1;
if ( $hasEqState == 1)
$defaultParm = $_;
# default parameter add
if ( $_ eq "=") {
error "Invalid default parameter $parmNo description"
if $hasEqState;
error "Property can not contain default parameters"
if $asProperty;
$hasEqState = 1;
error "Default argument missing for parameter $parmNo"
if !defined $defaultParm && defined $defParms[-1];
push( @defParms, $defaultParm);
last if ( $parm[-1] eq ")");
error "Ellipsis (...) could be defined only in the end of parameters list"
if $hasEllipsis > 1 || ( $hasEllipsis == 1 && $ellipsis == 0);
} else {
$acc .= 'void' if !$useHandle && $isVoid;
$acc .= "$proptype value" if $asProperty;
$acc .= $tok; # should be closing parenthesis
# end of parameters description
$piped = undef;
$tok = gettok;
if ( $tok eq "=") {
$tok = gettok;
error "Expected => but found $tok" unless $tok eq '>';
$piped = getid;
} else {
error "Expected semicolon or => but found $tok" unless $tok eq ';';
$acc .= ';';
# checking default parameters
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#types; $i++) {
error "Parameter ${\($i+1)} of type $types[$i] cannot be used with default parameters"
if defined $defParms[$i] && (
$structs{$types[$i]} || $arrays{$types[$i]} ||
# ( $types[$i] eq "Handle") || <<<< to enable being Handle default parameters
# ( $types[$i] eq "SV") ||
( $types[$i] eq "HV")
sub cmp_func
my ($xf,$xt)=@_;
my ($fp, $tp);
$xf =~ s/\((.*\));$//; $fp = $1;
$fp =~ s/\w+((?: [;)])|[;)])/$1/g;
$fp =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$xf .= $fp;
$xt =~ s/\((.*\));$//; $tp = $1;
$tp =~ s/\w+((?: [;)])|[;)])/$1/g;
$tp =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$xt .= $tp;
return $xf eq $xt;
sub store_method
# comparing virtual overloaded methods bodies - die if unequal
error "Header '$id' does not match previous definition"
if !exists($staticMethods{ $id}) &&
exists($allMethodsHosts{ $id}) && !($allMethodsHosts{ $id} eq $className) &&
($allMethodsHosts{ $id}) && !( cmp_func($allMethodsBodies[$allMethods{$id}], $acc));
# storing method, checking whether it was overloaded
unless ( $allMethodsHosts{$id})
# first entrance
push (@allMethodsBodies, $acc);
push (@allMethodsDefaults, [@defParms]);
push (@allMethods, $id);
$allMethods{$id} = $#allMethodsBodies;
} else {
my $idx = $allMethods{$id};
$allMethodsBodies[ $idx] = $acc;
$allMethodsDefaults[ $idx] = [@defParms];
delete $pipeMethods{$id} unless $piped;
# binding with host
$inherit = exists $allMethodsHosts{$id};
$allMethodsHosts{$id} = $className;
# setting "pipe to"
$pipeMethods{$id} = $piped if $piped;
sub parse_parms
# parsin' method result type & parameters - returns if they
# could be passed to perl.
my $db = $acc =~ /notify/;
my @chunks; # parm or result
$acc =~ s/\(/,/; # separating ( to ,
$acc =~ s/\)\;$//; # eliminating ending );
$acc =~ s/\,\s*$//; # eliminating tailing commas, if any
@chunks = grep { !/^\s*void$/ } split(",", $acc);
$acc = "";
$hvUsed = 0;
my $i = 0;
foreach ( @chunks)
my @lxmz = split(" ", $_);
my $valid = 0;
foreach (@lxmz)
error "Reserved word '$_' used" if $forbiddenParms{$_};
$hvUsed = 1 if $_ eq "HV";
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#lxmz; $j++)
my $keyType = $lxmz[ $j];
my $orgType = $keyType;
if (
exists( $structs{ $keyType}) ||
exists( $arrays{ $keyType}) ||
( $keyType = $mapTypes{ $lxmz[ $j]})
) {
last if exists( $mapPointers{ $lxmz[ $j]}) && ( $lxmz[$j+1] ne "*");
if ($lxmz[ $j+1] eq "*") {
if ( exists( $mapPointers{ $lxmz[ $j]})) {
if ( $lxmz[ $j+2] eq "*") {
} else {
$orgType = $keyType = $mapPointers{ $lxmz[ $j]}
} else {
if (
exists( $structs{ $keyType}) ||
exists( $arrays{ $keyType})
) {
$orgType = $keyType = "*".$lxmz[$j];
} else {
$acc .= " $orgType";
$valid = 1;
} elsif (( $lxmz[ $j] eq "void") && !$i) {
# when return is void
$acc .= " void";
$valid = 1;
unless ( $valid)
# if not valid in some chunk, exit immediately
$acc = "";
if ( $hvUsed) {
my @lxmz = split(" ", $chunks[ $#chunks]);
error "HV* can be declared only at the end of parameters list." unless $lxmz[ 0] eq "HV";
return $acc;
sub load_single_part
$tok = shift;
$genObject = $tok eq "object";
$genPackage = 1;
$className = getObjName;
if ( $genObject && (( $className eq "static") || ( $className eq "dynamic"))) {
$genDyna = ( $className eq "dynamic") unless $level;
$className = getObjName;
unless ( $level) {
$ownOClass = $ownClass = $className;
$ownClass =~ s/^Prima:://;
$ownFile = (split( '::', $ownClass))[-1];
$ownCType = $className;
$ownCType =~ s/^Prima:://;
$ownCType =~ s/::/__/g;
error "Class $className already defined" if $definedClasses{ $className};
$definedClasses{ $className} = 1;
$tok = gettok;
$superClass = '';
if ( $genObject) {
if ( $tok eq '(') {
$superClass = getObjName;
my $superFile = (split( '::', $superClass))[-1];
unless ( $level) {
$baseClass = $superClass;
$baseFile = $superClass;
$baseFile =~ s/^Prima:://g;
$baseFile =~ s/::/\//g;
$baseCType = $superClass;
$baseCType =~ s/^Prima:://g;
$baseCType =~ s/::/__/g;
expect ")";
$tok = gettok;
error "Cyclic inheritance detected. Watch out ``$superClass''"
if $definedClasses{ $superClass};
do {
if ( $suppress & (!$sayparent || $level==1)) {
my $superXClass = $superClass;
$superXClass =~ s/^Prima:://;
push @ancestors, $superXClass;
putback( $tok);
my ( $superFile, $inhDyna) = find_file( "$superClass.cls");
$tok = gettok;
error "Cannot find file corresponding to ''$superClass''"
unless defined $superFile;
error "Static object cannot inherit dynamic module $superClass"
if !$genDyna && $inhDyna;
parse_file( $superFile) unless $sayparent;
} else {
error "Cannot create dynamic object with no inheritance"
if $genDyna && ( $level == 0);
check "{";
#parsing fields & methods
until (( $tok = gettok) eq "}") {
if ( $genObject) {
# parsing object methods & vars
if ($tok eq $clsMethod) {
preload_method( 1, 0);
unless ($level) {
if ( parse_parms) {
push (@portableMethods, "${id}${acc}");
push (@newMethods, "${id}${acc}")
unless $inherit;
} else {
print "Warning: method $id has not been published\n"
if $warnings;
} elsif ($tok eq $clsNotify) {
preload_method( 1, 0);
unless ($level) {
if ( parse_parms) {
push (@newMethods, "${id}${acc}") unless $inherit;
} else {
print "Warning: method $id has not been published\n"
if $warnings;
} elsif ($tok eq $clsImport) {
preload_method( 1, 0);
unless ($level) {
error "Invalid types in import function $id declaration"
unless parse_parms;
push (@portableImports, "${id}${acc}");
push (@newMethods, "${id}${acc}") unless $inherit;
} elsif ($tok eq $clsStatic) {
preload_method( 0, 0);
$staticMethods{$id} = 1;
unless ($level) {
if ( parse_parms) {
push (@portableMethods, "${id}${acc}");
push (@newMethods, "${id}${acc}") unless $inherit;
} else {
print "Warning: static $id has not been published\n"
if $warnings;
} elsif ($tok eq $clsPublic) {
preload_method( 1, 0);
$publicMethods{$id} = 1;
unless ($level) {
push (@portableMethods, "${id}${acc}");
push (@newMethods, "${id}${acc}") unless $inherit;
} elsif ($tok eq $clsWeird) {
preload_method( 0, 0);
$staticMethods{$id} = 1;
$publicMethods{$id} = 1;
unless ($level) {
push (@portableMethods, "${id}${acc}");
push (@newMethods, "${id}${acc}") unless $inherit;
} elsif ($tok eq $clsC_only) {
preload_method( 1, 0);
} elsif ( $tok eq $clsProperty) {
preload_method( 1, 1);
unless ( $level) {
if ( parse_parms) {
push (@portableMethods, "$id$acc");
push (@newMethods, "$id$acc") unless $inherit;
} else {
print "Warning: property $id has not been published\n"
if $warnings;
$properties{$id} = $proptype;
} else {
# variable workaround
error "Expecting identifier but found ``$tok''"
unless $tok =~ /^\w+$/;
$acc = $tok;
until (($tok = getidsym("*;[]()+")) eq ";")
$id = $tok;
$acc .= " " . $tok;
$acc .= ";";
error "Variable $id already defined" if $allVars{ $id};
$allVars{$id} = $className;
push(@allVars, $acc);
# end of parsing object
} else {
# parsing package
putback( $tok);
preload_method( 0, 0);
$staticMethods{$id} = 1;
unless ($level) {
if ( parse_parms) {
push (@portableMethods, "${id}${acc}");
push (@newMethods, "${id}${acc}") unless $inherit;
} else {
print "Warning: function $id has not been published\n"
if $warnings;
} # end of load_single_part
sub load_structures
until ( undef) {
$tok = gettok;
unless ( defined $tok) {
if (( $tok eq $clsLocalType) || ( $tok eq $clsGlobalType)) {
my $global = $tok eq $clsGlobalType;
my $tok2 = $tok;
$tok = gettok;
if (( $tok eq '@') || ( $tok eq '%')) {
parse_struc( $tok, $global);
} elsif ( $tok eq '$') {
parse_typedef( $global);
} elsif ( $tok eq 'define') {
parse_define( $global);
putback( $tok2);
putback( $tok);
} elsif ( $tok eq 'use') {
my $fid = getid;
my $loaded;
foreach (@includeDirs) {
my $f = "$_/$fid.cls";
next unless -f $f;
$loaded = $f;
die "$fid.cls not found\n" unless defined $loaded;
load_file( $loaded);
} else {
putback ( $tok);
#start of parse_file
load_file( shift);
$tok = gettok;
if (( $tok eq "object") || ( $tok eq "package")) {
load_single_part( $tok);
} elsif ( $tok) {
error "found $tok but expecting 'object' or 'package'";
} else {
unless ( $level) {
#$genInc = 0;
$ownFile = $fileName;
$ownFile =~ s/([^.]*)\..*$/$1/;
my $out = $ownFile;
$out =~ s[.*\/][];
$ownCType = uc $out;
} # end of parse_file
sub type2sv
my ( $type, $name) = @_;
$type = $mapTypes{ $type} || $type;
if ( ref $type) {
return "sv_$type->[PROPS]->{name}2HV(&($name))";
} elsif ( $type eq 'Handle') {
return "( $name ? (( $incInst)$name)-> $hMate : &PL_sv_undef)";
} elsif ( $type eq 'string') {
my $fname = $name;
$fname =~ s/(.*)\b(\w+)$/${1}is_utf8.$2/;
return "prima_svpv_utf8($name, $fname)";
} elsif ( $type eq 'SV*') {
return $name;
} else {
return "new${xsConv{$type}[7]}( $name$xsConv{$type}[5])";
sub sv2type
my ( $type, $name) = @_;
$type = $mapTypes{ $type} || $type;
if ( $type eq 'Handle') {
return "$incGetMate( $name);";
} elsif ( $type eq 'SV*') {
return $name;
} else {
return "$xsConv{$type}[1]( $name$xsConv{$type}[8])";
sub sv2type_pop
my ( $type) = @_;
$type = $mapTypes{ $type} || $type;
if ( $type eq 'Handle') {
return "$incGetMate( POPs);";
} elsif ( $type eq 'SV*') {
return 'POPs';
} else {
return "( $xsConv{$type}[0]) $xsConv{$type}[6]";
sub mortal
my $type = $mapTypes{ $_[0]} || $_[0];
if ( $type eq 'SV*') {
return '';
} elsif ( $type eq 'Handle') {
return 'sv_mortalcopy';
} else {
return 'sv_2mortal';
sub cwrite
my ( $type, $from, $to) = @_;
$type = $mapTypes{ $type} || $type;
if ( $type eq 'string') {
return "strncpy( $to, $from, 255); $to\[255\]=0;";
} else {
return "$to = $from;";
sub out_method_profile
# common method print sub
my ( $methods, $substring, $imports, $full) = @_;
my $optRef = $imports ? \%templates_imp : \%templates_rdf;
my %thunks = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @{$methods}; $i++) {
my @parms = split( " ", ${$methods}[ $i]);
my $id = shift @parms;
my $useHandle = !exists( $staticMethods{ $id});
my $tok = $allMethodsBodies[$allMethods{$id}];
my $exStr = eval( "\"$substring\"");
$tok =~ s/$id(?=\()/$exStr/; # incorporating class name
$tok =~ s/;([^;]*)$/$1/; # adding ; to the end
print( HEADER "$tok;\n\n"), next if $publicMethods{$id} && $full;
my $castedResult = $parms[0];
$castedResult = exists $typedefs{$castedResult} && $typedefs{$castedResult}{cast}
? " ( $castedResult)" :
my $subId = $full ? ( $imports ? "\"$ownOClass\:\:$id\"" : "\"$id\"") : 'subName';
my $property = defined $properties{ $id};
my $result = shift @parms;
my $eptr = $result =~ /^\*/ ? "*" : "";
$result =~ s[^\*][];
my ( $lpr, $rpr) = $eptr ? ('(',')') : ('','');
my $resSub = $mapTypes { $result} || $result;
my $nParam = scalar @parms;
my $hvName = $nParam ? $parms[ $#parms] eq "HV*" : 0;
$tok =~ /\((.*)\)/;
my @parm_ids = $nParam ? split( ',', $1) : ();
my $thunkParms;
if ( !$full || $optimize) {
my $j;
$thunkParms = 'char* subName';
for ( $j = 0; $j < scalar @parms; $j++) {
$thunkParms .= ",$parm_ids[$j]";
if ( $useHandle) {
shift @parms; # self-aware
shift @parm_ids; # construction
for ( @parm_ids) {
$_ = $1;
if ( $full) {
if ( exists $$optRef{$id} && !exists( $thunks{ $$optRef{$id}})) {
$thunks{ $$optRef{$id}} = 1;
print HEADER "extern $resSub$eptr $$optRef{$id}( $thunkParms);\n\n";
print HEADER "$tok\n";
} else {
# using pre-generated thunk name. Suggesting call is responsive to set
# $methods to filtered array, that for sure contains that names.
print HEADER "$resSub$eptr $$optRef{$id}( $thunkParms)\n";
print HEADER "{\n";
if ( $full & $optimize && $$optRef{$id}) {
my $ret = ( $resSub eq 'void') ? '' : 'return ';
unshift( @parm_ids, 'self') if $useHandle;
my $parmz = join( ', ', @parm_ids);
my $str = $imports ? "\"$ownOClass\:\:$id\"" : "\"$id\"";
print HEADER "\t$ret$$optRef{$id}( $str, $parmz);\n}\n\n";
print HEADER "\tdSP;\n";
print HEADER "\tint $incCount;\n";
unless ( $resSub eq "void") {
if ( $resSub eq "char*") {
print HEADER "\tSV *$incRes;\n\n";
} else {
print HEADER "\t$result $eptr $incRes;\n\n";
print HEADER "\t(void)$incCount;\n";
print HEADER "\tENTER;\n";
print HEADER "\tSAVETMPS;\n";
print HEADER "\tPUSHMARK( sp);\n\n";
print HEADER "\tXPUSHs((( P${ownCType})$hSelf)-> $hMate);\n" if $useHandle;
# writing other parameters
for ( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @parm_ids; $j++) {
$j = 1 if $j == 0 && $property;
print HEADER " \n\tif ( !set) goto CALL_POINT;\n"
if $property && $j == $#parm_ids;
my $lVar = $parm_ids[ $j];
my $type = $parms[ $j];
my $ptr = $type =~ /^\*/ ? "*" : "";
$type =~ s[^\*][];
my $hashStruc =
exists($structs{ $type}) &&
defined ${$structs{ $type}[2]}{hash};
if ( $hashStruc) {
# take down the reference in this case
$ptr = ( $ptr eq '*') ? '' : '&';
my ( $lp, $rp) = $ptr ? ('(',')') : ('','');
$lVar = $lp.$ptr.$lVar.$rp;
# structs
if ( exists $structs{ $type}) {
if ( $hashStruc) {
print HEADER "\tXPUSHs( sv_2mortal( sv_${type}2HV( $lVar)));\n";
} else {
for ( my $k = 0; $k < scalar @{ $structs{ $type}[0]}; $k++) {
my $lName = @{$structs{$type}[1]}[$k];
my $lNameLen = length $lName;
my $lType = @{$structs{$type}[0]}[$k];
my $inter = type2sv( $lType, "$lVar. $lName");
my $mc = mortal( $lType);
print HEADER "\tXPUSHs( $mc( $inter));\n";
} elsif ( exists $arrays{ $type}) {
# arrays
my $lType = $arrays{ $type}[1];
my $lCount = $arrays{ $type}[0];
my $mc = mortal( $lType);
my $adx = ( $lCount > 1) ? "\t" : "";
print HEADER "\t{\n\t\tint $incCount;\n"
if $adx;
print HEADER "\t\tfor ( $incCount = 0; $incCount < $lCount; ${incCount}++)\n"
if $adx;
print HEADER "$adx\tXPUSHs( $mc( ", type2sv( $lType, "$lVar\[$incCount\]"), "));\n";
print HEADER "\t}\n"
if $adx;
# scalars
} else {
if ( $type eq 'HV*') {
print HEADER "\tsp = push_hv_for_REDEFINED( sp, $lVar);\n";
$hvName = $lVar;
} elsif ( $type eq "Handle") {
print HEADER "\tXPUSHs( ", type2sv( $type, $lVar),");\n";
} else {
my $mc = mortal( $type);
print HEADER "\tXPUSHs( $mc( ", type2sv( $type, $lVar),"));\n";
print HEADER "CALL_POINT:\n" if $property;
print HEADER "\n\tPUTBACK;\n\n";
if ( exists( $structs{ $resSub}) && ${$structs{ $resSub}[2]}{hash}) {
$retType = "G_SCALAR";
} elsif ( exists( $structs{ $resSub}) || exists( $arrays{ $resSub}) || $hvName) {
$retType = "G_ARRAY";
} elsif ( $resSub eq "void") {
$retType = "G_DISCARD";
} else {
$retType = "G_SCALAR";
$retType = "set ? G_DISCARD : $retType" if $property;
if ( $full) {
print HEADER ( $imports)
? "\t$incCount = PERL_CALL_PV( \"$ownOClass\:\:$id\", $retType);\n"
: "\t$incCount = PERL_CALL_METHOD( \"$id\", $retType);\n";
} else {
print HEADER ( $imports)
? "\t$incCount = PERL_CALL_PV( subName, $retType);\n"
: "\t$incCount = PERL_CALL_METHOD( subName, $retType);\n";
if ( exists( $structs{ $resSub}) || exists( $arrays{ $resSub}))
# struct to return
my $popParams;
if ( exists $structs{ $resSub})
$popParams = defined ${$structs{ $resSub}[2]}{hash} ? 1 :
scalar @{ $structs{ $resSub}[0]};
} else {
$popParams = $arrays{ $resSub}[0];
my $lParams = exists $structs{ $resSub} ? (
${$structs{ $resSub}[2]}{hash} ? 1 : scalar @{ $structs{ $resSub}[0]}
) : $arrays{ $resSub}[0];
my $resVar = $lpr.$eptr.$incRes.$rpr;
print HEADER "\tSPAGAIN;\n";
print HEADER "\t$incCount = pop_hv_for_REDEFINED( sp, $incCount, $hvName, $popParams);\n"
if $hvName;
print HEADER "\tif ( set) {\n\t\tFREETMPS;\n\t\tLEAVE;\n\t\tmemset(&$incRes,0,sizeof($incRes));\n\t\treturn $incRes;\n\t}\n\n"
if $property;
print HEADER "\tif ( $incCount != $lParams) croak( \"Sub result corrupted\");\n\n";
if ( exists $structs{ $resSub}) {
# struct
if ( defined ${$structs{ $resSub}[2]}{hash}) {
print HEADER "\t$incRes = \& $castedResult ${result}_buffer;\n"
if $eptr;
my $xref = $eptr ? '' : '&';
print HEADER "\tSvHV_$resSub( POPs, $castedResult $xref$incRes, $subId);\n";
} else {
print HEADER "\t$incRes = $castedResult ${result}_buffer;\n"
if $eptr;
for ( my $j = 0; $j < $lParams; $j++) {
my $lType = @{ $structs{ $resSub}[ 0]}[ $lParams - $j - 1];
my $lName = @{ $structs{ $resSub}[ 1]}[ $lParams - $j - 1];
my $inter = sv2type_pop( $lType);
print HEADER "\t", cwrite( $lType, $inter, "$resVar. $lName"), "\n";
} else {
# array
print HEADER "\t$incRes =$castedResult \&${result}_buffer;\n" if $eptr;
my $lType = $arrays{ $resSub}[1];
my $adx = ( $lParams > 1) ? "\t" : "";
print HEADER "\t{\n\tint $incCount;\n"
if $adx;
print HEADER "\tfor ( $incCount = 0; $incCount < $lParams; ${incCount}++)\n"
if $adx;
print HEADER "$adx\t",
cwrite( $lType, sv2type_pop( $lType),
print HEADER "\t}\n" if $adx;
print HEADER "\n";
print HEADER "\treturn $incRes;\n";
# end struct to return
} elsif ( $resSub eq "void") {
# no parms to return
if ( $hvName) {
print HEADER "\n\tSPAGAIN;\n\n";
print HEADER "\tpop_hv_for_REDEFINED( sp, $incCount, $hvName, 0);\n";
print HEADER "\n\tPUTBACK;\n\tFREETMPS;\n\tLEAVE;\n";
} else {
print HEADER "\n\tSPAGAIN;\n\tFREETMPS;\n\tLEAVE;\n";
} else {
# 1 param to return
print HEADER "\tSPAGAIN;\n";
print HEADER "\t$incCount = pop_hv_for_REDEFINED( sp, $incCount, $hvName, 1);\n"
if $hvName;
print HEADER "\tif ( set) {\n\t\tFREETMPS;\n\t\tLEAVE;\n\t\treturn ( $resSub$eptr) 0;\n\t}\n\n"
if $property;
print HEADER "\tif ( $incCount != 1) croak( \"Something really bad happened!\");\n\n";
if ( $resSub eq 'Handle') {
print HEADER "\t$incRes =$castedResult $incGetMate( POPs);";
} elsif ($resSub eq "SV*") {
print HEADER "\t$incRes =$castedResult SvREFCNT_inc( POPs);";
} elsif ($resSub eq "char*") {
print HEADER "\t$incRes =$castedResult newSVsv( POPs);";
} else {
print HEADER "\t$incRes =$castedResult ${xsConv{$resSub}[6]};";
print HEADER "\n\n";
if ( $resSub eq "char*") {
char * $incRet =$castedResult SvPV_nolen( $incRes);
sv_2mortal( $incRes);
return $incRet;
} else {
print HEADER "\treturn $incRes;\n";
print HEADER "}\n\n";
sub out_FROMPERL_methods
my ( $methods, $full) = @_;
my %thunks = ();
# portable methods, bodies
for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$methods}; $i++) {
my @parms = split( " ", $$methods[ $i]);
my $id = shift @parms;
# forward declarations
if ( $full && $publicMethods{$id})
print HEADER "XS( ${ownCType}_${id}_FROMPERL);\n\n";
if ( $full && $optimize && $templates_xs{$id}) {
unless ( exists $thunks{$templates_xs{$id}}) {
$thunks{$templates_xs{$id}} = 1;
print HEADER "extern void $templates_xs{$id}( XS_STARTPARAMS, char* subName, void* func);\n\n";
my $func = ( exists $pipeMethods{ $id}) ?
$pipeMethods{$id} :
XS( ${ownCType}_${id}_FROMPERL) {
$templates_xs{$id}( XS_CALLPARAMS, \"${ownOClass}\:\:$id\", (void*)$func);
my $result = shift @parms; # result type
my $eptr = $result =~ /^\*/ ? "*" : ""; # whether result is a pointer
my ( $lpr, $rpr) = $eptr ? ('(',')') : ('','');
$result =~ s[^\*][]; # strip * signs
my $resSub = $mapTypes { $result} || $result; # basic result type ( typecast skip)
my $nParam = scalar @parms;
my $useHandle = !exists( $staticMethods{ $id});
@defParms = @{$allMethodsDefaults[$allMethods{$id}]};
my $firstDP = undef;
my $lastDP = 0;
my $property = defined $properties{$id};
my $ifpropset;
my $propparms = 1;
my $propextras;
$propextras = 1 if $property && $nParam > ( $useHandle ? 3 : 2);
for ( my $k = 0; $k < scalar @defParms; $k++)
if ( defined $defParms[$k])
$firstDP = $k unless defined $firstDP;
my $useHV = $nParam ? $parms[ $#parms] eq 'HV*' : 0;
shift @parms if $useHandle;
shift @parms if $property;
my $delta = 0;
foreach (@parms)
{ # adjust parms count referring
my $lVar = $_; $lVar =~ s[^\*][];
if ( exists( $structs{ $lVar}) && !defined( ${$structs{ $lVar}[2]}{hash}))
{ # to possible structs
$delta = scalar @{$structs{$lVar}[0]} - 1;
} elsif ( exists( $arrays{ $lVar})) { # and arrays
$delta = $arrays{$lVar}[0] - 1;
} else {
$delta = 0;
$nParam += $delta;
$propparms += $delta if $property;
if ( $full) {
print HEADER "XS( ${ownCType}_${id}_FROMPERL)";
} else {
# using pre-generated thunk name. Suggesting call is responsive to set
# $methods to filtered array, that for sure contains that names.
print HEADER "void $templates_xs{$id}( XS_STARTPARAMS, char* subName, void* func)";
print HEADER "\n{\n";
print HEADER " dXSARGS;\n";
print HEADER " Handle $incSelf;\n" if $useHandle;
print HEADER " (void)ax;\n" if !$useHandle && ( $nParam == 0);
print HEADER " if ";
if ( $useHV)
print HEADER "(( items - $nParam + 1) % 2 != 0)";
} else {
if ( $property) {
my $min = $nParam - $propparms - ( $useHandle ? 1 : 2);
my $max = $nParam - 1;
$ifpropset = "items > $min";
print HEADER "(( items != $min) && ( items != $max))";
} elsif ( $lastDP) {
print HEADER "(( items > $nParam) || ( items < ${\($nParam-$lastDP)}))";
} else {
print HEADER "( items != $nParam)";
my $croakId = $full ? "${ownOClass}\:\:\%s\", \"$id\"" : "\%s\", subName";
print HEADER "\n\t\tcroak (\"Invalid usage of $croakId);\n";
if ( $useHandle)
$incSelf = $incGetMate( ST( 0));
if ( $incSelf == nilHandle)
croak( "Illegal object reference passed to $croakId);
if ( defined $firstDP)
print HEADER "\t{\n";
print HEADER "\t\tEXTEND( sp, $nParam - items);\n";
for ( my $k = $firstDP; $k < scalar @defParms; $k++)
my $it=$nParam - (scalar @parms)+$k+1;
my $dp=$defParms[$k];
my $tp=$mapTypes{$parms[$k]}||$parms[$k];
print HEADER "\tif ( items < $it) ";
my $mc = mortal( $tp);
print HEADER "PUSHs( $mc( ".type2sv( $tp, $dp)."));\n";
# print HEADER "PUSHs( sv_2mortal( new$xsConv{$tp}[7]( $dp$xsConv{$tp}[5])));\n";
# ^^ to enable being Handle default parameters
print HEADER "\t}\n";
print HEADER "\t{\n\t\t";
my $structCount = 0;
my $stn = $useHandle ? 1 : 0;
unless ($resSub eq "void") {
print HEADER "$result $eptr $incRes;\n\t\t"
# generating struct local vars
my $reuseStructVar;
my $idparm = 0;
foreach (@parms)
my $ptr = $_ =~ /^\*/ ? "&" : "";
my $lVar = $_; $lVar =~ s[^\*][];
my ( $lp, $rp) = $ptr ? ('(',')') : ('','');
if ( exists $structs{$lVar} && defined ${$structs{$lVar}[2]}{hash}) {
$reuseStructVar = 1, last
if $property && $idparm == $#parms && ( $ptr eq "");
print HEADER "$lVar $incRes$structCount;\n\t\t";
} elsif ( exists $arrays{$lVar} || exists $structs{$lVar}) {
$reuseStructVar = 1, last
if $property && $idparm == $#parms && ( $ptr eq "");
print HEADER "$lVar $incRes$structCount;\n\t\t";
} else {
my $subId = $full ? "\"${ownClass}_$id\"" : 'subName';
print HEADER "HV *hv = parse_hv( ax, sp, items, mark, $nParam - 1, $subId);\n\t\t"
if $useHV;
# initializing strings and additional parameters, if any
$stn = $useHandle ? 1 : 0;
$structCount = 0;
my $paramAuxSet = '';
$idparm = 0;
foreach (@parms) {
my $ptr = $_ =~ /^\*/ ? "&" : "";
my $lVar = $_; $lVar =~ s[^\*][];
my ( $lp, $rp) = $ptr ? ('(',')') : ('','');
# hash structure
if ( $property && $idparm == $#parms) {
$structCount = '' if $reuseStructVar;
$paramAuxSet .= '****'; # label point
if ( exists $structs{$lVar} && defined ${$structs{$lVar}[2]}{hash})
$paramAuxSet .= "SvHV_$lVar( ST( $stn), \&$incRes$structCount, $subId);\n\t\t";
} elsif ( exists $structs{$lVar}) # struct
for ( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @{ $structs{ $lVar}[ 0]}; $j++) {
my $lType = ${ $structs{ $lVar}[ 0]}[ $j];
my $lName = ${ $structs{ $lVar}[ 1]}[ $j];
if ( $lType eq "string") {
$paramAuxSet .= "strncpy( $incRes$structCount. $lName, ( char*) SvPV_nolen( ST( $stn)), 255); $incRes$structCount. $lName\[255\]=0;\n\t\t";
} else {
$paramAuxSet .= "$incRes$structCount. $lName = ";
if ( $lType eq "SV*") {
$paramAuxSet .= "ST( $stn);\n\t\t";
} else {
my $mtType = $mapTypes{$lType} || $lType;
$paramAuxSet .= "( $lType) $xsConv{$mtType}[1]( ST( $stn)$xsConv{$mtType}[8]);\n\t\t";
# array
} elsif ( exists $arrays{$lVar}) {
my $lName = $arrays{$lVar}[1];
my $lType = $lName;
$lName = $mapTypes{$lName} || $lName;
my $str;
$paramAuxSet .= "{\n\t\t\tint $incCount;\n\t\t\t";
$paramAuxSet .= "for ( $incCount = 0; $incCount < $arrays{$lVar}[0]; $incCount++)\n\t\t\t";
if ( $lName eq 'SV*') {
$str = "$incRes$structCount\[$incCount\] = ST( $stn + $incCount)"
} elsif ( $lName eq 'string') {
$str = "strncpy( $incRes$structCount\[$incCount\], ( char*) SvPV_nolen( ST( $stn + $incCount)), 255);$incRes$structCount\[$incCount\]\[255\]=0"
} else {
$str = "$incRes$structCount\[$incCount\] = ( $lType) $xsConv{$lName}[1]( ST( $stn + $incCount)$xsConv{$lName}[8])";
$paramAuxSet .= "\t$str;\n\t\t}\n\t\t";
$stn += $arrays{$lVar}[0];
} else {
# generating call
my $lpaus = ( length( $paramAuxSet) > 4) || ( $paramAuxSet eq '****');
if ( $lpaus || $property) {
if ( $property && $lpaus) {
my $label = "if ( !( $ifpropset)) {\n";
$label .= "\t\t\tmemset(&$incRes,0,sizeof($incRes));\n" if $reuseStructVar;
$label .= "\t\t\tgoto CALL_POINT;\n\t\t}\n\t\t";
$paramAuxSet =~ s/\*\*\*\*/$label/;
print HEADER $paramAuxSet;
print HEADER "CALL_POINT : " if $property && $lpaus;
print HEADER "$incRes = " unless $resSub eq "void";
if ( $full) {
print HEADER ( exists $pipeMethods{ $id}) ?
$pipeMethods{$id} :
} else {
my @parmList = @parms;
unshift( @parmList, 'Bool') if $property;
unshift( @parmList, 'Handle') if $useHandle;
for ( @parmList) {
} # since "*Struc" if way to know it's user ptr, map it back
my $parmz = join( ', ', @parmList);
print HEADER "(( $resSub$eptr (*)( $parmz)) func)";
print HEADER "(\n";
print HEADER "\t\t\t$incSelf" if $useHandle;
$stn = 0;
$stn++ if $useHandle;
if ( $property) {
print HEADER ",\n" if $stn > 0;
print HEADER "\t\t\t$ifpropset";
$structCount = 0;
$idparm = 0;
foreach (@parms) {
my $ptr = $_ =~ /^\*/ ? "&" : "";
my $lVar = $_;
$lVar =~ s[^\*][];
$mtVar = $mapTypes{ $lVar} || $lVar;
my ( $lp, $rp) = $ptr ? ('(',')') : ('','');
$structCount = '' if $property && $reuseStructVar && $idparm == $#parms;
print HEADER ",\n" if $stn > 0;
print HEADER "\t\t\t";
print HEADER "( $ifpropset) ? ( " if
$property && !$reuseStructVar && $idparm == $#parms;
my $defPropParm;
if ( exists $structs{$lVar} || exists $arrays{$lVar})
if ( exists $structs{$lVar}) {
$stn += defined ${$structs{$lVar}[2]}{hash} ?
1 :
scalar @{ $structs{ $lVar}[ 0]};
} else {
$stn += $arrays{$lVar}[0];
print HEADER "$ptr$incRes$structCount";
$defPropParm = "${lVar}_buffer";
} else {
if ( $mtVar eq "SV*") {
print HEADER "ST ( $stn)";
} elsif ( $mtVar eq "HV*") {
print HEADER "hv";
} else {
print HEADER "$ptr( $lVar) $xsConv{$mtVar}[1]( ST( $stn)$xsConv{$mtVar}[8])";
$defPropParm = "($lVar)0";
print HEADER ") : $defPropParm" if
$property && !$reuseStructVar && $idparm == $#parms;
print HEADER "\n";
print HEADER "\t\t);\n";
print HEADER "\t\tSPAGAIN;\n\t\tSP -= items;\n"
if (!( $resSub eq "void") || $useHV);
print HEADER "\t\tif ( $ifpropset) {\n\t\t\tXSRETURN_EMPTY;\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n"
if $property;
my $pphv = 0;
# result generation
if ( exists $structs{$resSub} && defined ${$structs{$resSub}[2]}{hash}) {
# hashed structure -> hash reference
my $bptr = ( $eptr eq '*') ? '' : '&';
print HEADER "\t\tXPUSHs( sv_2mortal( sv_${resSub}2HV( $bptr$incRes)));\n";
$pphv = 1;
} elsif ( exists( $structs{ $resSub})) {
# structure -> array
my $rParms = scalar @{ $structs{ $resSub}[ 0]};
print HEADER "\t\tEXTEND(sp, $rParms);\n";
for ( my $j = 0; $j < $rParms; $j++) {
my $lType = @{ $structs{ $resSub}[ 0]}[ $j];
$lType = $mapTypes{$lType}||$lType;
my $lName = @{ $structs{ $resSub}[ 1]}[ $j];
my $mc = mortal( $lType);
my $inter = type2sv( $lType, "$lpr$eptr$incRes$rpr. $lName");
print HEADER "\t\tPUSHs( $mc( $inter));\n";
$pphv = $rParms;
} elsif ( exists( $arrays{ $resSub})) {
# array-> array
my $rParms = $arrays{$resSub}[0];
my $lType = $arrays{$resSub}[1];
$lType = $mapTypes{$lType}||$lType;
print HEADER "\t\tEXTEND(sp, $rParms);\n";
my $adx = ( $rParms > 1) ? "\t\t" : "";
print HEADER "\t\t{\n\t\t\tint $incCount;\n"
if $adx;
print HEADER "\t\t\tfor ( $incCount = 0; $incCount < $rParms; ${incCount}++)\n"
if $adx;
my $mc = mortal( $lType);
my $inter = type2sv( $lType, "$lpr$eptr$incRes$rpr\[$incCount\]");
print HEADER "${adx}\tPUSHs( $mc( $inter));\n";
print HEADER "\t\t}\n" if $adx;
$pphv = $rParms;
} elsif ($resSub eq "void") {
# nothing
$pphv = 0;
} else {
# scalars
$pphv = 1;
if ($resSub eq "Handle") {
print HEADER "\t\tif ( $incRes && (( $incInst) $incRes)-> $hMate && ((( $incInst) $incRes)-> $hMate != nilSV))\n";
print HEADER "\t\t{\n";
print HEADER "\t\t\tXPUSHs( sv_mortalcopy((( $incInst) $incRes)-> $hMate));\n";
print HEADER "\t\t} else XPUSHs( &PL_sv_undef);\n";
} elsif ($resSub eq "SV*") {
print HEADER "\t\tXPUSHs( sv_2mortal( $incRes));\n";
} else {
print HEADER "\t\tXPUSHs( sv_2mortal( new$xsConv{$resSub}[7]( $incRes$xsConv{$resSub}[5])));\n";
print HEADER "\t\tpush_hv( ax, sp, items, mark, $pphv, hv);\n\t\treturn;\n"
if $useHV;
print HEADER "\t}\n";
print HEADER $pphv ? "\tPUTBACK;\n\treturn;\n" : "\tXSRETURN_EMPTY;\n";
print HEADER "}\n\n";
sub out_struc
# printing out profiles
# calculating template names
if ( $optimize) {
sub fill_templates
my ( $methods, $hashStorageRef, $checkDefParms, $tempPrefix) = @_;
METHODS: for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$methods}; $i++) {
my @parms = split( " ", $$methods[ $i]);
my $id = shift @parms;
next if $publicMethods{$id};
if ( $checkDefParms) {
my $defParms = $allMethodsDefaults[$allMethods{$id}];
next if @$defParms && defined $$defParms[-1];
my @ptrAddMap = ();
# checking whether optimiztion could be applied - that's possible if all types are global here
for ( @parms) {
push( @ptrAddMap, ( s/\*//g) ? 1 : 0);
next METHODS if (
( exists( $structs {$_}) && !(${$structs{$_}[2]}{glo})) ||
( exists( $arrays {$_}) && !(${$arrays {$_}[2]}{glo}))
# ok, do the optimizing code
my $j;
for ( $j = 0; $j < scalar @parms; $j++) {
# cast types
$_ = $parms[ $j];
$_ = $mapTypes{$_} if $mapTypes{$_};
$_ = $defines{$_}{type} if $defines{$_}{type};
$parms[ $j] = $_.($ptrAddMap[$j] ? 'Ptr' : '');
my $callName = $tempPrefix;
$callName .= 'p_' if defined $properties{$id};
$callName .= 's_' if defined $staticMethods{$id};
$$hashStorageRef{$id} = $callName . join('_', @parms);;
} # eo cycle
} # eo sub
fill_templates( \@portableMethods, \%templates_xs, 1, "${tmlPrefix}xs_");
fill_templates( \@newMethods, \%templates_rdf, 0, "${tmlPrefix}rdf_");
fill_templates( \@portableImports, \%templates_imp, 0, "${tmlPrefix}imp_");
} # eo optimizing
if ( $genH) {
my $out = $ownFile;
$out =~ s[.*\/][];
open HEADER, ">$dirOut$out.h" or die "Cannot open $dirOut$out.h\n";
/* This file was automatically generated.
* Do not edit, you\'ll lose your changes anyway.
* file: $out.h */
#ifndef ${ownCType}_H_
#define ${ownCType}_H_
#ifndef _APRICOT_H_
#include \"apricot.h\"
# struct
print HEADER "#include \"$baseFile.h\"\n" if $baseClass;
my %toInclude = ();
for ( sort {
$structs{$a}-> [PROPS]-> {order} <=> $structs{$b}-> [PROPS]-> {order}
} keys %structs) {
my $f = ${$structs{$_}[PROPS]}{incl};
$toInclude{$f}=1 if $f;
for ( keys %arrays) {
my $f = ${$arrays{$_}[2]}{incl};
$toInclude{$f}=1 if $f;
for ( keys %defines) {
my $f = $defines{$_}{incl};
$toInclude{$f}=1 if $f;
for ( keys %mapTypes) {
my $f = $typedefs{$_}{incl};
$toInclude{$f}=1 if $f;
for ( keys %toInclude) {
print HEADER "#include \"$_.h\"\n";
print HEADER "\n";
print HEADER <<SD;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# generating inplaced structures
for ( sort { $structs{$a}-> [PROPS]-> {order} <=> $structs{$b}-> [PROPS]-> {order}} keys %structs)
my $s = $structs{$_};
if ( $$s[PROPS]{genh})
my @types = @{$$s[TYPES]};
my @ids = @{$$s[IDS]};
my @def = @{$$s[DEFS]};
print HEADER "typedef struct _$_ {\n";
my ($maxw_undefs, @undefs) = (0);
my ($maxw_utfs, @utfs) = (0);
for ( my $j = 0; $j < @types; $j++) {
if ( ref $types[$j]) {
print HEADER "\t$types[$j]->[PROPS]->{name} $ids[$j];\n";
} elsif ( $types[$j] eq "string") {
print HEADER "\tchar $ids[$j]\[256\];\n";
push @utfs, $ids[$j];
$maxw_utfs = length $ids[$j] if length($ids[$j]) > $maxw_utfs;
} else {
print HEADER "\t$types[$j] $ids[$j];\n";
if (($def[$j] // '') =~ /^undef:/) {
push @undefs, $ids[$j];
$maxw_undefs = length $ids[$j] if length($ids[$j]) > $maxw_undefs;
my $wtab = $maxw_undefs // 0;
$wtab = $maxw_utfs if ($maxw_utfs // 0) > $wtab;
if ( @undefs ) {
print HEADER "\tstruct {\n";
printf HEADER "\t\tunsigned %\-${wtab}s : 1;\n", $_ for @undefs;
print HEADER "\t} undef;\n";
if ( @utfs ) {
print HEADER "\tstruct {\n";
printf HEADER "\t\tunsigned %\-${wtab}s : 1;\n", $_ for @utfs;
print HEADER "\t} is_utf8;\n";
print HEADER "} $_, *P$_;\n\n";
if ( $$s[PROPS]{hash})
print HEADER "extern $_ * SvHV_$_( SV * hashRef, $_ * strucRef, const char * errorAt);\n";
print HEADER "extern SV * sv_${_}2HV( $_ * strucRef);\n";
print HEADER "extern $_ ${_}_buffer;\n\n";
# generating inplaced arrays
for ( keys %arrays)
if ( ${$arrays{$_}[2]}{genh})
print HEADER "typedef $arrays{$_}[1] $_\[ $arrays{$_}[0]\];\n";
print HEADER "extern $_ ${_}_buffer;\n\n";
# and typedefs
for ( keys %mapTypes)
if ( $typedefs{$_}{genh})
print HEADER "typedef $mapTypes{$_} $_;\n" unless $typedefs{$_}{cast};
# defines
for ( keys %defines)
if ( $defines{$_}{genh})
print HEADER "#define $_ $defines{$_}{type}\n";
if ( $genObject)
typedef struct _${ownCType}_vmt {
/* internal runtime classifiers */
char *$hClassName;
void *$hSuper;
void *$hBase;
int $hSize;
VmtPatch *patch;
int patchLength;
int vmtSize;
/* methods definition */
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#allMethods; $i++)
my $body = $allMethodsBodies[ $i];
my $id = $allMethods[ $i];
$body =~ s/\b$id\b/\( \*$id\)/;
print HEADER "\t$body\n";
} ${ownCType}_vmt, *P${ownCType}_vmt;
extern P${ownCType}_vmt C${ownCType};
typedef struct _$ownCType {
/* internal pointers */
P${ownCType}_vmt $hSelf;
# vmt
if ($baseClass) { print HEADER "\tP${baseCType}_vmt " } else { print HEADER "\tvoid *"} ;
print HEADER "$hSuper;\n";
print HEADER "\tSV *$hMate;\n";
print HEADER "\tstruct _AnyObject *killPtr;\n";
print HEADER "/* instance variables */\n";
foreach (@allVars) # variables
print HEADER "\t$_\n"
print HEADER "} $ownCType, *P$ownCType;\n";
# end of object structures in .h file
print HEADER "\n";
if ( $genPackage)
my $whatToReg = $genObject ? "Class" : "Package";
print HEADER "extern void register_${ownCType}_${whatToReg}( void);\n\n";
print HEADER "/* Local methods definitions */\n";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#allMethods; $i++)
my $id = $allMethods[$i];
my $body = $allMethodsBodies[$i];
$body =~ s{$id\(}{${ownCType}_$id\(};
print HEADER "extern $body\n"
if ( $allMethodsHosts{$id} eq $ownOClass) && !exists( $pipeMethods{$id});
# property set/get defines
print HEADER "\n";
my %propBody = map {
my @x = split( ' ', $_);
( scalar(@x) > 5 && $properties{$x[0]}) ? ( $x[0] => $#x - 4) : ();
} @newMethods;
for ( keys %properties) {
my $type = $properties{$_};
my $def = ( exists $structs{ $type} || exists( $arrays{ $type})) ?
"${type}_buffer" :
my @lval;
my @rval;
if ( defined $propBody{$_}) {
@lval = ',' . join( ',', map { "__var$_"} ( 1..$propBody{$_}));
@rval = ',' . join( ',', map { "(__var$_)"} ( 1..$propBody{$_}));
print HEADER <<SD;
#undef get_$_
#undef set_$_
#define get_$_(__hs@lval) $_((__hs),0@rval,$def)
#define set_$_(__hs@lval,__val) $_((__hs),1@rval,(__val))
print HEADER <<SD;
#ifdef __cplusplus
close HEADER;
} # end gen H
if ( $genInc) {
#2 - class.inc
my $out = $ownFile;
$out =~ s[.*\/][];
open HEADER, ">$dirOut$out.inc" or die "Cannot open $dirOut$out.inc\n";
/* This file was automatically generated.
* Do not edit, you\'ll lose your changes anyway.
* file: $out.inc */
#include "$out.h"
print HEADER "#include \"guts.h\"\n" if ( !$genDyna && $genObject);
print HEADER <<SD;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
out_FROMPERL_methods( \@portableMethods, 1); # portable methods, bodies
my %newH = (%structs, %arrays);
for ( keys %newH)
print HEADER "$_ ${_}_buffer;\n" if ( ${$newH{$_}[2]}{genh});
print HEADER "\n\n";
# generating SvHV_hash & sv_hash2HV, if any
for ( sort { $structs{$a}-> [PROPS]-> {order} <=> $structs{$b}-> [PROPS]-> {order}} keys %structs)
my $S = $_;
my $s = $structs{$S};
if ( $s->[PROPS]->{genh} && $s->[PROPS]->{hash})
print HEADER "$S * SvHV_$S( SV * hashRef, $S * strucRef, const char * errorAt)\n{\n";
print HEADER "\tconst char * err = errorAt ? errorAt : \"$S\";\n";
print HEADER "\tHV * $incHV = ( HV*)\n\t".
"(( SvROK( hashRef) && ( SvTYPE( SvRV( hashRef)) == SVt_PVHV)) ? SvRV( hashRef)\n\t\t".
": ( croak( \"Illegal hash reference passed to %s\", err), nil));\n";
print HEADER "\tSV ** $incSV;\n\n\t(void)$incSV;\n\n";
for ( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @{$s->[TYPES]}; $j++)
my $lType = @{ $s->[TYPES]}[$j];
my $lName = @{ $s->[IDS]}[$j];
my $def = @{ $s->[DEFS]}[$j];
my $inter;
my $lNameLen = length $lName;
if ( ref $lType) {
SV *sv = nil;
SV **svp = hv_fetch( $incHV, "$lName", $lNameLen, 0);
if ( !svp) {
sv = newRV_noinc(( SV*) newHV());
svp = &sv;
SvHV_$lType->[PROPS]->{name}( *svp, &(strucRef-> $lName), errorAt);
if ( sv)
sv_free( sv);
} else {
print HEADER "\t$incSV = hv_fetch( $incHV, \"$lName\", $lNameLen, 0);\n";
if ($def =~ /^undef:(.*)$/) {
print HEADER "\tstrucRef-> undef.$lName = ($incSV == NULL);\n";
$def = $1;
if ( $lType eq 'string') {
print HEADER "\tstrucRef->is_utf8.$lName = ($incSV && prima_is_utf8_sv(*$incSV)) ? 1 : 0;\n";
$inter = "$incSV ? " . sv2type( $lType, "*$incSV") . " : $def";
print HEADER "\t", cwrite( $lType, $inter, "strucRef-> $lName"), "\n\n";
print HEADER "\treturn strucRef;\n";
print HEADER "}\n\n";
print HEADER "SV * sv_${_}2HV( $_ * strucRef)\n{\t\n";
print HEADER "\tHV * $incHV = newHV();\n";
for ( my $k = 0; $k < @{ $s->[TYPES]}; $k++)
my $lName = @{$s->[IDS]}[$k];
my $lNameLen = length $lName;
my $lType = @{$s->[TYPES]}[$k];
my $inter = type2sv( $lType, "strucRef->$lName");
my $prefix =
($s->[DEFS]->[$k] =~ /^undef:/) ?
"if (!strucRef->undef.$lName)" :
print HEADER "\t$prefix hv_store( $incHV, \"$lName\", $lNameLen, $inter, 0);\n";
print HEADER "\treturn newRV_noinc(( SV*) $incHV);\n";
print HEADER "}\n\n";
if ( $genObject)
out_method_profile( \@newMethods, '${ownCType}_${id}_REDEFINED', 0, 1);
out_method_profile( \@portableImports, '${ownCType}_${id}', 1, 1);
# constructor & destructor
print HEADER "\n";
print HEADER "/* patches */\n";
print HEADER "extern ${baseCType}_vmt ${baseCType}Vmt;\n" if ( $baseClass && !$genDyna);
print HEADER "extern ${ownCType}_vmt ${ownCType}Vmt;\n\n";
print HEADER "static VmtPatch ${ownCType}VmtPatch[] =\n"; # patches
print HEADER "{";
for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#newMethods; $j++)
my @locp = split (" ", $newMethods[ $j]);
my $id = $locp[0];
if ( $j) { print HEADER ','} ;
print HEADER "\n\t{ &(${ownCType}Vmt. $id), (void*)${ownCType}_${id}_REDEFINED, \"$id\"}";
print HEADER "\n\t{nil,nil,nil} /* M\$C empty struct error */" unless scalar @newMethods;
print HEADER "\n};\n\n";
my $lpCount = $#newMethods + 1;
/* Class virtual methods table */
${ownCType}_vmt ${ownCType}Vmt = {
${\($baseClass && !$genDyna ? "\&${baseCType}Vmt" : "nil")},
${\($baseClass && !$genDyna ? "\&${baseCType}Vmt" : "nil")},
sizeof( $ownCType ),
print HEADER "\tsizeof( ${ownCType}_vmt)";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#allMethods; $i++) {
my $id = $allMethods[ $i];
print HEADER ",\n\t";
my $pt = ( exists $pipeMethods{ $id}) ? $pipeMethods{ $id} :
"${\(do{my $c = $allMethodsHosts{$id}; $c =~ s[^Prima::][]; $c =~ s[::][__]g; $c })}_$id";
$pt = 'nil' if $genDyna && ( $allMethodsHosts{$id} ne $ownOClass);
print HEADER $pt;
print HEADER "\n};\n\n";
print HEADER "P${ownCType}_vmt C${ownCType} = \&${ownCType}Vmt;\n\n";
print HEADER <<LABEL if 0;
XS( $incBuild$ownCType)
$ownCType *$incRes;
char *$incClass;
if ( items != 1)
croak ("Invalid usage of $ownOClass\:\:\%s", "$incBuild$ownCType");
$incRes = malloc( sizeof( $ownCType));
memset( $incRes, 0, sizeof( $ownCType));
$incClass = HvNAME( SvSTASH( SvRV( ST(0))));
$incRes-> self = ( P${ownCType}_vmt) $incGetVmt( $incClass, ( PVMT)C${ownCType}, sizeof( ${ownCType}Vmt));
$incRes-> $hSuper = $incRes-> self-> super;
ST( 0) = sv_newmortal();
sv_setiv( ST(0), (IV)( Handle)$incRes);
} # end of object vmt part
print HEADER "\n";
if ( $genPackage)
my $whatToReg = $genObject ? "Class" : "Package";
print HEADER "void register_${ownCType}_${whatToReg}( void)\n"; # registration proc
print HEADER "{";
if ( $genObject)
print HEADER "\n\t";
print HEADER $genDyna ? "if ( !build_dynamic_vmt( \&${ownCType}Vmt, \"$baseCType\", sizeof( ${baseCType}_vmt))) return;"
: "build_static_vmt( \&${ownCType}Vmt);";
print HEADER "\n";
foreach (@portableMethods)
my @parms = split(" ", $_);
print HEADER "\tnewXS( \"${ownOClass}::$parms[0]\", ${ownCType}_$parms[0]_FROMPERL, \"$ownOClass\");\n";
print HEADER "\tnewXS( \"${ownOClass}::create_mate\", $incBuild$ownCType, \"$ownOClass\");\n"
if $genObject && 0;
print HEADER "}\n\n";
print HEADER <<SD;
#ifdef __cplusplus
close HEADER;
} # end gen Inc
if ( $genTml) { #3 - class.tml
my $out = $ownFile;
$out =~ s[.*\/][];
open HEADER, ">$dirOut$out.tml" or die "Cannot open $dirOut$out.tml\n";
/* This file was automatically generated.
Do not edit, you'll lose your changes anyway.
file: $out.tml */
local @thunks;
sub del_dup {
my ( $hashRef, $methods) = @_;
my %names = (reverse (%{$hashRef}));
%names = (reverse (%names));
@thunks = ();
for ( @{$methods}) {
push( @thunks, $_) if exists $names{$1};
del_dup( \%templates_xs, \@portableMethods);
out_FROMPERL_methods( \@thunks, 0);
del_dup( \%templates_rdf, \@newMethods);
out_method_profile( \@thunks, '${ownCType}_${id}_REDEFINED', 0, 0);
del_dup( \%templates_imp, \@portableImports);
out_method_profile( \@thunks, '${ownCType}_${id}', 1, 0);
# my ( $reduced, $whole) = ( scalar keys %names, scalar( keys %templates_xs) + scalar( keys %templates_imp) + scalar( keys %templates_rdf));
# print "whole: $whole, reduced: $reduced\n";
close HEADER;
} # end gen Tml
sub bool($)
return $_[ 0] ? 1 : 0;
sub gencls
my ( $clsfile) = shift;
die "CLS file is not specified" unless defined $clsfile;
my $args;
if ( ref( $_[ 0]) eq 'HASH') {
$args = $_[ 0];
else {
$args = { @_};
foreach ( keys %$args) {
/^depend$/ && do { $suppress = bool $args-> { depend}; next OPTION; };
/^sayparent$/ && do { $suppress = bool $args-> { sayparent};
$sayparent = bool $args-> { sayparent};
next OPTION; };
/^genH$/ && do { $genH = bool $args-> { genH}; next OPTION; };
/^genInc$/ && do { $genInc = bool $args-> { genInc}; next OPTION; };
/^genTml$/ && do { $genTml = bool $args-> { genTml}; next OPTION; };
/^optimize$/ && do { $optimize = bool $args-> { optimize}; next OPTION; };
/^dirPrefix$/ && do { $dirPrefix = $args-> { dirPrefix};
$dirPrefix .= '/' unless $dirPrefix =~ /\/\\$/;
next OPTION; };
/^dirOut$/ && do { $dirOut = $args-> { dirOut};
$dirOut .= '/' unless $dirOut =~ /\/\\$/;
next OPTION; };
/^incpath$/ && do { @includeDirs = @{ $args-> { incpath}}; next OPTION; };
die "Unknown profile option $_";
if (!$genH and !$genInc and !$genTml) {
$genInc = $genH = 1;
$genTml = $optimize;
$optimize = 1 if $genTml;
parse_file $clsfile;
out_struc unless $suppress;
return @ancestors ? @ancestors : ();