# Created by Dmitry Karasik <dk@plab.ku.dk>
# Modifications by Anton Berezin <tobez@tobez.org>
package Prima::Header;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima::Classes;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
use constant CaptureBrimWidth => 2;
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Widget-> notification_types()},
DrawItem => nt::Action,
MeasureItem => nt::Action,
MoveItem => nt::Action,
SizeItem => nt::Action,
SizeItems => nt::Action,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
offset => 0,
items => [],
widths => [],
pressed => -1,
clickable => 1,
scalable => 1,
dragable => 1,
minTabWidth => 2,
vertical => 0,
selectable => 0,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub init
my $self = shift;
$self-> {$_} = 0 for qw(offset count maxWidth clickable scalable minTabWidth vertical dragable);
$self-> {$_} = -1 for qw(pressed);
$self-> {widths} = [];
$self-> {items} = [];
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
$self-> {fontHeight} = $self-> font-> height;
$self-> {resetDisabled} = 1;
$self-> $_( $profile{$_})
for ( qw( vertical minTabWidth items widths offset pressed clickable scalable dragable));
if ( scalar @{$profile{widths}} == 0) {
$self-> autowidths;
$self-> repaint;
return %profile;
sub on_paint
my ( $self, $canvas) = @_;
my @size = $canvas-> size;
my @c = $self-> enabled ?
( $self-> color, $self-> backColor) :
( $self-> disabledColor, $self-> disabledBackColor);
my @c3d = ( $self-> light3DColor, $self-> dark3DColor);
my ($prelightPart, $prelightColor) = (-1);
if ( defined $self->{prelight} ) {
$prelightColor = $self-> prelight_color($c[1]);
$prelightPart = $self->{prelight};
$self-> rect3d( 0, 0, $size[0]-1, $size[1]-1, 1, @c3d, $c[1]);
my $v = $self-> {vertical};
my ( $x, $y) = ( - $self-> {offset}, ( $size[1] - $self-> {fontHeight}) / 2);
my $i;
my $pressed = $self-> {pressed};
@c3d = reverse @c3d if $v;
my ( $wx, $cx) = ( $self-> {widths}, $self-> {count});
my ( $notifier, @notifyParms) = $self-> get_notify_sub(q(DrawItem));
$self-> push_event;
my ( $d, $lim) = $v ? ( $x, $size[1]) : ( $x, $size[0]);
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cx; $i++) {
next unless $$wx[$i];
if ( $d + $$wx[$i] + 2 < 1) {
$d += $$wx[$i] + 2;
my $mx = ( $d + $$wx[$i] + 1 > $lim - 2) ? ($lim - 2) : ($d + $$wx[$i] + 1);
$v ?
$self-> clipRect( 1, $d < 1 ? 1 : $d, $size[0] - 2, $mx) :
$self-> clipRect( $d < 1 ? 1 : $d, 1, $mx, $size[1] - 2);
if ( $i == $prelightPart) {
$self-> color($prelightColor);
$self-> bar(0,0,@size);
$self-> color( $c[0]);
$v ?
$notifier-> ( @notifyParms, $canvas, $i, 1, $d + 1, $size[0] - 2, $mx - 1, $d + 4) :
$notifier-> ( @notifyParms, $canvas, $i, $d + 1, 1, $mx - 1, $size[1] - 2, $y);
if ( $i == $pressed) {
$self-> color( $c3d[1]);
$v ?
$self-> line( $size[0] - 2, $d, $size[0] - 2, $d + $$wx[$i]) :
$self-> line( $d, $size[1] - 2, $d + $$wx[$i], $size[1] - 2);
} else {
$self-> color( $c3d[0]);
$v ?
$self-> line( 1, $d, $size[0] - 2, $d) :
$self-> line( $d, 1, $d, $size[1] - 2);
if ( $i == $pressed) {
$self-> color( $c3d[0]);
$v ?
$self-> line( 1, $d, 1, $d + $$wx[$i]) :
$self-> line( $d, 1, $d + $$wx[$i], 1);
} else {
$self-> color( $c3d[1]);
$d += $$wx[$i] + 1;
$v ?
$self-> line( 1, $d, $size[0] - 2, $d) :
$self-> line( $d, 1, $d, $size[1] - 2);
last if $d > $lim - 3;
$self-> pop_event;
sub on_fontchanged
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> {fontHeight} = $self-> font-> height;
sub on_drawitem
my ( $self, $canvas, $index, $left, $bottom, $right, $top, $y) = @_;
$canvas-> text_shape_out( $self-> {items}-> [$index], $left, $y);
sub on_measureitem
my ( $self, $index, $result) = @_;
$$result = $self-> {vertical} ?
$self-> {fontHeight} :
$self-> get_text_width( $self-> {items}-> [$index]);
sub point2area
my ( $self, $x, $y, $useBorders) = @_;
my $i;
my $pressable = $self-> {clickable} || $self-> {dragable};
return if !$self-> {scalable} && !$pressable;
my $lim;
if ( $self-> {vertical}) {
return undef if ( $x < 1 || $x > $self-> width - 1) && !$useBorders;
$lim = $y;
} else {
return undef if ( $y < 1 || $y > $self-> height - 1) && !$useBorders;
$lim = $x;
my $cbw = $self-> {scalable} ? CaptureBrimWidth : 0;
my $sx = - $self-> {offset} + 1 + $cbw;
my $c = $self-> {count};
my $wx = $self-> {widths};
for ( $i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
next unless $$wx[$i];
$sx += $$wx[$i] - $cbw * 2;
if ( $lim < $sx) {
return $pressable ? $i : undef;
$sx += $cbw * 2 + 2;
if ( $lim < $sx) {
return $self-> {scalable} ? -($i+1) : $i;
return undef;
sub tab2offset
my ( $self, $item) = @_;
my $i;
my $c = $self-> {count};
my $x = 1;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $item; $i++) {
next unless $self-> {widths}-> [$i];
$x += $self-> {widths}-> [$i] + 2;
return $x;
sub tab2rect
my ( $self, $id) = @_;
my $offset = $self-> tab2offset( $id) - $self-> {offset} - 1;
return $self-> {vertical} ?
( 1, $offset, $self-> width - 1, $offset + $self-> {widths}-> [$id] + 2) :
( $offset, 1, $offset + $self-> {widths}-> [$id] + 2, $self-> height - 1);
sub reset_transaction
my $self = $_[0];
my $lim = $self-> {vertical} ? $self-> height : $self-> width;
$self-> {swidth} = $self-> tab2offset( $self-> {tabId}) - $self-> {offset};
$self-> {maxwidth} = $lim - $self-> {swidth} - 2;
$self-> {maxwidth} -= $self-> {minTabWidth} if $self-> {tabId} < $self-> {count} - 1;
if ( $self-> {swidth} < 0) {
$self-> {minwidth} = -$self-> {swidth} - 1;
$self-> {minwidth} = $self-> {minTabWidth}
if $self-> {minwidth} > $self-> {minTabWidth};
} else {
$self-> {minwidth} = $self-> {minTabWidth};
sub on_mousedown
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless $btn == mb::Left;
return if $self-> {transaction};
my $id = $self-> point2area( $x, $y);
return unless defined $id;
$self-> capture(1);
if ( $id < 0) {
$self-> {transaction} = 2;
$self-> {anchor} = $self-> {vertical} ? $y : $x;
$self-> {tabId} = - $id - 1;
$self-> {owidth} = $self-> {widths}-> [$self-> {tabId}];
$self-> reset_transaction;
} else {
$self-> {transaction} = 1;
$self-> {tabId} = $id;
$self-> pressed( $id);
$self-> {clickAllowed} = $self-> {clickable};
$self-> {anchor} = $self-> {vertical} ? $y : $x;
$self-> {anchor} -= $self-> tab2offset( $id) - $self-> {offset};
$self-> {pointerPos} = [$self-> pointerPos];
delete $self-> {pointerSet};
sub on_mouseup
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless $self-> {transaction};
return unless $btn == mb::Left;
my $id = $self-> point2area( $x, $y);
$self-> capture(0);
if ( $self-> {transaction} == 1) {
my @a = $self-> tab2rect( $self-> {tabId});
if ( $x >= $a[0] && $x < $a[2] && $y >= $a[1] && $y < $a[3]) {
$self-> notify(q(Click), $self-> {tabId}) if $self-> {clickAllowed};
$self-> pressed(-1);
} else {
$self-> recalc_maxwidth;
$self-> {transaction} = undef;
sub on_mousemove
my ( $self, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
unless ( $self-> {transaction}) {
if ( $self-> enabled ) {
my $p = $self-> point2area( $x, $y);
my $ptr;
if ( defined $p && $p < 0) {
$ptr = $self-> {vertical} ? cr::SizeNS : cr::SizeWE;
} elsif ( $self-> {dragable} && !$self-> {clickable} && defined $p) {
$ptr = cr::Move;
} else {
$ptr = cr::Default;
$self-> pointer( $ptr);
my $prelight = (defined($p) && $p >= 0) ? $p : undef;
if (( $prelight // -1 ) != ( $self->{prelight} // -1)) {
$self->{prelight} = $prelight;
if ( $self-> {transaction} == 1) {
my @a = $self-> tab2rect( $self-> {tabId});
$self-> pressed(
( $x >= $a[0] && $x < $a[2] && $y >= $a[1] && $y < $a[3]) ?
$self-> {tabId} : -1
return unless $self-> {dragable};
my @ppos = $self-> pointerPos;
if ( $self-> {clickable} && !$self-> {pointerSet}) {
my @p = @{$self-> {pointerPos}};
if ( abs( $p[0] - $ppos[0]) > 2 || abs( $p[1] - $ppos[1]) > 2) {
$self-> pointer( cr::Move);
delete $self-> {pointerPos};
$self-> {pointerSet} = 1;
my @lx = $self-> {vertical} ? @a[1,3] : @a[0,2];
my $d = $self-> {vertical} ? $y : $x;
return if $d >= $lx[0] && $d < $lx[1];
my $osc = $self-> {scalable}; $self-> {scalable} = 0;
my $p = $self-> point2area( $x, $y, 1); # exclude borders
$self-> {scalable} = $osc;
my $o = $self-> {tabId};
return unless defined $p;
return if $p == $o;
$self-> {clickAllowed} = 0;
my $newpos;
if ( $self-> {widths}-> [$p] > $self-> {widths}-> [$o]) {
$ppos[$self-> {vertical} ? 1 : 0] +=
( $self-> {widths}-> [$p] - $self-> {widths}-> [$o]) * (( $p > $o) ? 1 : -1);
$newpos = 1;
splice( @{$self-> {items}}, $p, 0, splice( @{$self-> {items}}, $o, 1));
splice( @{$self-> {widths}}, $p, 0, splice( @{$self-> {widths}}, $o, 1));
$self-> {tabId} = $p;
$self-> repaint;
$self-> notify(q(MoveItem), $o, $p);
$self-> pointerPos( @ppos) if $newpos;
} else {
my @sz = $self-> size;
my $d = $self-> {vertical} ? $y : $x;
my $nw = $self-> {owidth} + $d - $self-> {anchor};
$nw = $self-> {maxwidth} if $nw > $self-> {maxwidth};
$nw = $self-> {minwidth} if $nw < $self-> {minwidth};
$nw = $self-> {minTabWidth} if $nw < $self-> {minTabWidth};
my $ow = $self-> {widths}-> [$self-> {tabId}];
return if $nw == $ow;
$self-> {widths}-> [$self-> {tabId}] = $nw;
my $o = $self-> {swidth} + $ow;
$self-> {maxWidth} += $nw - $ow;
$self-> {vertical} ?
$self-> scroll(
0, $nw - $ow,
confineRect => [ 1, $o, $sz[0] - 1, $sz[1] - 1 + abs($nw - $ow)],
clipRect => [ 1, 1, $sz[0]-1, $sz[1]-1],
) : $self-> scroll(
$nw - $ow, 0,
confineRect => [ $o, 1, $sz[0] - 1 + abs($nw - $ow), $sz[1] - 1],
clipRect => [ 1, 1, $sz[0]-1, $sz[1]-1],
$self-> notify(q(SizeItem), $self-> {tabId}, $ow, $nw);
sub on_mouseleave
my $self = shift;
$self-> repaint if defined( delete $self->{prelight} );
sub on_mouseclick
$_[0]-> clear_event;
return unless $_[5];
shift-> notify(q(MouseDown), @_);
sub on_click
# my ( $self, $index) = @_;
sub protect
die "Prima::Header: Cannot change parameters during transaction\n" if $_[0]-> {transaction};
sub autowidths
my ($self) = @_;
my @r = $self-> calc_autowidths;
$self-> {widths} = \@r;
$self-> recalc_maxwidth;
$self-> notify(q(SizeItems));
sub calc_autowidths
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> protect;
my $cx = $self-> {count};
my $i;
$self-> begin_paint_info;
my ( $notifier, @notifyParms) = $self-> get_notify_sub(q(MeasureItem));
my @r;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $cx; $i++) {
my $result = 0;
$notifier-> ( @notifyParms, $i, \$result);
$result = $self-> {minTabWidth} if $result < $self-> {minTabWidth};
push @r, $result;
next unless $result;
$self-> end_paint_info;
return @r;
sub recalc_maxwidth
my $self = $_[0];
my $mxw = 2;
for ( @{$self-> {widths}}) {
$mxw += $_ + 2 if $_;
$self-> {maxWidth} = $mxw;
sub offset
return $_[0]-> {offset} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $offset) = @_;
$offset = 0 if $offset < 0;
$offset = $self-> {maxWidth} - 5 if $offset >= $self-> {maxWidth} - 4;
return if $offset == $self-> {offset};
$self-> {offset} = $offset;
$self-> reset_transaction if $self-> {transaction};
$self-> repaint;
sub clickable
return $_[0]-> {clickable} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {clickable} = $_[1];
sub vertical
return $_[0]-> {vertical} unless $#_;
return if $_[0]-> {vertical} == $_[1];
$_[0]-> protect;
$_[0]-> {vertical} = $_[1];
$_[0]-> repaint;
sub scalable
return $_[0]-> {scalable} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {scalable} = $_[1];
sub dragable
return $_[0]-> {dragable} unless $#_;
$_[0]-> {dragable} = $_[1];
sub minTabWidth
return $_[0]-> {minTabWidth} unless $#_;
my $changed = 0;
my $m = $_[1];
$m = 0 if $m < 0;
$_[0]-> {minTabWidth} = $m;
for (@{$_[0]-> {widths}}) {
$_ = $m, $changed = 1 if $_ < $m;
$_[0]-> recalc_maxwidth;
$_[0]-> notify(q(SizeItems)) if $changed;
sub items
unless ( $#_) {
return wantarray ? @{$_[0]-> {items}} : [@{$_[0]-> {items}}];
my ( $self, @items) = @_;
$self-> protect;
@items = @{$items[0]} if scalar(@items) == 1 && ref($items[0]) eq 'ARRAY';
$self-> {items} = [@items];
my $oc = $self-> {count};
$self-> {count} = scalar @items;
if ( $oc > $self-> {count}) {
splice( @{$self-> {widths}}, $self-> {count});
$self-> notify(q(SizeItems));
} elsif ( $oc < $self-> {count}) {
push( @{$self-> {widths}}, (( $self-> {minTabWidth}) x ( $self-> {count} - $oc)));
$self-> notify(q(SizeItems));
$self-> recalc_maxwidth;
$self-> offset( $self-> offset);
$self-> repaint;
sub widths
unless ( $#_) {
return wantarray ? @{$_[0]-> {widths}} : [@{$_[0]-> {widths}}];
my ( $self, @widths) = @_;
$self-> protect;
@widths = @{$widths[0]} if scalar(@widths) == 1 && ref($widths[0]) eq 'ARRAY';
$self-> {widths} = [@widths];
if ( scalar @widths > $self-> {count}) {
splice( @{$self-> {widths}}, $self-> {count});
} elsif ( scalar @widths < $self-> {count}) {
push( @{$self-> {widths}},
(( $self-> {minTabWidth}) x ( $self-> {count} - scalar @widths)));
for ( @{$self-> {widths}}) {
$_ = $self-> {minTabWidth} if $_ < $self-> {minTabWidth};
$self-> recalc_maxwidth;
$self-> offset( $self-> offset);
$self-> repaint;
$self-> notify(q(SizeItems));
sub pressed
return $_[0]-> {pressed} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $pid) = @_;
$pid = -1 if $pid < 0 || $pid >= $self-> {count};
return if $pid == $self-> {pressed};
my $opid = $self-> {pressed};
$self-> {pressed} = $pid;
if (( $opid < 0) || ( $pid < 0)) {
$self-> invalidate_rect( $self-> tab2rect( ( $pid < 0) ? $opid : $pid));
} else {
$self-> repaint;
=head1 NAME
Prima::Header - a multi-tabbed header widget.
The widget class provides functionality of several button-like
caption tabs, that can be moved and resized by the user.
The class was implemented with a view to serve as a table header
for list and grid widgets.
=head1 API
=head2 Events
=item Click INDEX
Called when the user clicks on the tab, positioned at INDEX.
=item DrawItem CANVAS, INDEX, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, TEXT_BASELINE
A callback used to draw the tabs. CANVAS is the output object;
INDEX is the index of a tab.
X1,Y2,X2,Y2 are the coordinates of the boundaries of the tab rectangle;
TEXT_BASELINE is a pre-calculated vertical position for eventual
centered text output.
=item MeasureItem INDEX, RESULT
Stores in scalar, referenced by RESULT, the width or height ( depending
on L<vertical> property value ) of the tab in pixels.
Called when the user moves a tab from its old location, specified by OLD_INDEX,
to the NEW_INDEX position. By the time of call, all internal structures are
Called when the user resizes a tab in INDEX position. OLD_EXTENT and NEW_EXTENT
are either width or height of the tab, depending on L<vertical> property value.
=item SizeItems
Called when more than one tab has changed its extent. This might happen as a result
of user action, as well as an effect of set-calling to some properties.
=head2 Properties
=item clickable BOOLEAN
Selects if the user is allowed to click the tabs.
Default value: 1
=item dragable BOOLEAN
Selects if the user is allowed to move of the tabs.
Default value: 1
=item items ARRAY
Array of scalars, representing the internal data of the tabs.
By default the scalars are treated as text strings.
=item minTabWidth INTEGER
A minimal extent in pixels a tab must occupy.
Default value: 2
=item offset INTEGER
An offset on the major axis ( depends on L<vertical> property value )
that the widget is drawn with. Used for the conjunction with list widgets
( see L<Prima::DetailedList> ), when the list is horizontally or
vertically scrolled.
Default value: 0
=item pressed INTEGER
Contains the index of the currently pressed tab. A -1 value is selected
when no tabs are pressed.
Default value: -1
=item scalable BOOLEAN
Selects if the user is allowed to resize the tabs.
Default value: 1
=item vertical BOOLEAN
If 1, the tabs are aligned vertically;
the L<offset>, L<widths> property and extent parameters of the callback
notification assume heights of the tabs.
If 0, the tabs are aligned horizontally, and the extent properties
and parameters assume tab widths.
=item widths ARRAY
Array of integer values, corresponding to the extents of the tabs.
The extents are widths ( C<vertical> is 0 ) or heights ( C<vertical> is 1 ).
=head2 Methods
=item tab2offset INDEX
Returns offset of the INDEXth tab ( without regard to L<offset> property value ).
=item tab2rect INDEX
Returns four integers, representing the rectangle area, occupied by
the INDEXth tab ( without regard to L<offset> property value ).
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt>dmitry@karasik.eu.orgE<gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Widget>, L<Prima::DetailedList>, F<examples/sheet.pl>.