package Prima::PS::TempFile;
use strict;
use warnings;
eval "use Compress::Raw::Zlib;";
my $use_zlib = !$@;
sub new
my ( $class, %opt ) = @_;
my $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} // $ENV{TEMPDIR} // (($^O =~ /win/i) ? ($ENV{TEMP} // "$ENV{SystemDrive}\\TEMP") : "/tmp");
my $id = unpack('H*', pack('f', rand(10 ** rand(37))));
my %self;
$self{filename} = "$tmpdir/p-$id-$$.ps";
if ( open( my $f, '+>', $self{filename})) {
$self{fh} = $f;
binmode $self{fh};
} else {
warn "cannot create temp file $self{filename}: $!\n" if $opt{warn} // 1;
return undef;
if ($opt{unlink} // 1) {
my $ok = unlink $self{filename};
unless ($ok) {
# win32 doesn't let it?
$self{force_unlink} = 1;
$self{size} = 0;
$self{compress} = Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate->new if $opt{compress} && $use_zlib;
return bless \%self, $class;
if ($_[0]->{force_unlink}) {
close $_[0]->{fh};
unlink $_[0]->{filename};
sub remove { unlink shift->{filename} }
sub is_deflated { $_[0]->{compress} ? 1 : 0 }
sub size { $_[0]-> {size} }
sub write
my $self = shift;
if ( $self-> {compress} ) {
my $output = '';
$self->{compress}->deflate($_[0], $output);
local $self->{compress} = undef;
return $self-> write($output);
my $n = syswrite $self->{fh}, $_[0];
unless (defined $n) {
warn "cannot write to temp file $self->{filename}: $!\n";
return 0;
$self->{size} += length $_[0];
return 1;
sub reset
my ($self) = @_;
if ( $self-> {compress} ) {
my $output = '';
$self->{compress} = undef;
$self-> write($output);
seek( $self->{fh}, 0, 0);
sub tell
my $self = shift;
return CORE::tell( $self->{fh} );
sub seek
my ($self, $pos) = @_;
return CORE::seek( $self->{fh}, $pos, 0 );
sub read
my ( $self, $bytes ) = @_;
my $buf = '';
my $n = sysread( $self->{fh}, $buf, $bytes);
return undef if !defined $n;
return $buf;
sub read_str
my $self = shift;
my $buf = '';
my $n = sysread( $self->{fh}, $buf, 2);
return undef if !defined $n;
my $bytes = unpack('n', $buf);
$buf = '';
$n = sysread( $self->{fh}, $buf, $bytes);
return undef if !defined $n;
return $buf;
sub evacuate
my ($self, $cb, $blocksize) = @_;
$blocksize //= 16384;
my $ok = 0;
while (1) {
my $buf = '';
my $n = sysread( $self->{fh}, $buf, $blocksize);
if ( !defined $n) {
warn "cannot read back from temp file $self->{filename}: $!\n";
goto EXIT;
last unless $n;
goto EXIT unless $cb->($buf);
$ok = 1;
close $self->{fh};
return $ok;
=head1 NAME
Prima::PS::TempFile - store parts of PS output in files
Temp files are allocated, then are written to, accumulating PS code.
Then the code is read back and is sent to main PS file.