package Prima::RubberBand;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new
my ( $class, %profile ) = @_;
my $ref = {
canvas => $::application,
rect => [-1,-1,-1,-1],
clipRect => [-1,-1,-1,-1],
breadth => 1,
my $self = bless $ref, shift;
$self-> set(%profile);
$self-> show;
return $self;
sub _normalize_rect
my $rect = shift;
($$rect[2],$$rect[0]) = ($$rect[0],$$rect[2]) if $$rect[2] < $$rect[0];
($$rect[3],$$rect[1]) = ($$rect[1],$$rect[3]) if $$rect[3] < $$rect[1];
sub _rect_changed
my ( $a, $b ) = @_;
my @r1 = @$a;
my @r2 = @$b;
$r2[0] != $r1[0] ||
$r2[1] != $r1[1] ||
$r2[2] != $r1[2] ||
$r2[3] != $r1[3];
sub set
my ( $self, %profile ) = @_;
my $visible = $self-> {visible};
my ($rect_changed, $other_changed);
if ( exists $profile{rect} ) {
$rect_changed = 1 if _rect_changed($profile{rect}, $self->{rect});
if ( exists $profile{clipRect} ) {
$other_changed = 1 if _rect_changed($profile{clipRect}, $self->{clipRect});
for my $accessor (grep { exists $profile{$_} } qw(canvas breadth)) {
my $old = $self->$accessor();
next if $old eq $profile{$accessor};
$other_changed = 1;
$other_changed = 1 if $rect_changed and !$visible;
$rect_changed = 0 if $other_changed;
return unless $rect_changed or $other_changed;
if ( $other_changed ) {
$self-> hide if $visible;
$self-> $_( @{$profile{$_}} ) for grep { exists $profile{$_} } qw(rect clipRect);
$self-> $_( $profile{$_} ) for grep { exists $profile{$_} } qw(canvas breadth);
$self-> show if $visible;
} elsif ( $rect_changed ) {
$self->{visible} = 0;
$self->rect( @{ $profile{rect} });
$self->_visible(1, 1);
sub DESTROY { shift-> hide }
sub show
my $self = shift;
$self-> _visible(1) unless $self-> _visible;
sub hide
my $self = shift;
$self-> _visible(0) if $self-> _visible;
sub canvas
return $_[0]-> {canvas} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $canvas ) = @_;
$self-> {canvas} = $canvas // $::application;
# geometry handlers
sub left { $_[0]-> {rect}-> [0] }
sub bottom { $_[0]-> {rect}-> [1] }
sub right { $_[0]-> {rect}-> [2] }
sub top { $_[0]-> {rect}-> [3] }
sub width { $_[0]-> {rect}-> [2] - $_[0]-> {rect}-> [0] + 1 }
sub height { $_[0]-> {rect}-> [3] - $_[0]-> {rect}-> [1] + 1 }
sub origin { $_[0]-> {rect}-> [0], $_[0]-> {rect}-> [1] }
sub size { $_[0]-> {rect}-> [2] - $_[0]-> {rect}-> [0] + 1 , $_[0]-> {rect}-> [3] - $_[0]-> {rect}-> [1] + 1 }
sub rect
return @{$_[0]-> {rect}} unless $#_;
my ( $self, @rect ) = @_;
Carp::confess("@rect") unless 4 == grep { defined } @rect;
@{$self-> {rect}} = @rect;
sub clipRect
return @{$_[0]-> {clipRect}} unless $#_;
my ( $self, @rect ) = @_;
Carp::confess("@rect") unless 4 == grep { defined } @rect;
@{$self-> {clipRect}} = @rect;
sub has_clip_rect
my $self = shift;
return 4 != grep { $_ == -1 } @{ $self->{clipRect} };
sub breadth
return $_[0]-> {breadth} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $breadth ) = @_;
$breadth = 1 if $breadth < 1;
$breadth = 64 if $breadth > 64; # well, huh?
$self-> {breadth} = $breadth;
# drawing handlers
sub _intersect
my ( $rect, $outer ) = @_;
return if
$rect-> [0] > $outer-> [2] ||
$rect-> [1] > $outer-> [3] ||
$rect-> [2] < $outer-> [0] ||
$rect-> [3] < $outer-> [1];
my @res = @$rect;
$res[0] = $outer-> [0] if $res[0] < $outer-> [0];
$res[1] = $outer-> [1] if $res[1] < $outer-> [1];
$res[2] = $outer-> [2] if $res[2] > $outer-> [2];
$res[3] = $outer-> [3] if $res[3] > $outer-> [3];
return \@res;
sub _visible
return $_[0]-> {visible} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $visible, $optimized_rect_change ) = @_;
$visible = ( $visible ? 1 : 0 );
my $curr_visible = ( $self-> {visible} ? 1 : 0);
return if $visible == $curr_visible;
return unless $self-> {canvas};
$self-> {visible} = $visible;
my $canvas = $self-> {canvas};
if ( $visible ) {
my @clip = $self-> has_clip_rect ?
$canvas-> client_to_screen( $self-> clipRect ) :
( 0, 0, $::application->width - 1, $::application-> height - 1 );
my @outer = $self-> rect;
my @delta = $canvas-> client_to_screen(0,0);
$outer[$_] += $delta[0] for 0,2;
$outer[$_] += $delta[1] for 1,3;
my @inner = @outer;
my $breadth = $self-> {breadth};
$inner[$_] += $breadth - 1 for 0,1;
$inner[$_] -= $breadth - 1 for 2,3;
# save bits:
# 11111111
# 22 33
# 00000000
my @requests;
if ( $inner[0] >= $inner[2] || $inner[1] >= $inner[3] ) {
push @requests, [ @outer ];
} else {
push @requests, [ $outer[0], $outer[1], $outer[2], $inner[1] ];
push @requests, [ $outer[0], $inner[3], $outer[2], $outer[3] ];
push @requests, [ $outer[0], $inner[1] + 1, $inner[0], $inner[3] - 1 ];
push @requests, [ $inner[2], $inner[1] + 1, $outer[2], $inner[3] - 1 ];
@requests = map { _intersect( $_, \@clip ) } @requests;
goto LEAVE unless @requests;
_normalize_rect($_) for @requests;
unless ( $self->{_widgets} ) {
push @{ $self-> {_widgets} }, Prima::Widget->new(
origin => [ 0, 0 ],
size => [ 1, 1 ],
owner => $::application,
color => cl::White,
backColor => cl::Black,
visible => 0,
onPaint => sub {
my ( $self, $canvas ) = @_;
($self->left % 2) ?
[ (0xaa, 0x55) x 4 ] :
[ (0x55, 0xaa) x 4 ]
) for 1..4;
my $i = 0;
for ( @requests ) {
my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @$_;
my $w = $x2 - $x1 + 1;
my $h = $y2 - $y1 + 1;
origin => [ $x1, $y1 ],
size => [ $w, $h ],
visible => 1,
return unless $self->{_widgets};
if ( $optimized_rect_change ) {
for ( my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$self->{_widgets}->[$i]->visible( defined $requests[$i] );
for ( my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
} else {
return unless $self->{_widgets};
$_->hide for @{$self->{_widgets}};
package Prima::Widget;
sub rubberband
my ($self, %profile) = @_;
if ($profile{destroy}) {
$self-> {__rubberband}-> hide if $self-> {__rubberband};
return delete $self-> {__rubberband}
if ( keys %profile) {
if ( $self-> {__rubberband}) {
$self-> {__rubberband}-> set(%profile);
} else {
$profile{canvas} //= $self;
$self-> {__rubberband} = Prima::RubberBand-> new(%profile);
return $self-> {__rubberband};
=head1 NAME
Prima::RubberBand - draw rubberbands
The motivation for this module was that I was tired to see corrupted screens on
Windows 7 when dragging rubberbands in Prima code. Even though MS somewhere
warned of not doing any specific hacks to circumvent the bug, I decided to give
it a go anyway.
This module thus is a C<Prima::Widget/rect_focus> with a safeguard. The only
thing it can do is to draw a static rubberband - but also remember the last
coordinates drawn, so cleaning comes for free.
The idea is that a rubberband object is meant to be a short-lived one: as soon
as it get instantiated it draws itself on the screen. When it is destroyed, the
rubberband is erased too.
use strict;
use Prima qw(Application RubberBand);
sub xordraw
my ($self, @new_rect) = @_;
$::application-> rubberband( @new_rect ?
( rect => \@new_rect ) :
( destroy => 1 )
Prima::MainWindow-> create(
onMouseDown => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
$self-> {anchor} = [$self-> client_to_screen( $x, $y)];
xordraw( $self, @{$self-> {anchor}}, $self-> client_to_screen( $x, $y));
$self-> capture(1);
onMouseMove => sub {
my ( $self, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
xordraw( $self, @{$self-> {anchor}}, $self-> client_to_screen( $x, $y)) if $self-> {anchor};
onMouseUp => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
xordraw if delete $self-> {anchor};
$self-> capture(0);
run Prima;
=head1 API
=item new %properties
Creates a new RubberBand instance. See description of properties below.
=head2 Properties
=item breadth INTEGER = 1
Defines rubberband breadth, in pixels.
=item canvas = $::application
Sets the painting surface, and also the widget (it must be a widget) used for drawing.
=item clipRect X1, Y1, X2, Y2
Defines the clipping rectangle, in inclusive-inclusive coordinates. If set to [-1,-1,-1,-1],
means no clipping is done.
=item rect X1, Y1, X2, Y2
Defines the band geometry, in inclusive-inclusive coordinates. The band is drawn so that its body
is always inside these coordinates, no matter what breadth is.
=head2 Methods
=item hide
Hides the band, if drawn
=item has_clip_rect
Checks whether clipRect contains an actual clippring rectange or it is empty.
=item set %profile
Applies all properties
=item left, right, top, bottom, width, height, origin, size
Same shortcuts as in C<Prima::Widget>, but read-only.
=item show
Show the band, if invisible
=head1 Prima::Widget interface
The module adds a single method to C<Prima::Widget> namespace, C<rubberband>
(see example of use in the synopsis).
=item rubberband(%profile)
Instantiates a C<Prima::RubberBand> with C<%profile>, also sets C<canvas> to C<$self>
unless C<canvas> is set explicitly.
=item rubberband()
Returns the existing C<Prima::RubberBand> object
=item rubberband(destroy => 1)
Destroys the existing C<Prima::RubberBand> object
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima::Widget/rect_focus>, L<examples/>
=head2 Windows 7 Aero mode
Quote from L<> :
"One particularly dangerous practice is writing to the screen, either through
the use of GetDC(NULL) and writing to that, or attempting to do XOR rubber-band
lines, etc ... Since the UCE doesn't know about it, it may get cleared in the
next frame refresh, or it may persist for a very long time, depending on what
else needs to be updated on the screen. (We really don't allow direct writing
to the primary anyhow, for that very reason... if you try to access the
DirectDraw primary, for instance, the DWM will turn off until the accessing
application exits)"
This quote seems to explain the effect why screen sometimes gets badly
corrupted when using a normal xor rubberband. UCE ( Update Compatibility
Evaluator ?? ) seems to be hacky enough to recognize some situations, but not