package Prima::Themes;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use vars qw(%themes %data $load_rc_file);
use constant INSTALLED => 0;
use constant CALLBACK => 1;
use constant PROFILE => 2;
use constant MODULE => 3;
use constant INSTALL => 4;
# install implicit property 'theme' selector
push @Prima::Object::hooks, \&hook;
# load and execute theme from rc file
load_rc(1) if $load_rc_file || !defined $load_rc_file;
sub hook
my ( $object, $profile, $default) = @_;
if ( exists $default-> {theme} || exists $profile-> {theme}) {
my $theme = exists($profile-> {theme}) ? $profile-> {theme} : $default-> {theme};
# execute explicitly selected theme
execute( $themes{$theme}, $object, $profile, $default)
if exists $themes{$theme};
} else {
# execute for all installed themes
execute( $themes{$_}, $object, $profile, $default)
for grep { $themes{$_}-> [INSTALLED] } keys %themes;
sub load_rc
my $install = defined( $_[0]) ? $_[0] : 1;
eval "use Prima::Utils;"; die $@ if $@;
my $f = Prima::Utils::path('themes');
if ( $f && -f $f && open F, '<'.$f) {
while ( <F>) {
next if m/^\s*#/;
my @r = split(',', $_, 3);
next unless defined $r[0] && defined $r[1];
$data{$r[1]} = $r[2];
eval "use $r[0];";
warn( "** warning: error loading module `$r[0]': $@\n"), next if $@;
warn( "** warning: theme `$r[1]' is not defined\n"), next
unless loaded($r[1]);
install($r[1]) if $install;
close F;
# saves currently installed modules
sub save_rc
eval "use Prima::Utils;"; die $@ if $@;
my $f = Prima::Utils::path('themes');
return 0 unless open F, '>'.$f;
for ( keys %themes) {
next unless $themes{$_}-> [INSTALLED] && $themes{$_}-> [MODULE];
my $data = defined($data{$_}) ? $data{$_} : '';
print F "$themes{$_}->[MODULE],$_,$data\n";
return close F;
# register theme
sub register
my ( $file, $theme, $profile, $merger, $installer) = @_;
deregister($_) if $themes{$theme};
$themes{$theme} = [
0, # activity flag
$merger, # merger routine, our own if undef
$profile, # theme profile
$file, # theme file
$installer,# installer/uninstaller routine
# kill theme
sub deregister
delete $themes{$_[0]};
# list registered themes
sub list { keys %themes }
# list active themes
sub list_active { grep { $themes{$_}-> [INSTALLED] } keys %themes }
# checks if theme is loaded
sub loaded { defined($_[0]) ? exists $themes{$_[0]} : undef }
# checks if theme is active
sub active { (defined($_[0]) && exists $themes{$_[0]}) ? $themes{$_[0]}-> [INSTALLED] : undef }
# unistall all themes and select new
sub select
my @themes = @_;
uninstall (keys %themes);
install (@themes);
# load themes from files
sub load { for ( @_) { eval "use Prima::themes::$_"; die $@ if $@ }}
# makes 'use Prima::Themes qw(mytheme theme1);' possible
sub import {
my $install;
for ( @_ ) {
if ( $_ eq ':install') {
$install = 1;
} else {
$install ? install($_) : load($_);
# install themes
sub install
for ( @_) {
my $theme = $_;
next if !exists $themes{$theme} || $themes{$theme}-> [INSTALLED];
if ( $themes{$theme}-> [INSTALL]) {
$themes{$theme}-> [INSTALLED] = $themes{$theme}-> [INSTALL]-> ($theme, 1);
} else {
$themes{$theme}-> [INSTALLED] = 1;
# uninstall themes
sub uninstall
for ( @_) {
my $theme = $_;
next if !exists $themes{$theme} || !$themes{$theme}-> [INSTALLED];
$themes{$theme}-> [INSTALL]-> ($theme, 0) if $themes{$theme}-> [INSTALL];
$themes{$theme}-> [INSTALLED] = 0;
# theme data property
sub data
return $data{$_[0]} unless $#_;
$data{$_[0]} = $_[1];
# default merger procedure
sub merger
my ( $object, $profile, $default, $new) = @_;
$profile-> {$_} = $new-> {$_} for keys %$new;
# applies theme during Object::profile_add
sub execute
my ( $instance, $object, $profile, $default) = @_;
my $merger = $instance-> [CALLBACK] || \&merger;
my $profiles = $instance-> [PROFILE];
return unless $profiles;
my $i;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @$profiles; $i += 2) {
$merger-> ( $object, $profile, $default, $$profiles[$i+1]) if $object-> isa($$profiles[$i]);
package Prima::Themes::Proxy;
sub new
return bless { object => $_[1] }, $_[0];
no strict;
my ($method) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /::([^:]+)$/;
return shift-> {object}-> $method( @_);
# do not fordward DESTROY
sub DESTROY {}
=head1 NAME
Prima::Themes - object themes management
Provides layer for theme registration in Prima. Themes are loosely grouped
alternations of default class properties and behavior, by default stored in
C<Prima/themes> subdirectory. The theme realization is implemented as interception
of object profile during its creation, inside C<::profile_add>. Various themes
apply various alterations, one way only - once an object is applied a theme,
it cannot be neither changed nor revoked thereafter.
Theme configuration can be stored in an rc file, F<~/.prima/themes>, and is
loaded automatically, unless C<$Prima::Themes::load_rc_file> explicitly set to C<0>
before loading the C<Prima::Themes> module. In effect, any Prima application
not aware of themes can be coupled with themes in the rc file by the following:
perl -MPrima::Themes program
C<Prima::Themes> namespace provides registration and execution functionality.
C<Prima::Themes::Proxy> is a class for overriding certain methods, for internal
realization of a theme.
For interactive theme selection use F<examples/> sample program.
# register a theme file
use Prima::Themes qw(color);
# or
use Prima::Themes; load('color');
# list registered themes
print Prima::Themes::list;
# install a theme
# list installed themes
print Prima::Themes::list_active;
# create object with another theme while 'cyan' is active
Class->create( theme => 'yellow');
# remove a theme
=head1 Prima::Themes
=over 4
=item load @THEME_MODULES
Load THEME_MODULES from files via C<use> clause, dies on error.
Can be used instead of explicit C<use>.
A loaded theme file may register one or more themes.
Registers a previously loaded theme. $THEME is a unique string identifier.
$MATCH is an array of pairs, where the first item is a class name,
and the second is an arbitrary scalar parameter. When a new object is created,
its class is matched via C<isa> to each given class name,
and if matched, the $CALLBACK routine is called with the following parameters:
object, default profile, user profile, second item of the matched pair.
If $CALLBACK is C<undef>, the default L<merger> routine is called,
which treats the second items of the pairs as hashes of the same format as
the default and user profiles.
The theme is inactive until C<install> is called. If $INSTALLER subroutine is
passed, it is called during install and uninstall, with two parameters, the
name of the theme and boolean install/uninstall flag. When install flag is 1,
the theme is about to be installed; the subroutine is expected to return a
boolean success flag. Otherwise, subroutine return value is not used.
$FILE is used to indicate the file in which the theme is stored.
=item deregister $THEME
Un-registers $THEME.
=item install @THEMES
Installs previosuly loaded and registered loaded THEMES; the installed themes
are now used to match new objects.
=item uninstall @THEMES
Uninstalls loaded THEMES.
=item list
Returns the list of registered themes.
=item list_active
Returns the list of installed themes.
=item loaded $THEME
Return 1 if $THEME is registered, 0 otherwise.
=item active $THEME
Return 1 if $THEME is installed, 0 otherwise.
=item select @THEMES
Uninstalls all currently installed themes, and installs THEMES instead.
Default profile merging routine, merges $PROFILE_THEME into $PROFILE_USER
by keys from $PROFILE_DEFAULT.
=item load_rc [ $INSTALL = 1 ]
Reads data F<~/.prima/themes> and loads listed modules.
If $INSTALL = 1, installs the themes from the rc file.
=item save_rc
Writes configuration of currently installed themes into rc file,
returns success flag. If success flag is 0, C<$!> contains the error.
=head1 Prima::Themes::Proxy
An instance of C<Prima::Themes::Proxy>, created as
Prima::Themes::Proxy-> new( $OBJECT)
is a non-functional wrapper for any Perl object $OBJECT. All methods of $OBJECT,
except C<AUTOLOAD>, C<DESTROY>, and C<new>, are forwarded to $OBJECT
itself transparently. The class can be used, for example, to deny all
changes to C<lineWidth> inside object's painting routine:
package ConstLineWidth;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Themes::Proxy);
sub lineWidth { 1 } # line width is always 1 now!
Prima::Themes::register( '~/lib/', 'constlinewidth',
[ 'Prima::Widget' => {
onPaint => sub {
my ( $object, $canvas) = @_;
$object-> on_paint( ConstLineWidth-> new( $canvas));
} ]
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 FILES
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Object>, F<examples/>