# Converted from menu.tcl --
# This file defines the default bindings for Tk menus and menubuttons.
# It also implements keyboard traversal of menus and implements a few
# other utility procedures related to menus.
# @(#) menu.tcl 1.34 94/12/19 17:09:09
# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package Tk::Menu;
require Tk;
require Tk::Widget;
require Tk::Wm;
require Tk::Derived;
require Tk::Menu::Item;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '4.023'; # was: sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #21 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
use strict;
use base qw(Tk::Wm Tk::Derived Tk::Widget);
Construct Tk::Widget 'Menu';
sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::_menu }
import Tk qw(Ev);
sub CreateArgs
my ($package,$parent,$args) = @_;
# Remove from hash %$args any configure-like
# options which only apply at create time (e.g. -class for Frame)
# return these as a list of -key => value pairs
my @result = ();
my $opt;
foreach $opt (qw(-type -screen -visual -colormap))
my $val = delete $args->{$opt};
push(@result, $opt => $val) if (defined $val);
return @result;
sub InitObject
my ($menu,$args) = @_;
my $menuitems = delete $args->{-menuitems};
$menu->ConfigSpecs(-foreground => ['SELF']);
if (defined $menuitems)
# If any other args do configure now
if (%$args)
%$args = ();
sub AddItems
my $menu = shift;
while (@_)
my $item = shift;
if (!ref($item))
$menu->separator; # A separator
my ($kind,$name,%minfo) = ( @$item );
my $invoke = delete $minfo{'-invoke'};
if (defined $name)
$minfo{-label} = $name unless defined($minfo{-label});
$menu->BackTrace("Don't recognize " . join(' ',@$item));
} # A non-separator
# Elements of tkPriv that are used in this file:
# cursor - Saves the -cursor option for the posted menubutton.
# focus - Saves the focus during a menu selection operation.
# Focus gets restored here when the menu is unposted.
# inMenubutton - The name of the menubutton widget containing
# the mouse, or an empty string if the mouse is
# not over any menubutton.
# popup - If a menu has been popped up via tk_popup, this
# gives the name of the menu. Otherwise this
# value is empty.
# postedMb - Name of the menubutton whose menu is currently
# posted, or an empty string if nothing is posted
# A grab is set on this widget.
# relief - Used to save the original relief of the current
# menubutton.
# window - When the mouse is over a menu, this holds the
# name of the menu; it's cleared when the mouse
# leaves the menu.
# Overall note:
# This file is tricky because there are four different ways that menus
# can be used:
# 1. As a pulldown from a menubutton. This is the most common usage.
# In this style, the variable tkPriv(postedMb) identifies the posted
# menubutton.
# 2. As a torn-off menu copied from some other menu. In this style
# tkPriv(postedMb) is empty, and the top-level menu is no
# override-redirect.
# 3. As an option menu, triggered from an option menubutton. In thi
# style tkPriv(postedMb) identifies the posted menubutton.
# 4. As a popup menu. In this style tkPriv(postedMb) is empty and
# the top-level menu is override-redirect.
# The various binding procedures use the state described above to
# distinguish the various cases and take different actions in each
# case.
# Bind --
# This procedure is invoked the first time the mouse enters a menubutton
# widget or a menubutton widget receives the input focus. It creates
# all of the class bindings for both menubuttons and menus.
# Arguments:
# w - The widget that was just entered or just received
# the input focus.
# event - Indicates which event caused the procedure to be invoked
# (Enter or FocusIn). It is used so that we can carry out
# the functions of that event in addition to setting up
# bindings.
sub ClassInit
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
# Must set focus when mouse enters a menu, in order to allow
# mixed-mode processing using both the mouse and the keyboard.
$mw->bind($class,'<FocusIn>', 'NoOp');
$mw->bind($class,'<Enter>', 'Enter');
$mw->bind($class,'<Leave>', ['Leave',Ev('X'),Ev('Y'),Ev('s')]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Motion>', ['Motion',Ev('x'),Ev('y'),Ev('s')]);
$mw->bind($class,'<KeyPress>', ['TraverseWithinMenu',Ev('K')]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Alt-KeyPress>', ['TraverseWithinMenu',Ev('K')]);
return $class;
sub UpArrow
my $menu = shift;
if ($menu->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
sub DownArrow
my $menu = shift;
if ($menu->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
sub LeftArrow
my $menu = shift;
if ($menu->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
sub RightArrow
my $menu = shift;
if ($menu->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
# Unpost --
# This procedure unposts a given menu, plus all of its ancestors up
# to (and including) a menubutton, if any. It also restores various
# values to what they were before the menu was posted, and releases
# a grab if there's a menubutton involved. Special notes:
# 1. It's important to unpost all menus before releasing the grab, so
# that any Enter-Leave events (e.g. from menu back to main
# application) have mode NotifyGrab.
# 2. Be sure to enclose various groups of commands in "catch" so that
# the procedure will complete even if the menubutton or the menu
# or the grab window has been deleted.
# Arguments:
# menu - Name of a menu to unpost. Ignored if there
# is a posted menubutton.
sub Unpost
my $menu = shift;
my $mb = $Tk::postedMb;
# Restore focus right away (otherwise X will take focus away when
# the menu is unmapped and under some window managers (e.g. olvwm)
# we'll lose the focus completely).
eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; $Tk::focus->focus() } if (defined $Tk::focus);
undef $Tk::focus;
# Unpost menu(s) and restore some stuff that's dependent on
# what was posted.
eval {local $SIG{__DIE__};
if (defined $mb)
$menu = $mb->cget('-menu');
$Tk::postedMb = undef;
elsif (defined $Tk::popup)
my $grab = $Tk::popup->grabCurrent;
$grab->grabRelease if (defined $grab);
undef $Tk::popup;
elsif (defined $menu && ref $menu &&
$menu->cget('-type') ne 'menubar' &&
$menu->cget('-type') ne 'tearoff'
# We're in a cascaded sub-menu from a torn-off menu or popup.
# Unpost all the menus up to the toplevel one (but not
# including the top-level torn-off one) and deactivate the
# top-level torn off menu if there is one.
while (1)
my $parent = $menu->parent;
last if (!$parent->IsMenu || !$parent->ismapped);
my $type = $parent->cget('-type');
last if ($type eq 'menubar' || $type eq 'tearoff');
$menu = $parent
$menu->unpost() if ($menu->cget('-type') ne 'menubar');
warn "$@" if ($@);
if ($Tk::tearoff || $Tk::menubar)
# Release grab, if any.
if (defined $menu && ref $menu)
my $grab = $menu->grabCurrent;
$grab->grabRelease if (defined $grab);
if ($Tk::menubar)
$Tk::menubar->configure(-cursor => $Tk::cursor);
undef $Tk::menubar;
if ($Tk::platform ne 'unix')
undef $Tk::tearoff;
sub RestoreOldGrab
if (defined $Tk::oldGrab)
local $SIG{__DIE__};
if ($Tk::grabStatus eq 'global')
undef $Tk::oldGrab;
sub typeIS
{my $w = shift;
my $type = $w->type(shift);
return defined $type && $type eq shift;
# Motion --
# This procedure is called to handle mouse motion events for menus.
# It does two things. First, it resets the active element in the
# menu, if the mouse is over the menu. Second, if a mouse button
# is down, it posts and unposts cascade entries to match the mouse
# position.
# Arguments:
# menu - The menu window.
# y - The y position of the mouse.
# state - Modifier state (tells whether buttons are down).
sub Motion
my $menu = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $state = shift;
my $t = $menu->cget('-type');
if ($menu->IS($Tk::window))
if ($menu->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
# if (defined($Tk::focus) && $Tk::focus != $menu)
if (($state & 0x1f00) != 0)
# ButtonDown --
# Handles button presses in menus. There are a couple of tricky things
# here:
# 1. Change the posted cascade entry (if any) to match the mouse position.
# 2. If there is a posted menubutton, must grab to the menubutton so
# that it can track mouse motions over other menubuttons and change
# the posted menu.
# 3. If there's no posted menubutton (e.g. because we're a torn-off menu
# or one of its descendants) must grab to the top-level menu so that
# we can track mouse motions across the entire menu hierarchy.
# Arguments:
# menu - The menu window.
sub ButtonDown
my $menu = shift;
return if (!$menu->viewable);
if (defined $Tk::postedMb && $Tk::postedMb->viewable)
while ($menu->cget('-type') eq 'normal'
&& $menu->parent->IsMenu
&& $menu->parent->ismapped
$menu = $menu->parent;
if (!defined $Tk::menuBar)
$Tk::menuBar = $menu;
$Tk::cursor = $menu->cget('-cursor');
$menu->configure(-cursor => 'arrow');
# Don't update grab information if the grab window isn't changing.
# Otherwise, we'll get an error when we unpost the menus and
# restore the grab, since the old grab window will not be viewable
# anymore.
$menu->SaveGrabInfo unless ($menu->IS($menu->grabCurrent));
# Must re-grab even if the grab window hasn't changed, in order
# to release the implicit grab from the button press.
$menu->grabGlobal if ($Tk::platform eq 'unix');
sub Enter
my $w = shift;
my $ev = $w->XEvent;
$Tk::window = $w;
if ($w->cget('-type') eq 'tearoff')
if ($ev->m ne 'NotifyUngrab')
$w->SetFocus if ($Tk::platform eq 'unix');
$w->Motion($ev->x, $ev->y, $ev->s);
# Leave --
# This procedure is invoked to handle Leave events for a menu. It
# deactivates everything unless the active element is a cascade element
# and the mouse is now over the submenu.
# Arguments:
# menu - The menu window.
# rootx, rooty - Root coordinates of mouse.
# state - Modifier state.
sub Leave
my $menu = shift;
my $rootx = shift;
my $rooty = shift;
my $state = shift;
undef $Tk::window;
return if ($menu->index('active') eq 'none');
if ($menu->typeIS('active','cascade'))
my $c = $menu->Containing($rootx,$rooty);
return if (defined $c && $menu->entrycget('active','-menu')->IS($c));
# Invoke --
# This procedure is invoked when button 1 is released over a menu.
# It invokes the appropriate menu action and unposts the menu if
# it came from a menubutton.
# Arguments:
# w - Name of the menu widget.
sub Invoke
my $w = shift;
my $release = shift;
if ($release && !defined($Tk::window))
# Mouse was pressed over a menu without a menu button, then
# dragged off the menu (possibly with a cascade posted) and
# released. Unpost everything and quit.
my $type = $w->type('active');
if ($w->typeIS('active','cascade'))
my $menu = $w->entrycget('active','-menu');
$menu->FirstEntry() if (defined $menu);
elsif ($w->typeIS('active','tearoff'))
elsif ($w->typeIS('active','menubar'))
# Escape --
# This procedure is invoked for the Cancel (or Escape) key. It unposts
# the given menu and, if it is the top-level menu for a menu button,
# unposts the menu button as well.
# Arguments:
# menu - Name of the menu window.
sub Escape
my $menu = shift;
my $parent = $menu->parent;
if (!$parent->IsMenu)
elsif ($parent->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
# LeftRight --
# This procedure is invoked to handle "left" and "right" traversal
# motions in menus. It traverses to the next menu in a menu bar,
# or into or out of a cascaded menu.
# Arguments:
# menu - The menu that received the keyboard
# event.
# direction - Direction in which to move: "left" or "right"
sub NextMenu
my $menu = shift;
my $direction = shift;
# First handle traversals into and out of cascaded menus.
my $count;
if ($direction eq 'right')
$count = 1;
if ($menu->typeIS('active','cascade'))
my $m2 = $menu->entrycget('active','-menu');
$m2->FirstEntry if (defined $m2);
my $parent = $menu->parent;
while ($parent->PathName ne '.')
if ($parent->IsMenu && $parent->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
$parent = $parent->parent;
$count = -1;
my $m2 = $menu->parent;
if ($m2->IsMenu)
if ($m2->cget('-type') ne 'menubar')
# Can't traverse into or out of a cascaded menu. Go to the next
# or previous menubutton, if that makes sense.
my $m2 = $menu->parent;
if ($m2->IsMenu)
if ($m2->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
my $w = $Tk::postedMb;
return unless defined $w;
my @buttons = $w->parent->children;
my $length = @buttons;
my $i = Tk::lsearch(\@buttons,$w)+$count;
my $mb;
while (1)
while ($i < 0)
$i += $length
while ($i >= $length)
$i += -$length
$mb = $buttons[$i];
last if ($mb->IsMenubutton && $mb->cget('-state') ne 'disabled'
&& defined($mb->cget('-menu'))
&& $mb->cget('-menu')->index('last') ne 'none'
return if ($mb == $w);
$i += $count
# NextEntry --
# Activate the next higher or lower entry in the posted menu,
# wrapping around at the ends. Disabled entries are skipped.
# Arguments:
# menu - Menu window that received the keystroke.
# count - 1 means go to the next lower entry,
# -1 means go to the next higher entry.
sub NextEntry
my $menu = shift;
my $count = shift;
if ($menu->index('last') eq 'none')
my $length = $menu->index('last')+1;
my $quitAfter = $length;
my $active = $menu->index('active');
my $i = ($active eq 'none') ? 0 : $active+$count;
while (1)
return if ($quitAfter <= 0);
while ($i < 0)
$i += $length
while ($i >= $length)
$i += -$length
my $state = eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; $menu->entrycget($i,'-state') };
last if (defined($state) && $state ne 'disabled');
return if ($i == $active);
$i += $count;
$quitAfter -= 1;
if ($menu->cget('-type') eq 'menubar' && $menu->type($i) eq 'cascade')
my $cascade = $menu->entrycget($i, '-menu');
$cascade->FirstEntry if (defined $cascade);
# tkTraverseWithinMenu
# This procedure implements keyboard traversal within a menu. It
# searches for an entry in the menu that has "char" underlined. If
# such an entry is found, it is invoked and the menu is unposted.
# Arguments:
# w - The name of the menu widget.
# char - The character to look for; case is
# ignored. If the string is empty then
# nothing happens.
sub TraverseWithinMenu
my $w = shift;
my $char = shift;
return unless (defined $char);
$char = "\L$char";
my $last = $w->index('last');
return if ($last eq 'none');
for (my $i = 0;$i <= $last;$i += 1)
my $label = eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; $w->entrycget($i,'-label') };
next unless defined($label);
my $ul = $w->entrycget($i,'-underline');
if (defined $ul && $ul >= 0)
$label = substr("\L$label",$ul,1);
if (defined($label) && $label eq $char)
if ($w->type($i) eq 'cascade')
my $m2 = $w->entrycget($i,'-menu');
$m2->FirstEntry if (defined $m2);
sub FindMenu
my ($menu,$char) = @_;
if ($menu->cget('-type') eq 'menubar')
if (!defined($char) || $char eq '')
return $menu;
return undef;
# FirstEntry --
# Given a menu, this procedure finds the first entry that isn't
# disabled or a tear-off or separator, and activates that entry.
# However, if there is already an active entry in the menu (e.g.,
# because of a previous call to tkPostOverPoint) then the active
# entry isn't changed. This procedure also sets the input focus
# to the menu.
# Arguments:
# menu - Name of the menu window (possibly empty).
sub FirstEntry
my $menu = shift;
return if (!defined($menu) || $menu eq '' || !ref($menu));
return if ($menu->index('active') ne 'none');
my $last = $menu->index('last');
return if ($last eq 'none');
for (my $i = 0;$i <= $last;$i += 1)
my $state = eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; $menu->entrycget($i,'-state') };
if (defined $state && $state ne 'disabled' && !$menu->typeIS($i,'tearoff'))
if ($menu->type($i) eq 'cascade')
my $cascade = $menu->entrycget($i,'-menu');
if (0 && defined $cascade)
# FindName --
# Given a menu and a text string, return the index of the menu entry
# that displays the string as its label. If there is no such entry,
# return an empty string. This procedure is tricky because some names
# like "active" have a special meaning in menu commands, so we can't
# always use the "index" widget command.
# Arguments:
# menu - Name of the menu widget.
# s - String to look for.
sub FindName
my $menu = shift;
my $s = shift;
my $i = undef;
if ($s !~ /^active$|^last$|^none$|^[0-9]|^@/)
$i = eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; $menu->index($s) };
return $i;
my $last = $menu->index('last');
return if ($last eq 'none');
for ($i = 0;$i <= $last;$i += 1)
my $label = eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; $menu->entrycget($i,'-label') };
return $i if (defined $label && $label eq $s);
return undef;
# PostOverPoint --
# This procedure posts a given menu such that a given entry in the
# menu is centered over a given point in the root window. It also
# activates the given entry.
# Arguments:
# menu - Menu to post.
# x, y - Root coordinates of point.
# entry - Index of entry within menu to center over (x,y).
# If omitted or specified as {}, then the menu's
# upper-left corner goes at (x,y).
sub PostOverPoint
my $menu = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $entry = shift;
if (defined $entry)
if ($entry == $menu->index('last'))
$y -= ($menu->yposition($entry)+$menu->height)/2;
$y -= ($menu->yposition($entry)+$menu->yposition($entry+1))/2;
$x -= $menu->reqwidth/2;
if (defined($entry) && $menu->entrycget($entry,'-state') ne 'disabled')
# tk_popup --
# This procedure pops up a menu and sets things up for traversing
# the menu and its submenus.
# Arguments:
# menu - Name of the menu to be popped up.
# x, y - Root coordinates at which to pop up the
# menu.
# entry - Index of a menu entry to center over (x,y).
# If omitted or specified as {}, then menu's
# upper-left corner goes at (x,y).
sub Post
my $menu = shift;
return unless (defined $menu);
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $entry = shift;
Unpost(undef) if (defined($Tk::popup) || defined($Tk::postedMb));
if ($Tk::platform eq 'unix' && $menu->viewable)
$Tk::popup = $menu;
$Tk::focus = $menu->focusCurrent;
sub SetFocus
my $menu = shift;
$Tk::focus = $menu->focusCurrent if (!defined($Tk::focus));
sub GenerateMenuSelect
my $menu = shift;
$Tk::activeMenu = $menu;
$Tk::activeItem = $menu->index('active');
$menu->eventGenerate('<<MenuSelect>>'); # FIXME
# Converted from tearoff.tcl --
# This file contains procedures that implement tear-off menus.
# @(#) tearoff.tcl 1.3 94/12/17 16:05:25
# Copyright (c) 1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# tkTearoffMenu --
# Given the name of a menu, this procedure creates a torn-off menu
# that is identical to the given menu (including nested submenus).
# The new torn-off menu exists as a toplevel window managed by the
# window manager. The return value is the name of the new menu.
# Arguments:
# w - The menu to be torn-off (duplicated).
sub tearOffMenu
my $w = shift;
my $x = (@_) ? shift : 0;
my $y = (@_) ? shift : 0;
$x = $w->rootx if $x == 0;
$y = $w->rooty if $y == 0;
# Find a unique name to use for the torn-off menu. Find the first
# ancestor of w that is a toplevel but not a menu, and use this as
# the parent of the new menu. This guarantees that the torn off
# menu will be on the same screen as the original menu. By making
# it a child of the ancestor, rather than a child of the menu, it
# can continue to live even if the menu is deleted; it will go
# away when the toplevel goes away.
my $parent = $w->parent;
while ($parent->toplevel != $parent || $parent->IsMenu)
$parent = $parent->parent;
my $menu = $w->clone($parent->PathName,'tearoff');
# Pick a title for the new menu by looking at the parent of the
# original: if the parent is a menu, then use the text of the active
# entry. If it's a menubutton then use its text.
my $title = $w->cget('-title');
# print ref($w),' ',$w->PathName," ",$menu->PathName," $w\n";
unless (defined $title && length($title))
$parent = $w->parent;
if ($parent)
if ($parent->IsMenubutton)
$title = $parent->cget('-text');
elsif ($parent->IsMenu)
$title = $parent->entrycget('active','-label');
$menu->title($title) if (defined $title && length($title));
if (!Tk::Exists($menu))
# Set tkPriv(focus) on entry: otherwise the focus will get lost
# after keyboard invocation of a sub-menu (it will stay on the
# submenu).
# This seems to conflict with <Enter> class binding above
# if this fires before the class binding the wrong thing
# will get saved in $Tk::focus
# $menu->bind('<Enter>','EnterFocus');
# Strangely tear-off menus do not work in tkpod and Tk804.027.
# Explicitely setting normal state helps here - why?
return $menu;
# tkMenuDup --
# Given a menu (hierarchy), create a duplicate menu (hierarchy)
# in a given window.
# Arguments:
# src - Source window. Must be a menu. It and its
# menu descendants will be duplicated at path.
# path - Name to use for topmost menu in duplicate
# hierarchy.
sub tkMenuDup
my ($src,$path,$type) = @_;
my ($pname,$name) = $path =~ /^(.*)\.([^\.]*)$/;
($name) = $src->PathName =~ /^.*\.([^\.]*)$/ unless $name;
my $parent = ($pname) ? $src->Widget($pname) : $src->MainWindow;
my %args = (Name => $name, -type => $type);
foreach my $option ($src->configure())
next if (@$option == 2);
$args{$$option[0]} = $$option[4] unless exists $args{$$option[0]};
my $dst = ref($src)->new($parent,%args);
# print "MenuDup $src $path $name $type ->",$dst->PathName,"\n";
$_[1] = $dst;
if ($type eq 'tearoff')
my $last = $src->index('last');
if ($last ne 'none')
for (my $i = $src->cget('-tearoff'); $i <= $last; $i++)
my $type = $src->type($i);
if (defined $type)
my @args = ();
foreach my $option ($src->entryconfigure($i))
next if (@$option == 2);
push(@args,$$option[0],$$option[4]) if (defined $$option[4]);
# Duplicate the binding tags and bindings from the source menu.
my @bindtags = $src->bindtags;
$path = $src->PathName;
foreach (@bindtags)
$_ = $dst if ($_ eq $path);
foreach my $event ($src->bind)
my $cb = $src->bind($event);
# print "$event => $cb\n";
return $dst;
# Some convenience methods
sub separator { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->Separator(@_); }
sub cascade { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->Cascade(@_); }
sub checkbutton { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->Checkbutton(@_); }
sub radiobutton { require Tk::Menu::Item; shift->Radiobutton(@_); }
sub command
my ($menu,%args) = @_;
require Tk::Menu::Item;
if (exists $args{-button})
# Backward compatible stuff from 'Menubar'
my $button = delete $args{-button};
$button = ['Misc', -underline => 0 ] unless (defined $button);
my @bargs = ();
($button,@bargs) = @$button if (ref($button) && ref $button eq 'ARRAY');
$menu = $menu->Menubutton(-label => $button, @bargs);
sub Menubutton
my ($menu,%args) = @_;
my $name = delete($args{'-text'}) || $args{'-label'};;
$args{'-label'} = $name if (defined $name);
my $items = delete $args{'-menuitems'};
foreach my $opt (qw(-pack -after -before -side -padx -ipadx -pady -ipady -fill))
delete $args{$opt};
if (defined($name) && !defined($args{-underline}))
my $underline = ($name =~ s/^(.*)~/$1/) ? length($1): undef;
if (defined($underline) && ($underline >= 0))
$args{-underline} = $underline;
$args{-label} = $name;
my $hash = $menu->TkHash('MenuButtons');
my $mb = $hash->{$name};
if (defined $mb)
delete $args{'-tearoff'}; # too late!
$mb->configure(%args) if %args;
$mb = $menu->cascade(%args);
$hash->{$name} = $mb;
$mb->menu->AddItems(@$items) if defined($items) && @$items;
return $mb;
sub BalloonInfo
my ($menu,$balloon,$X,$Y,@opt) = @_;
my $i = $menu->index('active');
if ($i eq 'none')
my $y = $Y - $menu->rooty;
$i = $menu->index("\@$y");
foreach my $opt (@opt)
my $info = $balloon->GetOption($opt,$menu);
if ($opt =~ /^-(statusmsg|balloonmsg)$/ && UNIVERSAL::isa($info,'ARRAY'))
return '' if $i eq 'none';
return ${$info}[$i] || '';
return $info;
sub MasterMenu
my ($menu) = @_;
my $pathname = $menu->PathName;
my $master_menu;
if ($pathname =~ m{#})
my $master_pathname = (split m{\.}, $pathname)[-1];
$master_pathname =~ s{#}{.}g;
$master_menu = $menu->Widget($master_pathname);
if (0 && !Tk::Exists($master_menu))
warn "Cannot find master menu <$master_pathname>";
# ::tk::AmpMenuArgs --
# Processes arguments for a menu entry, turning -label option into
# -label and -underline options, returned by ::tk::UnderlineAmpersand.
sub AmpArgs
my ($w, $add, $type, %args) = @_;
my @options;
while(my($opt,$val) = each %args)
if ($opt eq "-label")
my ($newtext,$under) = $w->UnderlineAmpersand($val);
push @options, -label => $newtext, -underline => $under;
push @options, $opt, $val;