# text.tcl --
# This file defines the default bindings for Tk text widgets.
# @(#) text.tcl 1.18 94/12/17 16:05:26
# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# perl/Tk version:
# Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Nick Ing-Simmons
# Copyright (c) 1999 Greg London
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
package Tk::Text;
use AutoLoader;
use Carp;
use strict;
use Text::Tabs;
use vars qw($VERSION);
#$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #24 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
$VERSION = '4.030';
use Tk qw(Ev $XS_VERSION);
use base qw(Tk::Clipboard Tk::Widget);
Construct Tk::Widget 'Text';
bootstrap Tk::Text;
sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::text }
sub Tk::Widget::ScrlText { shift->Scrolled('Text' => @_) }
use Tk::Submethods ( 'mark' => [qw(gravity names next previous set unset)],
'scan' => [qw(mark dragto)],
'tag' => [qw(add bind cget configure delete lower
names nextrange prevrange raise ranges remove)],
'window' => [qw(cget configure create names)],
'image' => [qw(cget configure create names)],
'xview' => [qw(moveto scroll)],
'yview' => [qw(moveto scroll)],
'edit' => [qw(modified redo reset separator undo)],
sub Tag;
sub Tags;
sub bindRdOnly
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
# Standard Motif bindings:
$mw->bind($class,'<B1-Motion>','B1_Motion' ) ;
$mw->bind($class,'<B1-Leave>','B1_Leave' ) ;
$mw->bind($class,'<Double-1>','selectWord' ) ;
$mw->bind($class,'<Triple-1>','selectLine' ) ;
$mw->bind($class,'<Shift-1>','adjustSelect' ) ;
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-Left>',['SetCursor',Ev('index','insert-1c wordstart')]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Control-Left>',['KeySelect',Ev('index','insert-1c wordstart')]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-Right>',['SetCursor',Ev('index','insert+1c wordend')]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Control-Right>',['KeySelect',Ev('index','insert wordend')]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Home>',['SetCursor','insert linestart']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Home>',['KeySelect','insert linestart']);
$mw->bind($class,'<End>',['SetCursor','insert lineend']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Shift-End>',['KeySelect','insert lineend']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Tab>', 'NoOp'); # Needed only to keep <Tab> binding from triggering; does not have to actually do anything.
if (!$Tk::strictMotif)
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-a>', ['SetCursor','insert linestart']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-b>', ['SetCursor','insert-1c']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-e>', ['SetCursor','insert lineend']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-f>', ['SetCursor','insert+1c']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Meta-b>', ['SetCursor','insert-1c wordstart']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Meta-f>', ['SetCursor','insert wordend']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Meta-less>', ['SetCursor','1.0']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Meta-greater>', ['SetCursor','end-1c']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-n>', ['SetCursor',Ev('UpDownLine',1)]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-p>', ['SetCursor',Ev('UpDownLine',-1)]);
$mw->bind($class, '<3>', ['PostPopupMenu', Ev('X'), Ev('Y')] );
return $class;
sub selectAll
my ($w) = @_;
sub unselectAll
my ($w) = @_;
sub adjustSelect
my ($w) = @_;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
sub selectLine
my ($w) = @_;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
Tk::catch { $w->markSet('insert','sel.first') };
sub selectWord
my ($w) = @_;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
Tk::catch { $w->markSet('insert','sel.first') }
sub ClassInit
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
$mw->bind($class,'<Tab>', 'insertTab');
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-i>', ['Insert',"\t"]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Return>', ['Insert',"\n"]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Insert>', \&ToggleInsertMode ) ;
$mw->bind($class,'<F1>', 'clipboardColumnCopy');
$mw->bind($class,'<F2>', 'clipboardColumnCut');
$mw->bind($class,'<F3>', 'clipboardColumnPaste');
# Additional emacs-like bindings:
if (!$Tk::strictMotif)
$mw->bind($class,'<Control-k>','deleteToEndofLine') ;
$mw->bind($class,'<Meta-d>',['delete','insert','insert wordend']);
$mw->bind($class,'<Meta-BackSpace>',['delete','insert-1c wordstart','insert']);
# A few additional bindings of my own.
#JD# $Tk::prevPos = undef;
return $class;
sub insertTab
my ($w) = @_;
sub deleteToEndofLine
my ($w) = @_;
if ($w->compare('insert','==','insert lineend'))
$w->delete('insert','insert lineend')
sub openLine
my ($w) = @_;
sub Button2
my ($w,$x,$y) = @_;
$Tk::x = $x;
$Tk::y = $y;
$Tk::mouseMoved = 0;
sub Motion2
my ($w,$x,$y) = @_;
$Tk::mouseMoved = 1 if ($x != $Tk::x || $y != $Tk::y);
$w->scan('dragto',$x,$y) if ($Tk::mouseMoved);
sub ButtonRelease2
my ($w) = @_;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
if (!$Tk::mouseMoved)
$w->focus if ($w->cget('-state') eq "normal");
sub InsertSelection
my ($w) = @_;
Tk::catch { $w->Insert($w->SelectionGet) }
sub Backspace
my ($w) = @_;
my $sel = Tk::catch { $w->tag('nextrange','sel','1.0','end') };
if (defined $sel)
sub deleteBefore
my ($w) = @_;
if ($w->compare('insert','!=','1.0'))
sub Delete
my ($w) = @_;
my $sel = Tk::catch { $w->tag('nextrange','sel','1.0','end') };
if (defined $sel)
# Button1 --
# This procedure is invoked to handle button-1 presses in text
# widgets. It moves the insertion cursor, sets the selection anchor,
# and claims the input focus.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window in which the button was pressed.
# x - The x-coordinate of the button press.
# y - The x-coordinate of the button press.
sub Button1
my ($w,$x,$y) = @_;
$Tk::selectMode = 'char';
$Tk::mouseMoved = 0;
$w->focus() if ($w->cget('-state') eq 'normal');
sub B1_Motion
my ($w) = @_;
return unless defined $Tk::mouseMoved;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$Tk::x = $Ev->x;
$Tk::y = $Ev->y;
sub B1_Leave
my ($w) = @_;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$Tk::x = $Ev->x;
$Tk::y = $Ev->y;
# SelectTo --
# This procedure is invoked to extend the selection, typically when
# dragging it with the mouse. Depending on the selection mode (character,
# word, line) it selects in different-sized units. This procedure
# ignores mouse motions initially until the mouse has moved from
# one character to another or until there have been multiple clicks.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window in which the button was pressed.
# index - Index of character at which the mouse button was pressed.
sub SelectTo
my ($w, $index, $mode)= @_;
$Tk::selectMode = $mode if defined ($mode);
my $cur = $w->index($index);
my $anchor = Tk::catch { $w->index('anchor') };
if (!defined $anchor)
$w->markSet('anchor',$anchor = $cur);
$Tk::mouseMoved = 0;
elsif ($w->compare($cur,'!=',$anchor))
$Tk::mouseMoved = 1;
$Tk::selectMode = 'char' unless (defined $Tk::selectMode);
$mode = $Tk::selectMode;
my ($first,$last);
if ($mode eq 'char')
if ($w->compare($cur,'<','anchor'))
$first = $cur;
$last = 'anchor';
$first = 'anchor';
$last = $cur
elsif ($mode eq 'word')
if ($w->compare($cur,'<','anchor'))
$first = $w->index("$cur wordstart");
$last = $w->index('anchor - 1c wordend')
$first = $w->index('anchor wordstart');
$last = $w->index("$cur wordend")
elsif ($mode eq 'line')
if ($w->compare($cur,'<','anchor'))
$first = $w->index("$cur linestart");
$last = $w->index('anchor - 1c lineend + 1c')
$first = $w->index('anchor linestart');
$last = $w->index("$cur lineend + 1c")
if ($Tk::mouseMoved || $Tk::selectMode ne 'char')
# AutoScan --
# This procedure is invoked when the mouse leaves a text window
# with button 1 down. It scrolls the window up, down, left, or right,
# depending on where the mouse is (this information was saved in
# tkPriv(x) and tkPriv(y)), and reschedules itself as an 'after'
# command so that the window continues to scroll until the mouse
# moves back into the window or the mouse button is released.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window.
sub AutoScan
my ($w) = @_;
if ($Tk::y >= $w->height)
elsif ($Tk::y < 0)
elsif ($Tk::x >= $w->width)
elsif ($Tk::x < 0)
$w->SelectTo('@' . $Tk::x . ','. $Tk::y);
# SetCursor
# Move the insertion cursor to a given position in a text. Also
# clears the selection, if there is one in the text, and makes sure
# that the insertion cursor is visible.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window.
# pos - The desired new position for the cursor in the window.
sub SetCursor
my ($w,$pos) = @_;
$pos = 'end - 1 chars' if $w->compare($pos,'==','end');
# KeySelect
# This procedure is invoked when stroking out selections using the
# keyboard. It moves the cursor to a new position, then extends
# the selection to that position.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window.
# new - A new position for the insertion cursor (the cursor has not
# actually been moved to this position yet).
sub KeySelect
my ($w,$new) = @_;
my ($first,$last);
if (!defined $w->tag('ranges','sel'))
# No selection yet
if ($w->compare($new,'<','insert'))
# Selection exists
if ($w->compare($new,'<','anchor'))
$first = $new;
$last = 'anchor'
$first = 'anchor';
$last = $new
# ResetAnchor --
# Set the selection anchor to whichever end is farthest from the
# index argument. One special trick: if the selection has two or
# fewer characters, just leave the anchor where it is. In this
# case it does not matter which point gets chosen for the anchor,
# and for the things like Shift-Left and Shift-Right this produces
# better behavior when the cursor moves back and forth across the
# anchor.
# Arguments:
# w - The text widget.
# index - Position at which mouse button was pressed, which determines
# which end of selection should be used as anchor point.
sub ResetAnchor
my ($w,$index) = @_;
if (!defined $w->tag('ranges','sel'))
my $a = $w->index($index);
my $b = $w->index('sel.first');
my $c = $w->index('sel.last');
if ($w->compare($a,'<',$b))
if ($w->compare($a,'>',$c))
my ($lineA,$chA) = split(/\./,$a);
my ($lineB,$chB) = split(/\./,$b);
my ($lineC,$chC) = split(/\./,$c);
if ($lineB < $lineC+2)
my $total = length($w->get($b,$c));
if ($total <= 2)
if (length($w->get($b,$a)) < $total/2)
if ($lineA-$lineB < $lineC-$lineA)
sub markExists
my ($w, $markname)=@_;
my $mark_exists=0;
my @markNames_list = $w->markNames;
foreach my $mark (@markNames_list)
{ if ($markname eq $mark) {$mark_exists=1;last;} }
return $mark_exists;
sub OverstrikeMode
my ($w,$mode) = @_;
$w->{'OVERSTRIKE_MODE'} =0 unless exists($w->{'OVERSTRIKE_MODE'});
$w->{'OVERSTRIKE_MODE'}=$mode if (@_ > 1);
return $w->{'OVERSTRIKE_MODE'};
# pressed the <Insert> key, just above 'Del' key.
# this toggles between insert mode and overstrike mode.
sub ToggleInsertMode
my ($w)=@_;
sub InsertKeypress
my ($w,$char)=@_;
return unless length($char);
if ($w->OverstrikeMode)
my $current=$w->get('insert');
$w->delete('insert') unless($current eq "\n");
sub GotoLineNumber
my ($w,$line_number) = @_;
$line_number=~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return if $line_number =~ m/\D/;
my ($last_line,$junk) = split(/\./, $w->index('end'));
if ($line_number > $last_line) {$line_number = $last_line; }
$w->{'LAST_GOTO_LINE'} = $line_number;
$w->markSet('insert', $line_number.'.0');
sub GotoLineNumberPopUp
my ($w)=@_;
my $popup = $w->{'GOTO_LINE_NUMBER_POPUP'};
unless (defined($w->{'LAST_GOTO_LINE'}))
my ($line,$col) = split(/\./, $w->index('insert'));
$w->{'LAST_GOTO_LINE'} = $line;
## if anything is selected when bring up the pop-up, put it in entry window.
my $selected;
eval { $selected = $w->SelectionGet(-selection => "PRIMARY"); };
unless ($@)
if (defined($selected) and length($selected))
unless ($selected =~ /\D/)
$w->{'LAST_GOTO_LINE'} = $selected;
unless (defined($popup))
require Tk::DialogBox;
$popup = $w->DialogBox(-buttons => [qw[Ok Cancel]],-title => "Goto Line Number", -popover => $w,
-command => sub { $w->GotoLineNumber($w->{'LAST_GOTO_LINE'}) if $_[0] eq 'Ok'});
my $frame = $popup->Frame->pack(-fill => 'x');
$frame->Label(-text=>'Enter line number: ')->pack(-side => 'left');
my $entry = $frame->Entry(-background=>'white', -width=>25,
-textvariable => \$w->{'LAST_GOTO_LINE'})->pack(-side =>'left',-fill => 'x');
$popup->Advertise(entry => $entry);
sub getSelected
sub deleteSelected
sub GetTextTaggedWith
my ($w,$tag) = @_;
my @ranges = $w->tagRanges($tag);
my $range_total = @ranges;
my $return_text='';
# if nothing selected, then ignore
if ($range_total == 0) {return $return_text;}
# for every range-pair, get selected text
my $first = shift(@ranges);
my $last = shift(@ranges);
my $text = $w->get($first , $last);
{$return_text = $return_text . $text;}
# if there is more tagged text, separate with an end of line character
{$return_text = $return_text . "\n";}
return $return_text;
sub DeleteTextTaggedWith
my ($w,$tag) = @_;
my @ranges = $w->tagRanges($tag);
my $range_total = @ranges;
# if nothing tagged with that tag, then ignore
if ($range_total == 0) {return;}
# insert marks where selections are located
# marks will move with text even as text is inserted and deleted
# in a previous selection.
for (my $i=0; $i<$range_total; $i++)
{ $w->markSet('mark_tag_'.$i => $ranges[$i]); }
# for every selected mark pair, insert new text and delete old text
for (my $i=0; $i<$range_total; $i=$i+2)
my $first = $w->index('mark_tag_'.$i);
my $last = $w->index('mark_tag_'.($i+1));
my $text = $w->delete($first , $last);
# delete the marks
for (my $i=0; $i<$range_total; $i++)
{ $w->markUnset('mark_tag_'.$i); }
sub FindAll
my ($w,$mode, $case, $pattern ) = @_;
### 'sel' tags accumulate, need to remove any previous existing
my $match_length=0;
my $start_index;
my $end_index = '1.0';
if ($case eq '-nocase')
$start_index = $w->search(
-count => \$match_length,
$pattern ,
$start_index = $w->search(
-count => \$match_length,
$pattern ,
unless(defined($start_index) && $start_index) {last;}
my ($line,$col) = split(/\./, $start_index);
$col = $col + $match_length;
$end_index = $line.'.'.$col;
$w->tagAdd('sel', $start_index, $end_index);
# get current selected text and search for the next occurrence
sub FindSelectionNext
my ($w) = @_;
my $selected;
eval {$selected = $w->SelectionGet(-selection => "PRIMARY"); };
return if($@);
return unless (defined($selected) and length($selected));
$w->FindNext('-forward', '-exact', '-case', $selected);
# get current selected text and search for the previous occurrence
sub FindSelectionPrevious
my ($w) = @_;
my $selected;
eval {$selected = $w->SelectionGet(-selection => "PRIMARY"); };
return if($@);
return unless (defined($selected) and length($selected));
$w->FindNext('-backward', '-exact', '-case', $selected);
sub FindNext
my ($w,$direction, $mode, $case, $pattern ) = @_;
## if searching forward, start search at end of selected block
## if backward, start search from start of selected block.
## dont want search to find currently selected text.
## tag 'sel' may not be defined, use eval loop to trap error
my $is_forward = $direction =~ m{^-f} && $direction eq substr("-forwards", 0, length($direction));
eval {
if ($is_forward)
$w->markSet('insert', 'sel.last');
$w->markSet('current', 'sel.last');
$w->markSet('insert', 'sel.first');
$w->markSet('current', 'sel.first');
my $saved_index=$w->index('insert');
# remove any previous existing tags
my $match_length=0;
my $start_index;
if ($case eq '-nocase')
$start_index = $w->search(
-count => \$match_length,
$pattern ,
$start_index = $w->search(
-count => \$match_length,
$pattern ,
unless(defined($start_index)) { return 0; }
if(length($start_index) == 0) { return 0; }
my ($line,$col) = split(/\./, $start_index);
$col = $col + $match_length;
my $end_index = $line.'.'.$col;
$w->tagAdd('sel', $start_index, $end_index);
if ($is_forward)
$w->markSet('insert', $end_index);
$w->markSet('current', $end_index);
$w->markSet('insert', $start_index);
$w->markSet('current', $start_index);
my $compared_index = $w->index('insert');
my $ret_val;
if ($compared_index eq $saved_index)
return $ret_val;
sub FindAndReplaceAll
my ($w,$mode, $case, $find, $replace ) = @_;
$w->markSet('insert', '1.0');
while($w->FindNext('-forward', $mode, $case, $find))
sub ReplaceSelectionsWith
my ($w,$new_text ) = @_;
my @ranges = $w->tagRanges('sel');
my $range_total = @ranges;
# if nothing selected, then ignore
if ($range_total == 0) {return};
# insert marks where selections are located
# marks will move with text even as text is inserted and deleted
# in a previous selection.
for (my $i=0; $i<$range_total; $i++)
{$w->markSet('mark_sel_'.$i => $ranges[$i]); }
# for every selected mark pair, insert new text and delete old text
my ($first, $last);
for (my $i=0; $i<$range_total; $i=$i+2)
$first = $w->index('mark_sel_'.$i);
$last = $w->index('mark_sel_'.($i+1));
# eventually, want to be able to get selected text,
# support regular expression matching, determine replace_text
# $replace_text = $selected_text=~m/$new_text/ (or whatever would work)
# will have to pass in mode and case flags.
# this would allow a regular expression search and replace to be performed
# example, look for "line (\d+):" and replace with "$1 >" or similar
$w->insert($last, $new_text);
$w->delete($first, $last);
# set the insert cursor to the end of the last insertion mark
# delete the marks
for (my $i=0; $i<$range_total; $i++)
{ $w->markUnset('mark_sel_'.$i); }
sub FindAndReplacePopUp
my ($w)=@_;
sub FindPopUp
my ($w)=@_;
sub findandreplacepopup
my ($w,$find_only)=@_;
my $pop = $w->Toplevel;
if ($find_only)
{ $pop->title("Find"); }
{ $pop->title("Find and/or Replace"); }
my $frame = $pop->Frame->pack(-anchor=>'nw');
->grid(-row=> 1, -column=>1, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
my $direction = '-forward';
-variable => \$direction,
-text => 'forward',-value => '-forward' )
->grid(-row=> 2, -column=>1, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
-variable => \$direction,
-text => 'backward',-value => '-backward' )
->grid(-row=> 3, -column=>1, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
->grid(-row=> 1, -column=>2, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
my $mode = '-exact';
-variable => \$mode, -text => 'exact',-value => '-exact' )
->grid(-row=> 2, -column=>2, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
-variable => \$mode, -text => 'regexp',-value => '-regexp' )
->grid(-row=> 3, -column=>2, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
->grid(-row=> 1, -column=>3, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
my $case = '-case';
-variable => \$case, -text => 'case',-value => '-case' )
->grid(-row=> 2, -column=>3, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
-variable => \$case, -text => 'nocase',-value => '-nocase' )
->grid(-row=> 3, -column=>3, -padx=> 20, -sticky => 'nw');
my $find_entry = $pop->Entry(-width=>25);
my $donext = sub {$w->FindNext ($direction,$mode,$case,$find_entry->get())};
$find_entry -> pack(-anchor=>'nw', '-expand' => 'yes' , -fill => 'x'); # autosizing
###### if any $w text is selected, put it in the find entry
###### could be more than one text block selected, get first selection
my @ranges = $w->tagRanges('sel');
if (@ranges)
my $first = shift(@ranges);
my $last = shift(@ranges);
# limit to one line
my ($first_line, $first_col) = split(/\./,$first);
my ($last_line, $last_col) = split(/\./,$last);
unless($first_line == $last_line)
{$last = $first. ' lineend';}
$find_entry->insert('insert', $w->get($first , $last));
my $selected;
eval {$selected=$w->SelectionGet(-selection => "PRIMARY"); };
if($@) {}
elsif (defined($selected))
{$find_entry->insert('insert', $selected);}
my ($replace_entry,$button_replace,$button_replace_all);
unless ($find_only)
$replace_entry = $pop->Entry(-width=>25);
$replace_entry -> pack(-anchor=>'nw', '-expand' => 'yes' , -fill => 'x');
my $button_find = $pop->Button(-text=>'Find', -command => $donext, -default => 'active')
-> pack(-side => 'left');
my $button_find_all = $pop->Button(-text=>'Find All',
-command => sub {$w->FindAll($mode,$case,$find_entry->get());} )
->pack(-side => 'left');
unless ($find_only)
$button_replace = $pop->Button(-text=>'Replace', -default => 'normal',
-command => sub {$w->ReplaceSelectionsWith($replace_entry->get());} )
-> pack(-side =>'left');
$button_replace_all = $pop->Button(-text=>'Replace All',
-command => sub {$w->FindAndReplaceAll
($mode,$case,$find_entry->get(),$replace_entry->get());} )
->pack(-side => 'left');
my $button_cancel = $pop->Button(-text=>'Cancel',
-command => sub {$pop->destroy()} )
->pack(-side => 'left');
$find_entry->bind("<Return>" => [$button_find, 'invoke']);
$find_entry->bind("<Escape>" => [$button_cancel, 'invoke']);
$find_entry->bind("<Return>" => [$button_find, 'invoke']);
$find_entry->bind("<Escape>" => [$button_cancel, 'invoke']);
return $pop;
# paste clipboard into current location
sub clipboardPaste
my ($w) = @_;
local $@;
Tk::catch { $w->Insert($w->clipboardGet) };
# Insert --
# Insert a string into a text at the point of the insertion cursor.
# If there is a selection in the text, and it covers the point of the
# insertion cursor, then delete the selection before inserting.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window in which to insert the string
# string - The string to insert (usually just a single character)
sub Insert
my ($w,$string) = @_;
return unless (defined $string && $string ne '');
#figure out if cursor is inside a selection
my @ranges = $w->tagRanges('sel');
if (@ranges)
while (@ranges)
my ($first,$last) = splice(@ranges,0,2);
if ($w->compare($first,'<=','insert') && $w->compare($last,'>=','insert'))
# paste it at the current cursor location
# UpDownLine --
# Returns the index of the character one *display* line above or below the
# insertion cursor. There are two tricky things here. First,
# we want to maintain the original column across repeated operations,
# even though some lines that will get passed through do not have
# enough characters to cover the original column. Second, do not
# try to scroll past the beginning or end of the text.
# This may have some weirdness associated with a proportional font. Ie.
# the insertion cursor will zigzag up or down according to the width of
# the character at destination.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window in which the cursor is to move.
# n - The number of lines to move: -1 for up one line,
# +1 for down one line.
sub UpDownLine
my ($w,$n) = @_;
my $i = $w->index('insert');
my ($line,$char) = split(/\./,$i);
my $testX; #used to check the "new" position
my $testY; #used to check the "new" position
(my $bx, my $by, my $bw, my $bh) = $w->bbox($i);
(my $lx, my $ly, my $lw, my $lh) = $w->dlineinfo($i);
if ( ($n == -1) and ($by <= $bh) )
#On first display line.. so scroll up and recalculate..
$w->yview('scroll', -1, 'units');
unless (($w->yview)[0]) {
#first line of entire text - keep same position.
return $i;
($bx, $by, $bw, $bh) = $w->bbox($i);
($lx, $ly, $lw, $lh) = $w->dlineinfo($i);
elsif ( ($n == 1) and
($ly + $lh) > ( $w->height - 2*$w->cget(-bd) - 2*$w->cget(-highlightthickness) - $lh + 1) )
#On last display line.. so scroll down and recalculate..
$w->yview('scroll', 1, 'units');
($bx, $by, $bw, $bh) = $w->bbox($i);
($lx, $ly, $lw, $lh) = $w->dlineinfo($i);
# Calculate the vertical position of the next display line
my $Yoffset = 0;
$Yoffset = $by - $ly + 1 if ($n== -1);
$Yoffset = $ly + $lh + 1 - $by if ($n == 1);
$testY = $by + $Yoffset;
# Save the original 'x' position of the insert cursor if:
# 1. This is the first time through -- or --
# 2. The insert cursor position has changed from the previous
# time the up or down key was pressed -- or --
# 3. The cursor has reached the beginning or end of the widget.
no warnings 'uninitialized';
if (not defined $w->{'origx'} or ($w->{'lastindex'} != $i) )
$w->{'origx'} = $bx;
# Try to keep the same column if possible
$testX = $w->{'origx'};
# Get the coordinates of the possible new position
my $testindex = $w->index('@'.$testX.','.$testY );
my ($nx,$ny,$nw,$nh) = $w->bbox($testindex);
# Which side of the character should we position the cursor -
# mainly for a proportional font
if ($testX > $nx+$nw/2)
$testX = $nx+$nw+1;
my $newindex = $w->index('@'.$testX.','.$testY );
if ( $w->compare($newindex,'==','end - 1 char') and ($ny == $ly ) )
# Then we are trying to the 'end' of the text from
# the same display line - don't do that
return $i;
$w->{'lastindex'} = $newindex;
return $newindex;
# PrevPara --
# Returns the index of the beginning of the paragraph just before a given
# position in the text (the beginning of a paragraph is the first non-blank
# character after a blank line).
# Arguments:
# w - The text window in which the cursor is to move.
# pos - Position at which to start search.
sub PrevPara
my ($w,$pos) = @_;
$pos = $w->index("$pos linestart");
while (1)
if ($w->get("$pos - 1 line") eq "\n" && $w->get($pos) ne "\n" || $pos eq '1.0' )
my $string = $w->get($pos,"$pos lineend");
if ($string =~ /^(\s)+/)
my $off = length($1);
$pos = $w->index("$pos + $off chars")
if ($w->compare($pos,'!=','insert') || $pos eq '1.0')
return $pos;
$pos = $w->index("$pos - 1 line")
# NextPara --
# Returns the index of the beginning of the paragraph just after a given
# position in the text (the beginning of a paragraph is the first non-blank
# character after a blank line).
# Arguments:
# w - The text window in which the cursor is to move.
# start - Position at which to start search.
sub NextPara
my ($w,$start) = @_;
my $pos = $w->index("$start linestart + 1 line");
while ($w->get($pos) ne "\n")
if ($w->compare($pos,'==','end'))
return $w->index('end - 1c');
$pos = $w->index("$pos + 1 line")
while ($w->get($pos) eq "\n" )
$pos = $w->index("$pos + 1 line");
if ($w->compare($pos,'==','end'))
return $w->index('end - 1c');
my $string = $w->get($pos,"$pos lineend");
if ($string =~ /^(\s+)/)
my $off = length($1);
return $w->index("$pos + $off chars");
return $pos;
# ScrollPages --
# This is a utility procedure used in bindings for moving up and down
# pages and possibly extending the selection along the way. It scrolls
# the view in the widget by the number of pages, and it returns the
# index of the character that is at the same position in the new view
# as the insertion cursor used to be in the old view.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window in which the cursor is to move.
# count - Number of pages forward to scroll; may be negative
# to scroll backwards.
sub ScrollPages
my ($w,$count) = @_;
my @bbox = $w->bbox('insert');
if (!@bbox)
return $w->index('@' . int($w->height/2) . ',' . 0);
my $x = int($bbox[0]+$bbox[2]/2);
my $y = int($bbox[1]+$bbox[3]/2);
return $w->index('@' . $x . ',' . $y);
sub Contents
my $w = shift;
if (@_)
$w->insert('end',shift) while (@_);
return $w->get('1.0','end -1c');
sub Destroy
my ($w) = @_;
delete $w->{_Tags_};
sub Transpose
my ($w) = @_;
my $pos = 'insert';
$pos = $w->index("$pos + 1 char") if ($w->compare($pos,'!=',"$pos lineend"));
return if ($w->compare("$pos - 1 char",'==','1.0'));
my $new = $w->get("$pos - 1 char").$w->get("$pos - 2 char");
$w->delete("$pos - 2 char",$pos);
sub Tag
my $w = shift;
my $name = shift;
Carp::confess('No args') unless (ref $w and defined $name);
$w->{_Tags_} = {} unless (exists $w->{_Tags_});
unless (exists $w->{_Tags_}{$name})
require Tk::Text::Tag;
$w->{_Tags_}{$name} = 'Tk::Text::Tag'->new($w,$name);
$w->{_Tags_}{$name}->configure(@_) if (@_);
return $w->{_Tags_}{$name};
sub Tags
my ($w,$name) = @_;
my @result = ();
foreach $name ($w->tagNames(@_))
return @result;
my ($class,$obj) = @_;
return $obj;
my $w = shift;
# Find out whether 'end' is displayed at the moment
# Retrieve the position of the bottom of the window as
# a fraction of the entire contents of the Text widget
my $yview = ($w->yview)[1];
# If $yview is 1.0 this means that 'end' is visible in the window
my $update = 0;
$update = 1 if $yview == 1.0;
# Loop over all input strings
while (@_)
# Move the window to see the end of the text if required
$w->see('end') if $update;
my $w = shift;
my ($w, $scalar, $length, $offset) = @_;
unless (defined $length) { $length = length $scalar }
unless (defined $offset) { $offset = 0 }
$w->PRINT(substr($scalar, $offset, $length));
sub WhatLineNumberPopUp
my ($w)=@_;
my ($line,$col) = split(/\./,$w->index('insert'));
$w->messageBox(-type => 'Ok', -title => "What Line Number",
-message => "The cursor is on line $line (column is $col)");
sub MenuLabels
return qw[~File ~Edit ~Search ~View];
sub SearchMenuItems
my ($w) = @_;
return [
['command'=>'~Find', -command => [$w => 'FindPopUp']],
['command'=>'Find ~Next', -command => [$w => 'FindSelectionNext']],
['command'=>'Find ~Previous', -command => [$w => 'FindSelectionPrevious']],
['command'=>'~Replace', -command => [$w => 'FindAndReplacePopUp']]
sub EditMenuItems
my ($w) = @_;
my @items = ();
foreach my $op ($w->clipEvents)
push(@items,['command' => "~$op", -command => [ $w => "clipboard$op"]]);
['command'=>'Select All', -command => [$w => 'selectAll']],
['command'=>'Unselect All', -command => [$w => 'unselectAll']],
return \@items;
sub ViewMenuItems
my ($w) = @_;
my $v;
tie $v,'Tk::Configure',$w,'-wrap';
return [
['command'=>'Goto ~Line...', -command => [$w => 'GotoLineNumberPopUp']],
['command'=>'~Which Line?', -command => [$w => 'WhatLineNumberPopUp']],
['cascade'=> 'Wrap', -tearoff => 0, -menuitems => [
[radiobutton => 'Word', -variable => \$v, -value => 'word'],
[radiobutton => 'Character', -variable => \$v, -value => 'char'],
[radiobutton => 'None', -variable => \$v, -value => 'none'],
sub clipboardColumnCopy
my ($w) = @_;
sub clipboardColumnCut
my ($w) = @_;
sub Column_Copy_or_Cut
my ($w, $cut) = @_;
my @ranges = $w->tagRanges('sel');
my $range_total = @ranges;
# this only makes sense if there is one selected block
unless ($range_total==2)
my $selection_start_index = shift(@ranges);
my $selection_end_index = shift(@ranges);
my ($start_line, $start_column) = split(/\./, $selection_start_index);
my ($end_line, $end_column) = split(/\./, $selection_end_index);
# correct indices for tabs
my $string;
$string = $w->get($start_line.'.0', $start_line.'.0 lineend');
$string = substr($string, 0, $start_column);
$string = expand($string);
my $tab_start_column = length($string);
$string = $w->get($end_line.'.0', $end_line.'.0 lineend');
$string = substr($string, 0, $end_column);
$string = expand($string);
my $tab_end_column = length($string);
my $length = $tab_end_column - $tab_start_column;
$selection_start_index = $start_line . '.' . $tab_start_column;
$selection_end_index = $end_line . '.' . $tab_end_column;
# clear the clipboard
my ($clipstring, $startstring, $endstring);
my $padded_string = ' 'x$tab_end_column;
for(my $line = $start_line; $line <= $end_line; $line++)
$string = $w->get($line.'.0', $line.'.0 lineend');
$string = expand($string) . $padded_string;
$clipstring = substr($string, $tab_start_column, $length);
#$clipstring = unexpand($clipstring);
if ($cut)
$startstring = substr($string, 0, $tab_start_column);
$startstring = unexpand($startstring);
$start_column = length($startstring);
$endstring = substr($string, 0, $tab_end_column );
$endstring = unexpand($endstring);
$end_column = length($endstring);
$w->delete($line.'.'.$start_column, $line.'.'.$end_column);
sub clipboardColumnPaste
my ($w) = @_;
my @ranges = $w->tagRanges('sel');
my $range_total = @ranges;
if ($range_total)
warn " there cannot be any selections during clipboardColumnPaste. \n";
my $clipboard_text;
$clipboard_text = $w->SelectionGet(-selection => "CLIPBOARD");
return unless (defined($clipboard_text));
return unless (length($clipboard_text));
my $string;
my $current_index = $w->index('insert');
my ($current_line, $current_column) = split(/\./,$current_index);
$string = $w->get($current_line.'.0', $current_line.'.'.$current_column);
$string = expand($string);
$current_column = length($string);
my @clipboard_lines = split(/\n/,$clipboard_text);
my $length;
my $end_index;
my ($delete_start_column, $delete_end_column, $insert_column_index);
foreach my $line (@clipboard_lines)
if ($w->OverstrikeMode)
#figure out start and end indexes to delete, compensating for tabs.
$string = $w->get($current_line.'.0', $current_line.'.0 lineend');
$string = expand($string);
$string = substr($string, 0, $current_column);
$string = unexpand($string);
$delete_start_column = length($string);
$string = $w->get($current_line.'.0', $current_line.'.0 lineend');
$string = expand($string);
$string = substr($string, 0, $current_column + length($line));
chomp($string); # dont delete a "\n" on end of line.
$string = unexpand($string);
$delete_end_column = length($string);
$current_line.'.'.$delete_start_column ,
$string = $w->get($current_line.'.0', $current_line.'.0 lineend');
$string = expand($string);
$string = substr($string, 0, $current_column);
$string = unexpand($string);
$insert_column_index = length($string);
$w->insert($current_line.'.'.$insert_column_index, unexpand($line));
# Backward compatibility
sub GetMenu
carp((caller(0))[3]." is deprecated") if $^W;