# Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# An example of a geometry manager "widget" in perl
package Tk::Tiler;
require Tk;
require Tk::Frame;
use vars qw($VERSION);
#$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #12 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
$VERSION = '4.013';
use base qw(Tk::Frame);
Construct Tk::Widget 'Tiler';
sub Tk::Widget::ScrlTiler { shift->Scrolled('Tiler' => @_) }
sub FocusChildren
return (wantarray) ? () : 0;
sub Populate
my ($obj,$args) = @_;
$obj->{Slaves} = [];
$obj->{LayoutPending} = 0;
$obj->{Start} = 0;
$obj->{Sw} = 0;
$obj->{Sh} = 0;
$obj->ConfigSpecs('-takefocus' => ['SELF', 'takeFocus','TakeFocus',1],
'-highlightthickness' => ['SELF', 'highlightThickness','HighlightThickness',2],
'-yscrollcommand' => ['CALLBACK',undef,undef,undef],
'-columns' => ['PASSIVE','columns','Columns',5],
'-rows' => ['PASSIVE','rows','Rows',10]
return $obj;
sub change_size
my ($w) = shift;
my $r = $w->cget('-rows');
my $c = $w->cget('-columns');
my $bw = $w->cget(-highlightthickness);
if (defined $r && defined $c)
sub Layout
my $m = shift;
my $bw = $m->cget(-highlightthickness);
my $why = $m->{LayoutPending};
$m->{LayoutPending} = 0;
my $W = $m->Width;
my $H = $m->Height;
my $w = $m->{Sw} || 1; # max width of slave
my $h = $m->{Sh} || 1; # max height of slave
my $x = $bw;
my $y = $bw;
my $start = 0;
# Set size and position of slaves
my $rows = $m->{Rows} = int(($H-2*$bw)/$h) || 1;
my $cols = $m->{Cols} = int(($W-2*$bw)/$w) || 1;
my $need = $m->{Need} = int( (@{$m->{Slaves}}+$cols-1)/$cols );
$m->{Start} = ($need - $rows) if ($m->{Start} + $rows > $need);
$m->{Start} = 0 if ($m->{Start} < 0);
my $row = 0;
my @posn = ();
my $s;
foreach $s (@{$m->{Slaves}})
if ($row < $m->{Start})
$x += $w;
if ($x+$w+$bw > $W)
$x = $bw;
elsif ($y+$h+$bw > $H)
$s->ResizeWindow($w,$h) if ($why & 1);
$x += $w;
if ($x+$w+$bw > $W)
$x = $bw;
$y += $h;
$s->ResizeWindow($w,$h) if ($why & 1);
$row++ if ($x > $bw);
if (defined $m->{Prev} && $m->{Prev} > $m->{Start})
@posn = reverse(@posn);
while (@posn)
my $posn = shift(@posn);
my ($s,$x,$y) = (@$posn);
$m->{Prev} = $m->{Start};
$m->Callback(-yscrollcommand => $m->{Start}/$need,$row/$need) if $need;
sub QueueLayout
my ($m,$why) = @_;
$m->afterIdle(['Layout',$m]) unless ($m->{LayoutPending});
$m->{LayoutPending} |= $why;
sub SlaveGeometryRequest
my ($m,$s) = @_;
my $sw = $s->ReqWidth;
my $sh = $s->ReqHeight;
my $sz = 0;
if ($sw > $m->{Sw})
$m->{Sw} = $sw;
if ($sh > $m->{Sh})
$m->{Sh} = $sh;
$m->change_size if ($sz);
sub LostSlave
my ($m,$s) = @_;
@{$m->{Slaves}} = grep($_ != $s,@{$m->{Slaves}});
sub Manage
my $m = shift;
my $s;
foreach $s (@_)
$m->QueueLayout(2 | 1);
sub moveto
my ($m,$frac) = (@_);
$m->{Start} = int($m->{Need} * $frac);
sub scroll
my ($m,$delta,$type) = @_;
$delta *= $m->{Rows}/2 if ($type eq 'pages');
$m->{Start} += $delta;
sub yview { my $w = shift; my $c = shift; $w->$c(@_) }
sub FocusIn
my ($w) = @_;
# print 'Focus ',$w->PathName,"\n";
sub ClassInit
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
$mw->bind($class,'<FocusIn>', 'NoOp');
return $class;