���\j� � @ s d dl mZmZmZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZddlm Z ddl
mZmZ ddlm
ddlmZ [[[G d d
� d
e�ZG dd� de�ZG d
d� de�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd%dd�Ze� dd� Zdd� Zd&dd �Zd!d"� Zd#d$� ZdS )'� )�absolute_import�print_function�unicode_literalsN� )�gpgme)�
GPGMEError)� constants)�errors)�utilc s� e Zd ZdZdd� Z� fdd�Zdd� Zdd � Zd
d� Ze dd
� �Z
e dd� �Zdd� Ze
� Zddd�Zejd�Zdd� Z� fdd�Z� ZS )�GpgmeWrapperz>Base wrapper class
Not to be instantiated directly.
c C s d | _ || _d S )N)�_callback_excinfo�wrapped)�selfr � r �/usr/lib64/python3.6/core.py�__init__3 s zGpgmeWrapper.__init__c s dj tt| �j� | j�S )Nz <{}/{!r}>)�format�superr �__repr__r )r )� __class__r r r 7 s zGpgmeWrapper.__repr__c sP dj t� jj�g}� fdd�� jD �}|r@|jdj dj|��� dj dj|��S )Nz{}.{}c s g | ]}t � |�r|�qS r )�getattr)�.0�f)r r r �
<listcomp>= s z(GpgmeWrapper.__str__.<locals>.<listcomp>z({})� z<{}>)r �__name__r �_boolean_properties�append�join)r Zacc�flagsr )r r �__str__; s
zGpgmeWrapper.__str__c C s t t| j��S )N)�hash�reprr )r r r r �__hash__C s zGpgmeWrapper.__hash__c C s$ |d krdS t | j�t |j�kS d S )NF)r# r )r �otherr r r �__eq__F s zGpgmeWrapper.__eq__c C s
t � �dS )z]The name of the c type wrapped by this class
Must be set by child classes.
N)�NotImplementedError)r r r r �_ctypeL s zGpgmeWrapper._ctypec C s
t � �dS )zgThe common prefix of c functions wrapped by this class
Must be set by child classes.