shell bypass 403
�fn � �T � d Z ddlZ ej d� � Zdd�Z G d� d� � ZdS ) z�Manage HTTP Response Headers
Much of this module is red-handedly pilfered from email.message in the stdlib,
so portions are Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Python Software Foundation, and were
written by Barry Warsaw.
� Nz[ \(\)<>@,;:\\"/\[\]\?=]� c �� � |�ht |� � dk rU|st � |� � r2|� dd� � � dd� � }| �d|�d�S | �d|��S | S ) z~Convenience function to format and return a key=value pair.
This will quote the value if needed or if quote is true.
Nr �\z\\�"z\"z="�=)�len� tspecials�search�replace)�param�value�quotes �(/usr/lib64/python3.11/wsgiref/�_formatparamr
s� � �
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� Zdd�Zd� Z
� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� ZdS )�Headersz,Manage a collection of HTTP response headersNc �j � |�|ng }t |� � t urt d� � �|| _ d S )Nz+Headers must be a list of name/value tuples)�type�list� TypeError�_headers�_convert_string_type)�self�headers�k�vs r �__init__zHeaders.__init__ sA � �$�0�'�'�b����=�=��$�$��I�J�J�J���
� -� -r c � � t |� � t u r|S t d� t |� � � � � � �)zConvert/check value type.z1Header names/values must be of type str (got {0}))r �str�AssertionError�format�repr)r r
s r r zHeaders._convert_string_type) sB � ���;�;�#����L�� %�%+�V�D��K�K�%8�%8�:� :� :r c �* � t | j � � S )z9Return the total number of headers, including duplicates.)r r �r s r �__len__zHeaders.__len__0 s � ��4�=�!�!�!r c � � | |= | j � | � |� � | � |� � f� � dS )zSet the value of a header.N)r �appendr )r �name�vals r �__setitem__zHeaders.__setitem__4 sV � ���J��
,�d�.G�.G��.L�.L�M� O� O� O� O� Or c � �� | � �� � � � � ��fd�| j D � � | j dd�<