shell bypass 403
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isinstance�str�bytes� TypeError�type�all�map�os�path�isabs�
ValueError�_get_invalid_paths_message�environ�get�_parse_python_tzpath� sysconfig�get_config_var�tupler )�to�tzpaths�base_tzpath�env_vars �)/usr/lib64/python3.11/zoneinfo/�reset_tzpathr s� � � �G����g��U�|�,�,� ��4�5��g���5�5�'�5�5�6�� �
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d|z t � � |S )N� r z>Invalid paths specified in PYTHONTZPATH environment variable. )�splitr
�pathsepr �filterr r �len�warningsr �warn�InvalidTZPathWarning)r �
new_tzpathr% �msgs r r r s� � �� ��r����r�z�*�*�J��v�b�g�m�Z�8�8�9�9�J� �:���#�j�/�/�)�)�����(��4�4���
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z@Paths should be absolute but found the following relative paths:)�join)r �
invalid_paths�prefix�indented_strs r r r 5 sC � �I�I�g�I�I�I�M�
�6�6�6�L� K�
� �r c � � t | � � t D ]E}t j � || � � }t j � |� � r|c S �FdS )z,Retrieve the path to a TZif file from a key.N)�_validate_tzfile_pathr r
r r0 �isfile)�key�search_path�filepaths r �find_tzfiler: A s_ � ��#����� � ���7�<�<��S�1�1��
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r r r �normpathr$ r0 �
startswith)r �_base�new_path�resolveds r r5 r5 O s� � � �w�}�}�T���
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� � r|� |� � ���ܐ�d|v r|� d� � |S )
a" Returns a set containing all available time zones.
.. caution::
This may attempt to open a large number of files, since the best way to
determine if a given file on the time zone search path is to open it
and check for the "magic string" at the beginning.
r )� resources�tzdata�zones�rNc � � t | d� � 5 }|� d� � dk cd d d � � S # 1 swxY w Y d S # t $ r Y dS w xY w)N�rb� s TZifF)�open�read� Exception)�fpath�fs r � valid_keyz&available_timezones.<locals>.valid_key� s� � � ��e�T�"�"�
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posixrules)� importlibrD �set�files�joinpathrK �strip�add�ImportError�FileNotFoundErrorr r
r �exists�walk�remover0 �relpath�sep�replace)rD �valid_zonesrO �zonerP �tz_root�root�dirnamesrX �filerN r7 s r �available_timezonesrj i so � � $�#�#�#�#�#��%�%�K�
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